Obama Has Al Qaeda On The Run – As He Arms Them And Gives Them Bombing Support

ScreenHunter_485 Aug. 28 08.53

Obama is sending huge amounts of arms to Al Qaeda, and last week shut down our embassies because he said Al Qaeda was going to attack them. This week he wants to provide Al Qaeda terrorists with air support in Syria, as he focuses like a laser on shutting down Gitmo and creating jobs for the American people.

The US is currently being given a test, to see if the average IQ is higher than that of  a turnip.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Obama Has Al Qaeda On The Run – As He Arms Them And Gives Them Bombing Support

  1. Okie says:

    You shouldn’t insult turnips like that.

  2. tom0mason says:

    “…and the Turnips have it…”

  3. AndrewS says:

    that pic has it! Lmao

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