My Response To Bill McKibben

ScreenHunter_320 May. 18 08.49ScreenHunter_321 May. 18 08.49

Twitter / billmckibben: New study: With climate change, …

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to My Response To Bill McKibben

  1. Andy DC says:

    The only meaningful way to project the future is thru recent trands. Recent trends show that McKitten is FOS.

    • Marian says:


      It appears poor deluded McKnutten is suffering from hydrocephalus (water on the brain). It may explain his obsession with sea levels rises, floods and storms.

  2. Kaboom says:

    Harold Camping had more scientific evidence for his predictions.

  3. terrence says:

    Steven – I think you just insulted Harold Camping – McKitten is in a league all HIS own – no science, no thinking, no data (except when it is made up), no consistency, no reality,…

  4. John B., M.D. says:

    Camping, when confronted with the truth, finally gave up predicting doom.

    • terrence says:

      Camping is/was more honest and intelligent than Mckitten EVER will be

      • Ivan says:

        That’s like winning the “Taller than Mickey Rooney” award.

      • I. Lou Minotti says:

        Camping is a total “protestant” a$$hole who uses the Bible to make his money. McKibben is simply a Rockefeller-funded a$$hole. They both missed their true calling. The Roman Catholic, fear mongering pedophile priesthood is missing two people who could have been its brightest stars!

  5. R2Dtoo says:

    I wonder if his employer has any idea how much damage he can do to their reputation!

  6. darwin says:

    I wonder if Bill McKrackpot drinks a lot …

  7. Mike Mangan says:

    Camping is a much beefier fellow than McKibben. He’s like, 110-120lbs.

  8. I. Lou Minotti says:

    I’ve read recently that Middlebury College loves gas.

  9. Too bad some tweeters don’t actually read the WHOLE story, rather that parroting whatever McKibbin posts:

    The “experts” that are quoted is a company called Kleinfelder – and if McKibbin would read about their history/vision, they’ll see they’re an engineering consulting service, with a background that started in 1961 (Jim Kleinfelder started Stockton Testing and Controls in Stockton, California to test construction materials).

    From a construction materials testing company to world-class “climate science” experts in 52 years.

    And they only have one “scientist” that proclaims an expertise in GHG:

    Lisa C. Dickson, M.S., Geological Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

    B.S., Geology-Biology, Colby College, Maine

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