My Response To Paul Ehrlich

ScreenHunter_519 May. 24 20.49

Twitter / PaulREhrlich: Biggest criminal conspiracy …

h/t to Marc Morano

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to My Response To Paul Ehrlich

  1. S.E.Bailey says:

    With all seriousness.. what in the 9 hells is he talking about, and is there prescription medication involved…

  2. NoMoreGore says:

    That was SO funny! Hysterical.

  3. NoMoreGore says:

    You can sign the petition as an endorser of doom So, a Friend of mine named Ding Bat signed up. He’s a very esteemed professor of a little known University on Barbados.

  4. Based on no evidence whatsoever…

  5. sunsettommy says:

    Great Twitter message there Steve!

  6. Blade says:

    Paul Ehrlich should really STFU and not throw around phrases like “biggest criminal conspiracy history” since that describes the AGW hoax perfectly.

    He is the surviving grandfather of pop-science catastrophicism and has actual blood on his hands now. All the murder-suicides of those idiot parents and their poor kids are products of his handiwork.

    These swine, Ehrlich, Hansen, McKibben and Mann are going to see the body-count rise as more of these pathetic souls check out due to their alarmism feeding their insecurities and fear. They are every bit as guilty as someone sneaking up behind them on a subway platform and shoving them in front of a train.

    • I. Lou Minotti says:

      Blade, that’s exactly what these Malthusian bastards want. But don’t hold your CO2 laden breath waiting for these elite “academics” to man up and help their own cause by placing plastic bags over their own heads before going to bed. And of course, their “handiwork” is their evil ideas, which are always foisted upon the least and fearful who are easily coerced into feeling guilty for even being born.

    • gator69 says:

      “Paul Ehrlich should really STFU and not throw around phrases like “biggest criminal conspiracy history” since that describes the AGW hoax perfectly.”

      Leftists project constantly, it is their reflex to criticism.

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