Why You Can’t Burn Oil

Jimmy Carter wouldn’t let us burn oil, because the planet’s supply of oil was almost depleted.

Barack Obama won’t let us burn oil, because there is too much oil on this planet, and CO2 causes social injustice.



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Why You Can’t Burn Oil

  1. Traitor In Chief says:

    The “Social Injustice” schtick comes down to this: The US has been running away from the world’s socialist economies because free markets are more productive. This exposes the fraud of socialism as the best path for society, so America must be destroyed, or forced into socialism so that everyone can be the same. Crushing the US economic machine is then the goal of many of the worlds economies, and now, with the help of the Dhimmi-rats they have their planted Usurper in place to do it.

  2. Eric Simpson says:

    It was real hard to drive 55.
    I couldn’t do it either, but somehow I talked myself out of a lot of the tickets. Like once, when they didn’t use radar but had to tail you to ticket, at dawn I was driving down a remote part of the california coast south of Big Sur, going maybe 60mph at that moment when I saw there was a CHP stopped at a crossroad. I though he was turning north, and so when I got a little ways beyond I was thinking that there’s probably only one CHP patrolling this area, so I can speed up, which I did to only 65 though.
    Next thing you know, I saw the flashing lights.
    The cop says “My speedometer was reading 65 when I was behind you. Do you think your speedometer is working correctly?”
    “I think it’s working fine” I said.
    Later he asks “did you see me back there?”
    “Yes” I said, shaking my head as if I was idiotic. So I think he was puzzled that I didn’t slow down after seeing him. Of course I didn’t tell him that I thought he’d gone the other way.
    He let me go.
    A couple years later the Repubs had repealed the Dems’ asinine 55 mph limit, and I had driven down to South Carolina I think it was, and the speed limit was 85. 85!! So I was driving 90, thinking that’s pretty much legal. What a sea change.
    “I would give the Democrats, liberals, a bone on this. One Senator has proposed a reduction in the speed limit [back to 55mph].. It’s worth it [lowering national speed limit, and prohibiting the states from setting their own limits].” -rino Charles Krauthammer

    • gator69 says:

      I remember the 55 limit, especially a conversation I had with a great mechanic friend of mine who pointed out that most cars of the day got better mileage at 70. When will they ever learn?

      CAFE standards are killing us, and the auto business, literally.

      • Eric Simpson says:

        So 55mph was complete idiocy. I agree also that the CAFE standards are horrible. You already see it now, they are making the cars less powerful and they are going to be getting smaller and tinfoil light. What does the future hold for us? Eurotrash mini-cars?

        • gator69 says:

          “According to the Brookings Institution, a 500-lb weight reduction of the average car increased annual highway fatalities by 2,200-3,900 and serious injuries by 11,000 to 19,500 per year. USA Today found that 7,700 deaths occurred for every mile per gallon gained in fuel economy standards. Smaller cars accounted for up to 12,144 deaths in 1997, 37% of all vehicle fatalities for that year.

          How many deaths have resulted? Depending on which study you choose, the total ranges from 41,600 to 124,800. To that figure we can add between 352,000 and 624,000 people suffering serious injuries, including being crippled for life. In the past thirty years, fuel standards have become one of the major causes of death and misery in the United States — and one almost completely attributable to human stupidity and shortsightedness.”

  3. jack b :-) says:

    80 is the ‘understood’ national speed limit of Texas. It’s also the posted limit on a good bit of Interstate highway 10. Here in midland-odessa it’s ‘only’ 75 posted, pretty much everywhere. Traffic deaths in the state are historically down; however, midland’s is up, along with our doubled population in just a few short years, due to the current, major oil-gas boom here.

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