It Ain’t Over Until The Canary Sings

PBS and Scientific American warned us :

Alaska is like a canary in a coal mine, foreshadowing the types of changes we can expect for the rest of the world.

Scientific American Frontiers . Hot Times in Alaska. Canary in a Coal Mine | PBS

We should have listened. Bering Sea ice has been normal or above normal, and at record levels for the last two years.

ScreenHunter_325 May. 19 05.50

University of Illinois – Cryosphere Today

And the river ice at Nenana is about to set the record for the latest breakup date on record.

ScreenHunter_326 May. 19 05.54

Nenana Ice Classic

It would be nice if government funded propaganda sources would actually follow up on their claims, rather than just moving the canary to the latest place where they had a warm afternoon.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to It Ain’t Over Until The Canary Sings

  1. Justa Joe says:

    Canaries must like it cold.

  2. Andy Oz says:

    The canary moved to North Africa. It’s got a better chance of survival than freezing to death in Canada.

  3. Mohatdebos says:

    The “canary” is about to freeze to death. Someone should write to the Alaska Dispatch (?) and suggest they do a follow up story and get expert opinion from the “scientist” who they quoted in their earlier stories.

  4. Audie says:

    So wait, your whole blog tries to point out anomalies to say that the earth is getting colder, all while laughing at people who accept global warming for pointing out anomalies to say global warming is real?

    Do you even listen to yourself before you post 10 times a day?

    • Sadly for alarmists, temperatures have remained below Hansen’s zero-emissions scenario C.

    • Tony says:

      Crumbs, do you really seriously truly take this ‘global warming’ (I thought it was ‘climate chang’e now) stuff seriously. This blog and dozens of others are simply pointing out that the claims of the CC people are not true, and their predictions are not happening. As a complete outsider, I am amazed that this fiction is continuing so long.

  5. Stew says:

    I looked at the webcam and noticed Alaska is two hours behind my MST … Steven / gents I’m curious, at what time does the record fall?

    • Stew says:

      I managed to find a site and it said May 20th just before noon … however I also saw somewhere saying May 21st but no times … strange.
      Anyway that means 28 hours if my math and info was all correct.

    • Billy Liar says:

      11:42 am Alaska Standard Time 20 May 2013

      • Stew says:

        Folks … 1964 was a leap year and with the extra day it appears the 21st of May is correct. I’ve seen both 11:41 and 11:42 & so I’m sticking to my “just before noon” time šŸ˜‰
        Judging from WUWT it is going to be tight to beat the old record but none the less shows the BS of GLO-BULL warming in the Alaskan coal mine.

  6. Billy Liar says:

    Draft tweet for Heidi:

    @HeidiCullen Alaska, the canary in the coal mine for global warming (Ā©Scientific American), has just sent you a message:

  7. Lance says:

    I heard on another blog that ’64 was a leap year…i wonder if they account for that in the records?

  8. Chewer says:

    The heat is hiding in the permafrost:)
    We had 17 degrees this morning and snow all day yesterday!

  9. redc1c4 says:

    if you look at the trees on the far side of the river, they appear to not have sprouted any leaves for the year…

    looks damn cold to me.

  10. “…a canary in a coal mine…”

    I tell ya, it’s the COAL that’s killing the canary.

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