We Are Experiencing Unprecedented Excuses For A Four Day Weekend

Heat closure, Friday, August 30, 2013

Clark, Danielle – SSC

10:25 AM (25 minutes ago)


Dear PSD Community,   We are experiencing unprecedented heat in Northern Colorado right now and I know that staff and students are being severely impacted.

ALL PSD schools will be closed tomorrow, Friday, August 30 for heat.

Unprecedented heat? ROFLMAO  Global warming is now an excuse for a four day Labor Day weekend.

ScreenHunter_524 Aug. 29 10.48

Fort Collins, CO Weather Forecast from Weather Underground

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to We Are Experiencing Unprecedented Excuses For A Four Day Weekend

  1. Bob722 says:

    Does the PSD Community stand for Paranoid, Schizophrenic & Delusional

  2. Edmonon Al says:

    It is getting to the stage where it is becoming totaly ridiculous, and all those reponsible should be severely reprimanded or fired.
    That is blatant fraud. IMO.

  3. Chuck says:

    Their just taking precautions… They don’t want hundreds of people to die. If temperatures rise into the hellish 90’s look what happens. No wonder I never run into Brits in Albuquerque!


  4. Steve Keohane says:

    As we experience in Colorado, it is a dry heat, just like we have dry cold in the winter. Dry means little heat content. I’ve spent many a day in the 20°s F in a tee shirt, and like-wise at 100°.

  5. Global warming is a mental garbage heap that is bringing out every kind of human vermin. The country is overrun with little Homer/Hansens with axes, if you know what I mean. They have no idea what they are doing, or how it will end. ALL OF OUR INSTITUTIONS have been suborned, as I have been saying for the last 3 or 4 years now. Just TRY to imagine what it is going to take to set the world straight on this perversion of human thought.

    • Jason Calley says:

      It is common knowledge that much of the US infrastructure is aging and in need of repair — bridges, water lines, power lines, etc. The really unfortunate part is that our intellectual infrastructure has rusted out as well, and once that is gone, who will be able to fix it? And how quickly? I could see which way the wind was blowing when fast-food cash registers started having pictures on them instead of numbers. “Small drink, huh? Let me just find the picture of a little cup…”

  6. Okie says:

    Liberal hot flashes

  7. Don says:

    Public education: The sham that keeps on giving and taking, and taking.

  8. Judy F. says:

    Our heat is even more worser ( i know, kbray) than yours and they aren’t calling off school in my district.. It is already 95 F at noon, so we will probably reach the forecast of 100F. However, as you scroll down the page, you will notice that there is no new snow, either. Bummer. Now THAT would be unprecedented.


  9. Pathway says:

    If Colorado just had some affordable energy rather than the mandated green energy they could run the air conditioners.

  10. phodges says:

    Meanwhile, in California, our aspens are changing color!

  11. stewart pid says:

    When I was young I walked to school in my bare feet in the snow on 100 degree days & it was uphill both ways … teachers / union hacks are so delicate these days!

    • Jason Calley says:

      Feet? Feet?! They let you walk on your FEET?! Why, we had to walk on our KNEES, and wipe down the motor-way as we passed… I’m tellin’ ya, we had it rough.

  12. bjchip says:

    Where in the school district message was there a reference to “Global Warming”. This is a rant based on something you just made up, and people leaving all these comments behind it are unobservant tools. Well done! – bjchip

    • PSD has been ramming global warming down every student’s throat for almost a decade, and the weather is not particularly unusual for this time of year – much less unprecedented.

      But thanks for the stupid comment.

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