Dems See Taxes As The Universal Solution

Democrats believe that they can end bad weather by taxing people for driving to work and heating their homes. They also believe that they can stop Chicago minority gangs from shooting children, by taxing law abiding gun owners trying to protect themselves from Chicago minority gangs.

A pair of Democratic lawmakers are proposing steep new taxes on handguns and ammunition, and tying the revenues to programs aimed at preventing gun violence.

Called the “Gun Violence Prevention and Safe Communities Act,” the bill sponsored by William Pascrell, D-N.J., and Danny Davis, D-Ill., would nearly double the current 11 percent tax on handguns, while raising the levy on bullets and cartridges from 11 percent to 50 percent.

Dem bill would trigger huge new taxes on guns, ammo | Fox News

When Obama promised to not raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,o00 – he was lying just like he does about everything else.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Dems See Taxes As The Universal Solution

  1. Andy Oz says:

    Evidence that the Democrats are destroying the US Coal Mining Industry and China is taking full advantage of a cheap energy source. If trends continued, in 10 years the US could be using zero coal. So what’s the point of a carbon tax if the coal industry is already decimated?

    • Richard T. Fowler says:

      1. Bankrupt the power companies as a pretext for nationalizing them.
      2. Bankrupt the residential power consumers, so as to reduce or eliminate their ability to engage in electoral politics.
      3. Make the power supply so unreliable that remaining manufacturers are forced to leave just to stay in business, and the resulting economic chaos can be blamed on capitalism.

      • Richard T. Fowler says:

        We should never forget the infamous words of Krushchev in, I believe, 1952: “We will bury you”. It caused a fuss for the wrong reason, with so many thinking it was a threat of nuclear attack.

        It should have caused every thinking person to understand right then that the CPSU took the long view, and as such a detour of ~30 years (1985-2015) would be seen as no big deal for them. They just bide their time (Osama bin Biden), keeping prepared for the day they will thrust the sword “and twist it with relish” in the words of one their greatest boosters. They truly feel wronged by their opponents, and for the most part they will only be satisfied by the outcome I’ve just described.

  2. Gamecock says:

    Owning guns is a right. Voting is a right. Compare taxes on guns with poll taxes.

  3. gator69 says:

    Silly Skeeter, just put exorbitant taxes on gang memberships, and then nobody will be able to afford to join them.

  4. Gamecock says:

    Dems want all our money. The only thing stopping them from taking it all is us. So they tell us stories like “they can end bad weather by taxing people.” It’s just a trick to get us to accept more taxing. They are happy to exploit people’s emotions; no tragedy is too severe not to exploit. Where we see tragedy, they see opportunity.

    • Richard T. Fowler says:

      All true, but it goes mcuh further than that. Not just money, but all wealth. Capital — the means of production, and of financial independence from government. Plus, they want to license the press so that only approved ideas will be seen or heard. And finally, they want to make all professional employment contingent on explicit support for their core values and beliefs.

      We tend to notice the taxes, because that’s what they want us to notice. That’s the shiny object they’re dangling in front of you. While you busy yourself dealing with that at the front counter, their comrades are rushing out the back door with the whole store.

      Their goal is not to get all the money. It is to make us their slaves. The key tenet of Marxim is dictatorship of the proletariat.

      • “We tend to notice the taxes…”

        Except when they’re really fines, as in the Obamacare individual mandate. Then even the Supreme Court just bends over and coughs. Am I the only one that finds that odd (more than just a little–as in, here’s one of those impeachable offenses)?

        • Richard T. Fowler says:

          Of course not. You are referring to the two major parties being only one united, Leninist party. Kind of like United Russia and the Russian Communist Party, (descendant of the CPSU).

          I seem to recall you saying I was a bit robust for claiming that. Are you starting to snap out of it now?

  5. Bob Johnston says:

    Another instance where the government talks out of both sides of their mouths – isn’t the official nuclear warfare policy of the US mutual assured destruction – both sides know the other is capable of blowing it off the map. This didn’t make the superpowers evil, just prudent. And it worked. And now they want to strip individual citizens of their right to carry arms so they can’t protect themselves by putting the fear in evildoers that any threatening behavior will result in them being filled with lead.

  6. Phil Jones says:

    Better Education requires more taxes… Ending poverty requires more taxes… The Gas Tax hasn’t been raised in years… Carbon trading taxes…. They act as if taxes aren’t collected …

    Last year the Federal Government spent over 3.6 Trillion…

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