Boy Scouts Moving Forward

The Boy Scouts of America are now promoting homosexuality and global warming.

ScreenHunter_259 May. 03 07.25

RR: Boy Scouts USA to Intro GLOBAL WARMING Merit Badge

ScreenHunter_261 May. 03 07.28

h/t to Dave G

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Boy Scouts Moving Forward

  1. Lance says:

    well i guess being ‘politically correct’ is more important than being able to survive in a desert, forest, mountain….pick your area….

  2. gator69 says:

    How sad. I was a scout for many years, and learned many useful lessons I carry with me today. I feel so sorry for kids today, they have no idea what a magical childhood we enjoyed.

  3. kirkmyers says:

    It’s truly sad to see the America’s cultural rot contaminating the Boy Scouts, an organization I proudly participated in as a young man. Obviously, the organization desperately needs new leadership. It has lost its way and its moral bearings.

  4. squid2112 says:

    WTF is “Green Chemistry” ??? … My God man, this shit has really gone off the rails.

    I am becoming embarrassed of having earned Eagle Scout. What have they done? … ::face palm::

  5. Andy DC says:

    Don’t forget the necessary dissertation on transgender rights!

  6. tckev says:

    Surely that’s the GirlBoy Scouts?

  7. nzrobin says:

    I thought the scouts motto was about being prepared for anything. So they better be getting ready for a cooling too.

  8. Blade says:

    They have been under siege for probably 20 years now. Originally it was more subtle, alleging discrimination of “gay” youngsters. They have amped it up ten-fold and now are outrightly demanding gay men as scout leaders.

    And it is a no-lose situation for the leftists, especially their gay Mafia. If the Scouts surrender the leftists win, if they collapse from lack of support from dwindling membership the leftists win, if courts penalize them the leftists win. No matter what the corrupt media writes about them, the leftists win.

    So it seems they are choosing surrender and the membership will dwindle over time because no good parent will let their kids be under the control of outwardly gay male adults. Period. And the sooner the Scouts go down the sooner the leftists move on to their next target, whoever that may be.

    People should be identifying the cowards in the Scouts that chose surrender and excoriate them. They themselves should be forced out because when it comes down to a choice of defending our kids or submitting to political expediency, they chose politics. They also can not be trusted with our kids.

    The fact that the Scouts have the First Amendment on their side, free speech and freedom of association is all they need. But it’s not enough for the leftists, and obviously not enough for the cowardly Boy Scout bureaucracy.

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