What Santa Fe People Do When They Aren’t Protesting The Weather

ScreenHunter_284 Aug. 06 11.54

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to What Santa Fe People Do When They Aren’t Protesting The Weather

  1. squid2112 says:

    Perhaps they should concentrate more on disarming police in Chicago instead…. sheeesh…


  2. Chuck says:

    Don’t forget the bozos who do it at the Eubank gate outside KAFB/Sandia labs!

  3. Andy DC says:

    Shows what 50 years of grass and acid does to your brain.

  4. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    The space between their ears is a no brain zone.

  5. Mike says:

    DISARM is a data collection program run out of Los Alamos which focuses on Old Hippies.

  6. Sunny, trusting people. Like the Eloi in H. G. Well’s “The Time Machine”.

  7. Pathway says:

    What a crowd.

  8. Gamecock says:

    Surrender to the Forces of Evil.

    “Disarm” sounds so much nicer.

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