The first foursome froze to death.
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Greenland Open ha ha!
They are preparing the South Pole Open.
Go figure. Its cold at 10000 feet.
Snow Blankets Alps Down To Less Than 1600 Meters!
Almost all of the ice sheet is at high altitude.
That’s too obvious
The funny thing is 2007 also had a high snow fall, the ski resorts are saying it’s an indicator for a good season.
Another Valentine’s Day Blizzard?
“Streets around the Goddard range were hit especially hard by the snowfall.”
Musta been quite a shock for the second foursome seeing dem stiffs assuming room temperature.
Found at WUWT, you get a few mentions in this video:
This video is poorly made. Apparently they don’t know much about WUWT. But who would expect most ‘global warming’ believers to know what they’re doing.
haha triple point goddard to the rescue. Count de Pixels!
Grow up.
Are you the same Steven Mosher who wrote at WUWT on April 21, 2012, the following:
“Fantasing about the death of skeptics is the penultimate step. Given what Zwick wrote, this hacking is not to be taken lightly. Long before this or the 10:10 video I explained that this stage would come. First stage: declare the end of debate. Second stage: ignore the other side.
Third stage: dehumanize the other side ( crazy, criminal, ect) Fourth stage: Fantasize violence.
5th stage: real violence.”
Think of frozen AGW hysterics as meat Popsicles for Polar bears.
Steve, I see the picture and all that white stuff. Is it sand? 🙂
It’s what happened to dirt after the ice melted away from “manmade” global warming.
White Greenland firegrass.
It’s totally possible. All things are possible with manmade global warming.
Jim, it’s Greenland fescue … bugger when the ball gets down into it.
Fescue yes, I must have read it wrong.
Greenland Wihte.
I can see the players beat a path to the clubhouse after the foursome incident.
Its not sand. Wait for steve to show you what it looks like when he retakes the photo with his cell phone
Sand apart.
How would a cell phone pic, be any different than the snapshot we have of geologic processes.
Mosher thinks he’s being witty.
It looks as though they’ve been out grooming the runway. Perhaps it’s a shipment of orange balls coming in!
Once the frost melts off the greens and fairways, it will be ideal playing conditions. However, you might have to wait at least 100,000 years.
Oh crap, if we wait that long, Antarctica will be melted, and the methane will have caused yet another wave of doom and there will be palm trees in the way of the green. DO SOMETHING!
And I will definitely be out of beer by then. Where is the beer cart lady already?
Sometimes it is so hard to keep up with all of the evil effects.
“Due to the extreme austral winter temperatures, the South Pole webcam is currently disabled.”
South Pole Ambient Temperature for 2011
random snow incident always beats real data.
arctic sea ice is still declining (Steven was already starting the talk about recovery…)
Son Of Daft! 😆
the facts hurt, don t they?
Extent is still dropping like a stone.
if you really were certain in your manmade global warming beliefs you would not be here. What I mean is, for example, I am certain there is a God. I don’t feel a need to be on the internet putting comments on atheist web sites. What a stupid thing if I did do it. It would show I am not completely convinced. But you can’t stay away from being here. It shows you know inside you there are real doubts.
That’s a shame, it looks as though they just raked the bunkers… 🙂
stevengoddard says:
September 2, 2012 at 9:11 pm
Almost all of the ice sheet is at high altitude.
Well Steve, nice reply to Mr Mosher. You hit that one right out of the bunker. (-;
s’ok, they have other plans for the area…
the first hole could be a doozy!
Rare Earth Mining in Greenland
Sep 03, 2012 04:00 am
A geographical overview of the rare earth mining potential evident in Greenland.
waiting for the greenies screams:-)