Complete List Of Things Which Changed When CO2 Hit 400 PPM

Begin List

End List

Humans have added 100 parts per million CO2 to the atmosphere over the last century, which is the equivalent of placing an extra nine people in the Rose Bowl. You can’t see them in the picture below, because all nine of them are currently in the bathroom.

ScreenHunter_98 May. 10 12.47

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Complete List Of Things Which Changed When CO2 Hit 400 PPM

  1. kbray in california says:

    But those 9 people made it so much hotter in the Rose Bowl that everyone in there had to take off their sweaters from the extra body heat.

    That’s co2 global warming theory in a nutshell… and it’s nuts.

  2. kirkmyers says:

    Truth be told, the experts have no way of determining accurately whether the 100 ppm million increase is the result of human activity or simply due to natural causes — for example, ocean out-gassing, decaying vegetation and volcanism.

  3. bob sykes says:

    Purdue hasn’t been to the Rose Bowl since the Sixties! Bob Griese was their quarterback.

  4. Kaboom says:

    But their body heat will melt the stadium steel girders.

  5. QV says:

    CO2 passes “symbolic” mark:
    I find the last paragraph interesting:
    “British atmospheric physicist Prof Joanna Haigh commented: “In itself, the value 400ppm of CO2 has no particular significance for the physics of the climate system: concentration levels have been in the 300s for so long and now we’ve passed the 400 mark. However, this does give us the chance to mark the ongoing increase in CO2 concentration and talk about why it’s a problem for the climate.””

    • Billy Liar says:

      It’s a problem for the climate because it features in climate models which in future will be wronger (sic) than before. More ill-defined aerosols will be required to counteract the imaginary warming.

      • Not only is the 400ppm value a “non-event”, if you go back and look at the “magic level” of 350ppm (the upper safe limit for humanity, according to Hansen in 2008), it bounced through that level for about two years (from Apr 87 to Oct 89).

        It’s interesting that it took Hansen and McKibben about 20 years after the “magic level” was reached before they saw a need for action.

        So mankind has been above the upper safe limit of CO2 for about the past 26 years, and the only extreme event we’ve seen is Hansen’s “retirement” from NASA.

    • Jimbo says:

      Co2 is such “a problem for the climate” that global temps have been flat for over 15 years. Co2 is also a problem for plants. 😉

  6. Chewer says:

    Of that 100PPM, the 1982/83 and 1997/98 massive El Nino events added 95% or more by expansive release through the top 250 meters.
    Our C02 expulsions are minimal…

  7. Traitor In Chief says:

    Steve you forgot the one thing that happened and should be on the list….. CO2 hit 400ppm. Okay, back to beer.

  8. Anthony S says:

    Steve, you forgot to add that those nine extra people hiding in the bathroom are adding hot water to the sewer pipelines, from where it will emerge somewhere else later on.

  9. gator69 says:

    You forgot Bill McFIbbens panties.

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