The Team Is Counting On The Public Schools

The hockey team is counting on two generations of dumbed down public school students, who will blindly believe the endless stream of stupidity and lies which comes out of the world’s leading climate alarmists.

John Cook’s wildly fraudulent 97% number has become the favorite statistic among the useful idiots.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to The Team Is Counting On The Public Schools

  1. gator69 says:

    An enitity that cannot make package delivery profitable is being trusted with the educatiuon of our society? I would rather have FedEx teaching our kids.

  2. Billy Liar says:

    97% is the religious icon of the Church of Global Warming.

  3. Kaboom says:

    97% of these scientists should start looking for other work in foreign countries because the jig is just about up.

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