Will I Survive My Bike Ride?

I’m going riding up into the foothills at lunch. Now that I know we are having unprecedented heat, I fear for my life.

If they hadn’t of told me it was unbearably hot, I would have thought it was really nice outside.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Will I Survive My Bike Ride?

  1. Lance says:

    Careful though Steve, with all that heat, your tire pressure could cause your tires to blow…i just can’t understand how some days when I ride at 30C and another day at 15C my tires manage those temp changes..

  2. Well, it’s good that you know you’re doomed, at least. Try to take a few scenic pictures, before you die gasping in the 80 degree heat–you owe your readers that much, after all.

  3. Pathway says:

    I’m sure the biggest danger is being hit by an SUV.

  4. ntesdorf says:

    In Australia, it’s winter. Weather forecasts of higher temperatures are greeted by Warmistas with cries of delight that their dreams have come true. The forecasts also are greeted by average people with cries of joy that it will be nice weather and they can get to the beach early in the year.
    With hotter weather, everyone is happy.

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