Two Decades Of Unprecedented Global Warming Has Left Arctic Ice Almost The Same As It Was 20 Years Ago

ScreenHunter_510 Aug. 28 22.56

Daily Arctic Sea Ice Maps

One might be inclined to believe that Arctic experts have absolutely no idea what they are talking about.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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27 Responses to Two Decades Of Unprecedented Global Warming Has Left Arctic Ice Almost The Same As It Was 20 Years Ago

  1. Joseph says:


    I’m not sure if you read the conservative blogosphere, but if you do you remind me a lot of Ace from Ace of Spades HQ – both of you are hilarious.

    Anyway, keep up the good work and keep the laughs coming. I had a friend almost piss herself because of one of your articles. And thanks for the resources, as well.

  2. Don says:


    Posted the link to the two maps at Defending The Truth.

  3. NikFromNYC says:

    The ocean blue is simple to extract and pixel count in Photoshop, which shows a 4% loss over that 20 years:

    • X says:

      Although I agree that we had a spectacular recovery of the Arctic icecap this year in comparison with 2012, the counting of pixels of the oceans can be misleading because 4% in this case represents an area relatively large relative to the Arctic icecap area itself.
      By just looking at the chart I’d say that Aug/1993 had probably some 1.5 million sq. km above the present extent, which could be argued by the warmists as “unprecedented” or something as “smart” as that, but if we notice that we’re having a similar amount of increased extent in comparison with last year, we see that we could in fact reach 1993 levels in couple of years.

  4. Eric Simpson says:

    The USA Today has an article with the subhead: Cooler-than-average water in the Eastern Pacific might explain a recent flattening of increases in surface temperatures tied to global warming, a study suggests.

    I thought the warmists were maintaining that the ocean had eaten the missing heat, that’s why we’ve had 17 years of no warming. So, which is it, the missing heat has heated the ocean, or a cold ocean has cooled the air??

    • stewart pid says:

      In warminista La La land the oceans can not only eat the heat but then send it to the bottom with a bit of thermodynamic hocus pocus, mucus pukus!!

    • X says:

      They don’t want to talk about the Sun because if they do they’ll lose their case.
      The increased trend for La Nina’s in recent years, specially after 2008, is an obvious consequence of low solar radiation levels.
      If the oceans are the only culprit for the cessation of the warming trend, why the are ENSO temperatures getting lower systematically since the beginning of the century?
      as the radiations are,

      • JT says:

        The effect of ENSO may be over done at that. We had two winters with almost identical La NIna conditions, but with very different outcomes. The location of the pressure systems over Greenland was the difference. Just an observation.

        • X says:

          I agree, the influence of the Sun IMO is indirect and affects the amplitude and period of the ocean oscillations themselves, AMO, PDO, ENSO, Arctic temperatures, etc. ENSO reflects temperature oscillations more immediately than the other modulators. The recent trend to La Nina’s is a consequence of the cooling of the climate.

      • omanuel says:

        That is right. The Sun must be ignored at all costs.

        But the “cat is now out of the bag!”

        Here is a one-page synopsis of the autobiography in progress:

        First summarized in messages to the Congressional Space Science & Technology Committee:

        The autobiography began in 2003 as: “My Journey to the Core of the Sun.”   By that time the best available data and observations left no doubt the Sun: a.) Made our elements, b.) Birthed the solar system, and c.) Sustained the origin and evolution of life.  

        The social implication of opposition to factual information remained unclear until official responses to 2009 Climategate emails revealed the mess that all of us are now in together.  

        The title of the autobiography was changed to: “A Journey to the Core of the Sun: How an angry arrogant atheist discovered the Creator scientists tried to hide after 1945”

        The book will be published on-line, as written, beginning with the one-page synopsis so access to the story will not depend on publication of the entire book.

    • Igor says:

      So, which is it, the missing heat has heated the ocean, or a cold ocean has cooled the air??

      You know, if you think a little, what you have asked is actually: “So, which is it, AAA or AAA?”.

      Because “[warmer] air heating the ocean” and “[colder] ocean cooling the air” are the same thing.

  5. Robertv says:

    Fast growing white grass around Jack in the box.

    • @NJSnowFan says:

      Not a jack in the box, it is Greenland Country Club’s Mobil Bar on the first hole. It got snowed in after their daily grooming machine broke down.

  6. TomC says:

    I think there’s a good chance there will be the return of The Odden this year.

    • stewart pid says:

      Good post crashex … imagine how high that brown area of second year ice will be next year … one could say it will be unprecedented.

      • Crashex says:

        Thanks. The Western High Arctic section is also showing new ice this week. There’s going to be a dramatic increase in the MYI throughout the archipelago this year.

  7. @njsonwfan says:

    Greenland Beer Cart Lady filling the Bar for the first round of golf today. T time is 10 am EDT

  8. Cindy Burgess says:

    By 2020 there will be no glaciers in Glacier National Park, USA.

    • 20,000 years ago the glaciers were a mile thick there. Then Fred Flintstone bought his SUV and ruined it all.

      Glaciers melt during interglacials. When they stop melting, we will be headed back into another ice age.

    • Latitude says:

      …then change the name

    • Sunsettommy says:

      A lot of the remaining glaciers at the park was at its peak in size during the little ice age.The media and dishonest people make it seem that this is unusual when actually for most of the interglacial there were much less ice there than during the LIA time when they advanced significantly.Therefore it is not surprising that they have been receding since the end of the LIA cold period.

      From Wikipedia:

      “Glacier National Park is dominated by mountains which were carved into their present shapes by the huge glaciers of the last ice age; these glaciers have largely disappeared over the last 12,000 years.[43] Evidence of widespread glacial action is found throughout the park in the form of U-shaped valleys, glacial cirques, arêtes and large outflow lakes radiating like fingers from the base of the highest peaks.[44] Since the end of the ice ages, various warming and cooling trends have occurred. The last recent cooling trend was during the Little Ice Age which took place approximately between 1550 and 1850.[45] During the Little Ice Age, the glaciers in the park expanded and advanced, although to nowhere near as great an extent as they had during the Ice Age.”

    • Sunsettommy says:

      There were probably NO glaciers there in year 1,000 ad.

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