Jay Leno Explains How Obama Can Close Gitmo

President Obama held a press conference earlier today, and he said he still wants to close the Guantanamo Bay prison facility, but he doesn’t know how to do it. He should do what he always does: declare it a small business and tax it out of existence.It will be gone in a minute.

TaxProf Blog: Jay Leno: Gitmo and Small Business Taxes

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Jay Leno Explains How Obama Can Close Gitmo

  1. gator69 says:

    He could turn it into a green company.

  2. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    Or let the Post Office run it.

  3. kirkmyers says:

    As chief executive, Obama could close Gitmo tomorrow. He doesn’t need the approval of the U.S. congress.

    Most of the inmates jailed in Guantanamo have never been charged with or committed a crime. Many of them were handed over by fellow Afghans in exchange for bounty money or out of tribal hatred or a personal vendetta. They’ve been held illegally for years as “unlawful combatants” without an opportunity to defend themselves in court. What an absolute disgrace. Many of them have lost hope of ever being released. No wonder they are on a hunger strike.

    I’m convinced that one of the reasons the prisoners are still under lock and key is to prevent them from telling the world about how they were tortured by their American captors. I’m sure they were subjected to more than just waterboarding, a form of torture that Dick Cheney, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin and other warmongering neo-cons euphemistically dismiss as “enhanced interrogation.”

    By the way, I’m a Ron Paul supporter and libertarian, not a leftist “progressive.” So spare me the “he’s a liberal” comments.

    • gregole says:

      Km you are right on – and I am a conservative. Let the stupid bastards go and stop this shame on America and all we stand for.

  4. philjourdan says:

    Any wonder NBC is giving him the heave ho?

  5. Have we heard yet how the sequester will affect the number of guards at Gitmo?

    Maybe if they let 20 percent of the gates go unguarded, they could clear out Gitmo overnight.

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