1984 : KGB Defector Explained Exactly What Was Going To Happen To America Over The Next 30 Years

This is a must watch.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to 1984 : KGB Defector Explained Exactly What Was Going To Happen To America Over The Next 30 Years

  1. terrence says:

    Wow – he pretty much nailed most of what has happened and is now going on!!!
    I noticed that there long videos – over an hour. I just might check them out.

  2. Jimmy Haigh. says:

    Interesting. Soviet communism collapsed not long after this of course but, as Terrence said, he “pretty much nailed it”.

    • Glacierman says:


      Did it really collapse, or find another home with more available money? Obviously their system can only work for so long as there is no longer an incentive for individual success, so why not infiltrate your enemy? Looks like they were pretty successful and the hippie generation was more than happy to accept. McCarthy was really onto something.

      • Richard T. Fowler says:

        Oh, for crying out loud. Gentlemen, Soviet communism did not collapse. You guys are smarter than this, come on.

        Soviet communism, i.e. the existence of Leninism in the former Soviet countries, is alive and well, and it is in control in Russia and many other of those countries! Particularly Belarus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Armenia.

        Leninism beyond those countries is at its strongest point in history! In other words, Soviet-style communism is surging globally.

        The two largest parties in Russia, United Russia and the Russian Communist Party, are both openly Leninist.

        Red China is officially Maoist, but Mao was a Leninist! Trained in Moscow in the 1920s.

        Then of course there is the Socialist International which is huge and draws in major parties from many countries, with the notable exception of the United States.

        Vast swaths of Africa and the Americas are now officially Leninist, and huge additional parts are clearly sympathetic.

        The Indian Congress Party is Leninist.

        The United Nations is Leninist.

        The WTO is Leninist.

        The FCCC is Leninist.

        UNESCO is Leninist.

        The Eurasian Union is Leninist.

        ISO and the Uniform Commercial Code contain many Leninist aspects.

        “Deeming” Obamacare “passed” when it wasn’t passed is Leninist.

        Going around Congress to make law unilaterally by executive order when Congress refuses its assent is Leninist.

        The doctrine that the Constitution means whatever the Supreme Court says it means and that the Supreme Court is immune from check or balance or appeal of any kind is Leninist.

        The manner in which the EU constitution was “adopted” was Leninist.

        Need any more be evidenced?


  3. Glacierman says:

    One of the most interesting parts is where he talks about how once the people have been demoralized, no amount of information or data could convince them of the truth – they were in a sense hopeless – which is what he said of the hippie/boomer generation – that we were stuck with them and there was nothing that could be done to change that. Sounds pretty much like what we have now.

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