CSM Says That The US Must Serve As Al Qaeda’s Air Force For Humanitarian Purposes

ScreenHunter_525 Aug. 29 11.31

US must take substantial military action in Syria now – CSMonitor.com

Severe and sustained military action in support of Al Qaeda and risking WWIII sounds like a brilliant plan. Perhaps nuclear winter will cool the climate down enough to make CSM quit whining about global warming.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to CSM Says That The US Must Serve As Al Qaeda’s Air Force For Humanitarian Purposes

  1. Climatism says:

    “Perhaps nuclear winter will cool the climate down enough to make CSM quit whining about global warming.”

  2. Chewer says:

    Great Britainistan should be able to handle the air strikes with help from their good neighbors who rely on fossil fuel from the region.

  3. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    Wanna bet the wonderful folks at CSM expect other American families to send their children off to actually do any fighting.

    Because like most libtards they believe in Peace at Any Price, as long as someone else pays.

  4. watcher says:

    Do NOTHING Help NO ONE. We did to much to date if Bom Bom would of stayed out of this mess from day 1. Of his failed attempt at leadership. The world would have a few 100,000 less dead. Millions less poor Millions more working. Benghazi would of been an unheard of place some where. The world would be a better place. But alas the American I’LL Educated by CHOICE and Design. Anti American progressives socialists and least we forget the POOR.
    Have stolen the country from the Minority that work. To run into the ground.

  5. Fred Allen says:

    Aww c’mon! What’s the matter with you folks? The President has suffered a series of humiliating foreign embarrassments since coming to the stage. The only thing he can hang his hat on is Obamacare and even that is looking like a hotel over a Floridian sinkhole. Russia and China were having fun with the POTUS with Edward Snowden, and Syria is turning out to be an encore. These comedies just don’t occur on such a regular and consistent basis. Iran is enjoying the show wondering if now might be the ideal time to make a sprint for a nuke with and frustrated and impotent POTUS, and Israel is facepalming backstage while trying to find the back exit. The POTUS needs a win. He needs some international respect. Hello! Hello! Hello?

  6. Streetcred says:

    What happened the last time that the US assisted Al Qaeda ?

    My message to the POTUS and Euro ‘leaders’ is to get the f*k out of everybody else’s affairs and get your own house into order first. Then stay the f*k out of everybody else’s affairs.

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