HAMweather Climate Center – Record Events for The Past Week – Northern Plains View
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- arn on Angry And Protesting
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- Allan Shelton on Causes Of Earthquakes
One hopes that when we get record colds that you will search through old newspaper cuttings from the past to show it was cold then too :p I get the feeling not as much old sleuthing will be done for cold snaps though 🙂
Of course it was cold then but it shouldn’t be nowwithglobal warming.
Just wait a few days and you will see boatloads of cold temperature records.
Cold shots like this in the late summer and early fall are usually followed by a frenzy of hurricane activity, because you get the colder to raise pressures over the united states, and you force air to rise underneath that over the Gulf and caribbean. Combine that with an upward MJO pulse and things are really about to crank up, This shot of cool should push away any claims that this summer was the hottest on record, but of course NOAA could find a way to lie to us, again.
Haven’t heard a peep about this from Jeff Masters or McKibben.
“Record cold in the upper midwest”
EXACTLY! That is just what we predicted! NOW will you sceptics admit that we have global warming?!
(sarc off)
Actually a more honest response from the CAGW crowd would be “Record cold in the upper midwest? Not after WE get through with adjusting the record…”