What Is Wrong With The Loyal Opposition?

Obama has brought un-elected officials into the cabinet who are telling the US citizenry that they are not allowed to discuss critical issues, that debate is unacceptable, and that Americans have to accept their belief system.

Even more amazing is that the loyal opposition is Congress is too stupid and weak to put an end to this spectacular trampling on the Constitution. Why aren’t Obama’s appointed scumbags being dragged down to Capitol Hill and held to account?

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ScreenHunter_297 Aug. 16 06.12

We the People: Your Voice in Our Government | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to What Is Wrong With The Loyal Opposition?

  1. Gamecock says:

    Congressmen have the same disease as the people. Decadence. They are too comfortable to make trouble. Prosperity begets decadence.

  2. Because they are so incompetent, they think the system is working (they’re doing all right, right? there are still plenty of people to tax/fine, right? and there’s no satisfying the angry mobs, right or left, right? what difference does it make, or–“yeow! I feel good! Like I knew that I would now!”) You can see Rand Paul salivating at the Presidency on TV even now–a worthy opponent for the likes of Hillary Clinton. Lean and hungry or fat and hungry, they’re all hungry, for something they think they can trick out of the American people: unconditional admiration. And the American people taught them that.

    Seriously, they don’t know the real depth and breadth of the problem(s), and they haven’t learned to focus first upon what needs doing first.

  3. tom0mason says:

    I note that he did not promise to have an honest government.

  4. Adam Gallon says:

    It’s the same disconnect between the ruling class & the electorate that we in the UK & even moreso in Europe have.
    They’re all to busy feathering their own nests and, I believe the term is “Pork Barrelling”, their own electorate.
    Trying to differentiate between various parties is increasingly difficult.
    They all stink!

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