Louisiana Much Cooler Than It Was 100 Years Ago

The graph below shows maximum temperatures at all Louisiana HCN stations which have been continuously active since 1910. Afternoon temperatures have dropped dramatically in Louisiana.

ScreenHunter_560 Aug. 30 07.08

Note that 2013 is already near the bottom, and still has some of the coldest months of the year left to drag it down further.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Louisiana Much Cooler Than It Was 100 Years Ago

  1. ACR says:

    History began in 1979. Louisiana has been warming throughout history.

  2. Andy DC says:

    The most impressive feature of that chart is the cooling between mid 1950’s and 1980. Our own recent version of the Little Ice Age that “climate scientists” don’t like to talk about.

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