Quietest Hurricane Season On Record To Date

There have been no hurricanes in the Atlantic yet this year.

ScreenHunter_228 Aug. 05 07.16

Weather Street: 2013 Atlantic Hurricanes and Tropical Storms

By this date in 1886, the US had already been hit by four hurricanes – with two major hurricanes on the way.

ScreenHunter_229 Aug. 05 07.21

1886 Atlantic hurricane season – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It has been eight years since a major hurricane hit the US, the longest such period since the Civil War. Obama has had the fewest hurricanes of any president.

ScreenHunter_19 May. 08 06.04

Chronological List of All Hurricanes

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Quietest Hurricane Season On Record To Date

  1. omnologos says:

    Yes! Obama! Victory, at last!

  2. gator69 says:

    The ‘weather’ channel said this morning that four named storms is ‘climatology’ and ‘severe’ for this time of year. Sure glad they managed to fit that nugget of info into their crowded reality show programming.

  3. Bill says:

    He said he was going to calm the seas, didn’t he?

  4. Joseph Bastardi says:

    This is not the quietest hurricane season to date yet. In 1983, it took until Aug 15th for a storm to get named ( alicia)

    North Atlantic ACE index very close to normal for date. June/July usually quiet. Recent years have been exception. We are starting to move back toward the way we used to be, but its still several years off. That being said, we must win with facts, and no hurricanes by Aug 5th, is not unusual at all. I love this blog, want to make sure we are accurate with the hammer blows. This is not one of them

    • suyts says:

      In fairness, Joe, I think he was referencing specifically to hurricanes, (see top graphic) in which case, it would be tied for the quietest, in that we’ve had none, to date, in the N Atlantic. Of course, you’re right, as you usually are, about the N Atlantic ACE values. OTOH, the global ytd values are running about 60% of what they typically are. Which, I don’t know how that stacks up against the rest of the years, but, seems fairly significant.

  5. ACR says:

    Don’t forget … even though we’ve had four named tropical storms, no land-based weather station has reported tropical storm winds. This is despite the fact that the NHC reported that TS Andrea washed ashore in Florida with 60 mph winds and TS Barry blew into Mexico with tropical storm force winds. Why are the land-based stations unable to confirm what NHC tells us?

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