Time For A Team Huddle!

Scientific American recently told us that climate skeptics are right wing conspiracy theorists, who believe that the moon landing never occurred. (This group of conspiracy theorists apparently includes Harrison Schmidt, who walked on the moon.) 

ScreenHunter_265 May. 03 08.07

Moon Landing Faked!!!—Why People Believe in Conspiracy Theories: Scientific American

And today, Scientific American is promoting conspiracy theory, which they described as delusional paranoia on April 30.

ScreenHunter_264 May. 03 08.02

How the CIA’s Fake Vaccination Campaign Endangers Us All

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Time For A Team Huddle!

  1. omnologos says:

    just got rid of my entire 1998-2008 collection. Amazing how AGW inexhorably ate away at everything else just like Agent Smith in The Matrix

  2. Sparks says:

    I don’t understand politics too well, It’s a disability I have being able to look in to and analyze what someone states as a fact and make my own mind up on any issue.

  3. Sparks says:

    I do believe as fact that American astronauts went to the moon, landed, walked there and returned home safely. But, I also enjoy radio shows like Coast to Coast where they discuss both sides. I think scientific America is wrong to take sides on a scientific issue such as climate science and alienate the skeptical scientific argument against AGW in favor of promoting an anthropogenic based argument of nutty population control, freaky weather, carbon markets and suspect statistics.

  4. gator69 says:

    Aren’t we also part of a petro-conspiracy that is smearing climate scientists who lie and cheat?

    Wait… maybe it was a religio-endtimes cult, that is devil me care because the spaceship is coming… or… hold on…

  5. oeman50 says:

    I just saw a video where Buzz Aldrin opened up a can of whoop-ass on some schmuck who called him a thief and a liar because he did not actually walk on the moon. Go Buzz!

  6. DirkH says:

    Pakistanis believe any conspiracy theory as long as the US plays an evil role in it. Maybe SciAm needs to bolster its sales in Pakistan. Does anyone outside Pakistan still read it?

  7. Andy Oz says:

    I suppose the 3 Trillion euro spent by world governments to date on bullsh!t carbon credits is also a conspiracy theory and we shouldn’t ask questions about where all the money went. Like who in London is selling the credits and where did the money go?
    I truly am impressed by how well the scam has worked and how many sheeple believed it to willingly contribute trillions to a very small number of people in London.

    • DirkH says:

      The governments generate the credits out of thin air. The plan was to some day auction them off, but during the first years the EU governments allocated them to their industry and power plants for free.

      So even though there was a high price for a EU carbon credit during that time most credits were used up by their owners without any money changing hands, the nominal price applied only to credits that actually got traded.

      One could say this worked to protect the existing companies against new competition; if you were for instance to enter the cement market in the EU, say you are CEMEX, you would have to fight an uphill battle – as you are a newcomer, you would have no carbon credits freely allocated to you and you would have to buy them.

      So, EU carbon credits became a barrier to entry in the market. This was their true purpose, and therefore the existing industry supported the scheme.

      Of course, some VAT carousel fraudsters etc. also enjoy them a lot.

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