Category Archives: On The Safe Side Of 350

1974 : Global Cooling Causes Food Shortages

Now they tell us that global warming is causing food shortages.

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Global Cooling 1970 – We Will All Be Living In Igloos

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January 1974 : Brisbane Received 34 Inches Of Rain

That is more than twice as much as it received in January 2011

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1888 Australian Drought Killed Almost All Of The Sheep

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1931 Flood Killed Two Million People In China

60,000 square miles flooded. Seven million homeless.

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US Hurricane Strikes Peaked In The 1880s

In the 1880s, the US received almost three hurricane strikes per year. As of February 2011, no hurricane has hit the the US for almost three years. So next time some mental midget tells you that the climate is getting … Continue reading

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1894 : Massive Forest Fire In Minnesota

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1900 : 500,000 Acre Forest Fire – Two Weeks Before The Galveston Hurricane

Joe Romm’s great-grandfather blamed the extreme climate on horse drawn wagons.

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A Stable Climate In The 19th Century

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On The Safe Side Of 350 – 9/11/00

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