The Origins Of Witch Burning

In order to get a good witch burning going, all you need is a group of morons with a tiny bit of information and who are looking for someone to lynch.

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The average reader, I suspect, knows about ice melting in the arctic and the habitat for the polar bear shrinking, but would not necessarily think this has any relationship to the lowering of Lake Michigan’s water level. But in fact, they are all part of the same phenomenon. How do I know this? Because nearly every expert in Egan’s story would tell you this — if the newspaper had ever bothered to ask.

Lake Michigan water levels have declined because they deepened the shipping channel between Lake Huron, Lake St. Clair and Lake Erie, which allows more water to flow out. What does that have to do with Polar Bears?

For instance, Jia Wang is an ice research climatologist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, and did a report which found Great Lakes ice coverage has decreased by an average of 71 percent over the past 40 years.  Egan reports on his research but skips Wang’s explanation for why this is happening. “We are seeing the impact of global warming here in the Great Lakes,” Wang told the Cleveland Plain Dealer.  No, you won’t find that quote in the Journal Sentinel story.

Less ice than during the coldest years of the ice age scare?  Who ever could have imagined?

Wisconsin just blew away all kinds of July cold records. Why doesn’t the author write about the 1871 Peshtigo Fire, which killed 1,200 people and burned more than two million acres? Or the summer of 1901, where the whole state was between 100 and 111 degrees?

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to The Origins Of Witch Burning

  1. theyouk says:

    The Peshtigo Fire–the greatest fire that no one knows about. I grew up in Wisconsin, and it always irked us that the fire that got all the press was the Chicago fire (same time as Peshtigo Fire–but where Chicago had 300 fatalities, the Peshtigo Fire killed up to 2,500).

    We are surrounded by morons completely ignorant of history.

    • There Is No Substitute for Victory says:

      Why do you imagine that the leftist education establishment isn’t teaching history?

  2. shazaam says:

    The great distractions have begun. Some fact-checking by the presstitutes could save them some embarrassment, yet I suspect these nifty stories are really intended to distract.

    There was a piece about a near-miss Carrington-class event 2 weeks ago. No one bothered to check the facts. And their is some scare-mongering about a “giant” coronal hole in the sun. (normal size coronal hole) No one bothered to check the facts (as usual).

    The new directions in the scare-mongering seems to indicate that the “global warming” meme has been run waaaaay past it’s sell by date and the aroma is getting bad. So the presstitutes are saying look yonder!!! That’s really scary!!!

    In the olden days the snake-oil salesmen would ride into town with the miracle cures designed to cure all ills and especially to separate the gullible from their cash. In some ways, nothing has changed. The snake-oil salesmen have climatology Phds and the gullible rubes were elected into a position where they control gobs of cash taken from the populace.

    • gator69 says:

      Actually, IMHO it is the theoretical physicists who seem to be the real problem, the alarmists have very few actual climatologists.

  3. mkelly says:

    I live in the UP of Michigan and cross the Straits of Mackinac every day. You are correct about the dredging done on the shipping channel. Plus the western side of Superior is rising causing the lake to drain out. We haven’t had lots of rain/snow the past few years either. We won’t mention the river near Chicago that also drains some water out. Now the worry is Asian carp getting into Lake Michigan from the river near Chicago.

  4. Mike Mangan says:

    More from my friend Bill Steffen…

    Hey, Steve! Bill is a fan of yours. Leave him a comment will ya?

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