A Close Up Of The Ice Free Arctic

These 20 mile long ice cubes apparently aren’t big enough for a Polar Bear, as they don’t get counted by NSIDC or JAXA as being ice.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to A Close Up Of The Ice Free Arctic

  1. johnmcguire says:

    Come on Steven , reality doesn’t support the warmist position or their predictions . It isn’t fair to expect their reports to reflect reality. You obviously do not understand post normal science . If you bash your head against a wooden post a few times and dump about 50 IQ points then possibly you will be dumb enough to understand global warming , climate change , whatever spin name they are putting on it now in order to not have to face up to their failures , idiocy . Scratch that Steven , in your case you would have to dump more than 50 .

  2. Peter Ellis says:

    I’m intrigued. Which particular floe do you think is 20 miles long? There’s nothing in that picture above a pixel or two (i.e. ~500 metres)

  3. sod says:

    the scale is at the bottom of the picture. on my screen, 20 miles is about an inch long. there is nothing of that length in the part of the picture, that Steven provides above.

  4. 20 miles long, 250m wide. That’s called Spaghettieis. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spaghettieis)

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