Most Transparent White House In History Wants More Secret Meetings With The Press

Attorney General Eric Holder is running into early resistance from news organizations as he tries to hold meetings with their Washington bureau chiefs over his department’s surveillance of reporters — with the organizations balking at Holder’s attempt to keep the sessions off the record.

Holder, who agreed to conduct a review of DOJ guidelines over investigations that involve journalists, has set up meetings with members of the media for Thursday and Friday. Fox News was invited to attend the Friday session at Justice Department headquarters in Washington.

The department, though, wants the meetings to be off the record, meaning the discussions would not be reportable.

Holder runs into roadblocks on off-the-record meetings with news organizations | Fox News

Bribery, threats and blackmail just don’t look very good when they are done on live television.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Most Transparent White House In History Wants More Secret Meetings With The Press

  1. gator69 says:

    Does Holder want to eat his cake and have it too? 😆

    “I know I got caught lying under oath to maintain a coverup, so let’s have a secret off the record meeting over it, and call it a day.”

    You wonder how a monster gets started, like the monster who held those women captive in Cleveland. He starts with a lie, and as he gets away with lie after lie, he feels empowered and soon you have women chained in the basement. Holder is no different, he has been allowed to get away with murder, and is just moving on to the next phase where we are chained in his basement.

  2. Bill Gannon says:

    The most transparent administration in History? I plug transparent into my writer, use the thesaurus and among the many offerings, I come up with “Vaporous”. That fit’s so much better.

    • gator69 says:

      Actually, this has all been a simple mistake from the beginning. What Skeeter said was that his administration would be the most ‘trans-errant’ in history.

  3. Kaboom says:

    They should give him and his boss a three month media blackout. Report nothing they say. Boycott their press conferences. Report ABOUT them but cut them out of participating. Don’t print their opinions. Let’s see how they like that.

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