What Part Of “The Dust Bowl Ended” Does Eugene Robinson Not Understand?

Monday, 08.13.12

Global warming is here to stay


Excuse me, folks, but the weather is trying to tell us something. Listen carefully, and you can almost hear a parched, raspy voice whispering, “What part of ‘hottest month ever’ do you people not understand?”

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, July was indeed the hottest month in the contiguous United States since record-keeping began more than a century ago. That distinction was previously held by July 1936, which came at the height of the Dust Bowl calamity that devastated the American heartland.

Global warming is here to stay – Other Views – MiamiHerald.com

Eugene sounds like an hysterical teenage girl on the whacky weed. Does Eugene know that February 1936 was the coldest month in US history?

Temperatures have already plummeted to well below normal, Eugene. The only thing that is here to stay is your neurotic fear and cluelessness.

10-Day Temperature Outlook for the Conterminous U.S.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to What Part Of “The Dust Bowl Ended” Does Eugene Robinson Not Understand?

  1. Shooter says:

    When will this dumbass learn that weather is not climate?

  2. Traitor In Chief says:

    Eugene is an idiot. If you observe closely, arguments from climate con artists are often only 3 sentences deep at most. A claim, followed by often one, sometimes 2 supporting statements. This is because there is no substantive support to those claims. Mixed in with this are ridicule, derision, ad homs, straw men, and appeals to authority and emotion. Their method is to use an easily repeated statement and anything that will manipulate emotions of the reader. As I’ve said before: All Hat, No Cattle.

  3. ozspeaksup says:

    Eugene should be hearing chattering teeth saying…”you’re a maroon” any minute:-)

  4. lindasduby says:

    He is a friggen dumbass–who reads his crap anyways–

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