Historical References

366 Responses to Historical References

  1. Another Ian says:


    I’m presuming you’ve thought that it should be harder to adjust a record temperature in an old newspaper article than in an electronic data file.

    Can you compare any of these temperatures with what they’re now supposed to be?

  2. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    he Brisbane Courier Friday 11 October 1889

    THE PREDICTED DROUGHT. Australian weather statistics 1782 – 1889.
    ” In order to throw some additional light on the above question, I will furnish a few condensed Australian weather statistics of the last 107 years, and if anyone can found a positive forecast on them he is welcome to do so ; all that I can see in them is the simple fact that floods and droughts alternate out here with “lucid intervals” of ordinary settled and moderately wet or dry weather.

    Captain Cook in 1770 says little about the weather. Dampier in 1690 or thereabouts was equally silent.
    Captain Matthew Flinders reports drought and bush fires from 1782 to 1792.
    There was a great drought in 1797 for 100 miles round where Melbourne now stands ; 1799 to 1806 were very wet years, and in 1806 the floods culminated by a rise of 101 ft. at Windsor, on the Hawkesbury River.
    The crops were destroyed, wheat rose to 80s. a bushel, and a famine prevailed.

    The excessive rain kept on till 1810, but 1811 cut it short, and was so dry that water was worth 8d. per bucketful in Sydney.
    This drought was sharp but short, and there was plenty of increasing rain for years afterwards, till in 1820 the Hunter River rose 37ft.

    Ten years now elapsed without any more floods, and it was so dry from 1826 to 1829 that water at last became worth 4d. a gallon in Sydney. 1830 saw the first flood for ten years.

    Ordinary weather followed till 1837, but 1838 and 1839 saw the champion drought of the century. Stock were all but exterminated. The Murrumbidgee is a great river, 150ft. wide, 60ft. deep, and overflows its banks, like the Nile, when the head snows melt, for five miles on each side to a depth of 3ft. This gives a volume of water equal to a river of 1450 ft. wide and 120 ft. deep, and besides this it fills a group of lakes each from seven to eighteen miles in diameter.
    Yet this great river dried up so thoroughly in 1839 that the fish died and putrefied at the bottom of it.

    I make no comments on what such a drought now would do to Queensland, and I am at present only going for dry facts and bald statistics.
    1841 broke up this drought with the champion flood of Queensland; the Bremer River rose 70ft., and the Brisbane bar not being then dredged, there was no quick “get away” for the water, and it filled the lower story of the commissariat stores here, and Ipswich was very short of rations for some days.

    Moderate rain carried the colony of Now South Wales (then the only one) on till 1849, when dry weather began and lasted till May, 1851.

    The scattered bush fires of Victoria got ” boxed” into one mighty whole on 6th February, 1851 (” Black Thursday “), before a southerly hurricane which sent smoke and leaves across Bass Straits.

    1852 brought a flood that swept Gundagai away and drowned the inhabitants ; 1853 saw great overflows of the Lachlan, Murrumbidgee, and Darling rivers, but not from local rain ; 1854 was dry; 1855 and 1856, ordinary weather; 1857 was a flood year, with three months ceaseless rain from February to May.
    Settled weather lasted till 1863, which, with 1864, both gave heavy flood. The weather settled again till 1873 (bar a small drought up North in 1866), which, with 1875, was very wet, and gave a flood each.

    Settled weather again carne, with a small local flood in 1879-80 ; 1882 very wet: 1883 to 1886 very dry; 1887 very wet; 1888 very dry; 1889 moderately wet.

    Here we have 107 years of statistics, and who can discern from them the rule that guides the weather ? A matter which enters so largely into our health and comfort, happiness and prosperity, that I hope to be excused for thus dwelling upon it. ……
    N. Bartley The Brisbane Courier 1889 ”


    Reports of Drought by our Early Settlers.

    Governor Arthur Phillip 1791
    Governor Arthur Phillip wrote the following to the Colonial Secretary, the Right Honourable W. W. Grenville on 4 March 1791:

    The Tank Stream Sydney (10)

    “From June until the present time so little rain has fallen that most of the runs of water in the different parts of the harbour have been dried up for several months, and the run which supplies this settlement is greatly reduced, but still sufficient for all culinary purposes… I do not think it probable that so dry a season often occurs. Our crops of corn have suffered greatly from the dry weather.”

    On 5 November 1791, the governor of this colony, Arthur Phillip, reported that the normally perennial ‘Tank Stream’ river flowing into Sydney Harbour had been dry for “some months”.
    It did not flow again until 1794. Phillip marks the start of the droughts in July 1790; no rain had fallen by August 1791 **

    During the drought in 1814 Governor Macquarie had to import food to avoid what he called:
    “the heavy calamity of very great scarcity, both of animal feed and of grain, if not in an actual famine.”

  3. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    List of droughts, 1939 looked pretty bad

  4. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    100 years ago things were exactly the same, nothing has changed

  5. glacierman says:

    Intense heat in 1892 caused many deaths. How did that happen without enough CO2 in the atmosphere to trap the heat?


  6. glacierman says:

    Extreme heat in New York, St. Louis, Kansas,….when the climate was stable in 1896.


  7. glacierman says:

    Article from 1873 discussing open water in the Arctic Ocean and that they believed the north pole was actually ice free.

  8. glacierman says:

    California drought and an insufferably hot, oppressive climate in the low carbon year of 1849:


  9. Magnus A says:

    Maybe pre-historical:

    Global Atlas of Palaeovegetation Since the Last Glacial Maximum”; 5000, 8000, and 18000 years ago. E g info on precipitation, and deserts were green 5000 y ago, and yet more 8000 y ago, both in Northern Africa, and on the Arabic peninsula…


  10. glacierman says:

    Daily Evening Transcript from 1849 discussing a famine suffered by the Plymouth Pilgrams caused by severe drought and heat in 1623. Too many cow farts i guess.


  11. glacierman says:

    A hurricane devastated Tobago in 1848. The damage was described as “the desolation and devastation produced by it are beyond description”.


  12. glacierman says:

    Tornado and Hurricane hit Washington in 1841. Considerable damage done for a time of stable climate.


  13. glacierman says:

    Behind a paywall, but interesting NY Times article about more than 50 heat stroke deaths in 1872:


  14. glacierman says:

    351 deaths as a direct result of heat in 1870, 340 children under 2 years of age. Wow, can you imagine how bad it would have been back then if they were experiencing AGW? Good thing climate was stable back then with no extremes.


  15. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    8000BC saw a big rising of temperature, and look what happened, trade, technology etc

  16. glacierman says:

    Paterson Weekly Press from 1892 talking about rapid retreat and increases in glaciers in the Alps. Seems they understood natural processess a little better in the 19th century.


  17. glacierman says:

    News from England 1885: Children dying from heat by the hundreds. Men prostrated by sun stroke. Streets blocked by horses suddenly falling dead. Hydrophobia is prevalent, and the citizens are rushing out to buy guns to protect themselves. Good thing they were not experience global climate disruption or things might have gotten really bad.


  18. glacierman says:

    Sydney 1896 – “alarming mortality due to heat”. Temperatures over 120F recorded. Most areas well above 100F.


  19. Ivan says:

    An interesting and detailed study of Californian sequoia tree-rings from 1911 (and with no “Nature trick”) is discussed here (Aug 1912):
    “Big Trees and Climate – Revealing History’s Secret”

    The original work mentioned in the article is detailed here:
    “The Secret of the Big Trees”
    and the PDF can be download from here:

    Other works by the same author, and referenced in this study are:
    “Palestine and Its Transformation”

    “The Pulse of Asia”

  20. glacierman says:

    Cyclone in Oman in 1890, one of the most torrid ever known included an eddy of heated atmosphere with poisonous gasses that were instantly fatal.

    Wow, image how dangerous things are now with 50 ppm more CO2 in the mix.


  21. Ivan says:

    How could this be possible?
    A heat wave of global proportions that travels around the globe for two years running (1892-1893): Australia => America => Europe => Australia => Europe.
    Who’d-a-thunk there was enough CO2 back then to do that??

  22. Ivan says:

    Mann-made global warming repudiated back in 2001, in a study of Indian heat waves.
    pg. 872-873

    “Thapliyal and Kulshrestha have studied temperature data of about 120 years from 1870 and indicated considerable year-to-year random fluctuations. Temperature has shown slight warming within the limits of one standard deviation over a century. However, fluctuating epochal decreasing or increasing trends have been noted in the surface temperature. While certain regions of the country such as the west coast, interior peninsula, north central India, and north-east India have shown warming, other regions have either shown slight cooling or no noticeable trends at all. Mann et al. concluded, with the help of proxy climate indicator along with very long instrumental record, that the 20th century was the warmest in 600 years and the three warmest years of the 1990s are hotter than any period since the middle ages.
    Global warming has been discerned from studies on temperature fluctuations which have revealed an increase of a few tenths of a degree at some places during the course of last 50 years or so. An attempt was made to see whether global warming was making anomalously hot spells more frequent and intense. Figure 5 shows the mean anomaly of average maximum temperatures of these 28 stations in different years. There is no systematic slow increase of mean anomaly as per global warming signal. The pronounced heating in April 1999 cannot therefore be linked with global warming and is attributable to local anomalous circulation settling over India and its neighbourhood. According to a recent WMO Bulletin, 1999 as a whole has been in the series of anomalously hot years. This study indicates that only April 1999 and no other April in 1990s has been so hot. It shows an anomaly on the scale of a month. Again it is to be noted that April in 1892 was relatively hotter than 1999 over north-west and central India. “

  23. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    Why did they call this period “Climatic Optimum” if it was warmer then today. Almost 4 degrees warmer at the north pole, 1 degree warmer at the coral reef!!

  24. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    1957 navy submerges in winter at north pole and gets out in normal winter clothing “because not far below freezing” sounds like a lot of ice there? LOL

    Check out the map as well, looks like one of our terrible Ice free summers, but this was Dec

  25. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:
  26. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:
    • KilroyJC says:

      Apparently, according to the all-knowing (And often cited when it is in the AGW crowd’s favor) WikiPedia, there were THREE summers IN A ROW where the convoys of ships were able to get through:

      Military and civilian airlifts, huge sealifts during the short summers, snowcat trains and barges distributed vast cargoes along the length of the Line to build the permanent settlements needed at each site. It was to military and naval units that fell much of the job of carrying mountains of supplies to the northern sites. More than 3,000 U.S. Army Transportation Corps soldiers were given special training to prepare them for the job of unloading ships in the Arctic. They went with the convoys of U.S. Navy ships and they raced time during the few weeks the ice was open to land supplies at dozens of spots on the Arctic Ocean shore during the summers of 1955, 56, and 57.[4]


      And the source document it references as (4):


      Not one. . . THREE.
      I wonder if they just winged it in 1955 on the feeble hope that they would be able to get through? Or was is a KNOWN QUANTITY that they knew would be a factor in the success in the project? Hmmm. . .

      (I also wonder how many times it happened after that? I mean, other than in 2012? Hmmm . . .)

  27. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    1952 evidence of previous warming and creatures found in Antarctica


  28. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    2008 someone wants to build a $10billion sun shield in space to stop the warming LOL

  29. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    1893 Floods in Queensland Ipswich reach the height of Church roofs in town!

  30. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    1890 2million sheep drown in floods in New South Wales
    Bad year for low CO2?

  31. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    Coral found in 2005 that survives in the arctic next to a hotspring, just shows how spores can travel the earth to find the right environment (WARM)

  32. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    Proof in Tasmania of no significant sea level rise since 1841

  33. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    Undersea volcanic activity has been blamed for a mass extinction in the seas 93 million years ago.

  34. suyts says:

    Satirist Dick West…


    Funny look, I posted it with your ice age reference……he’s got another one in this one……… puts the word’s “sunburned frostbite” together.

  35. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    I’m looking very hard but I can’t see sea level rise in this house from 1803 can you?


  36. omnologos says:

    it’ll be sink or swim in the coming ice age (1493)

    who knows where they got the idea from?

  37. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    More stuff on Greenland when it was nice and warm

  38. suyts says:

    Kinda interesting……..has all the ingredients. Water shortage in the Great lakes…. taking from Canada…….could start an Ice age……. Even a quote from Paul E.



  39. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    Earth’s core works till 1930, then the temperature data has been played with 😛

  40. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    The 1707 eruption of Mt. Fuji (called the Hoei eruption) was one of the most violent eruptions from this volcano. The tephra covered most of the south Kanto plain, including Tokyo, and is found in deep sea cores in the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Many lost their lives due to starvation after the eruption, however no victims were recorded as a direct result of the tephra fall-out. In Subashiri, 72 houses and 3 Buddhist temples were burned or crushed on the first day of the eruption. Following this eruption, many could not obtain food from their farms and thus died of starvation.

    The eruption started forty-nine days after the devastating 1707 Hoei Earthquake (M8.4).

  41. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    In 2005, Wolves held conferences to teach experts about Global Warming

  42. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    Here’s something to have a look at New Orleans Hurricanes in the past 😛

    • Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

      1947, 1911, 1831, 1901, 1915

      hmmm ooohhhh look, CLIMATE CHANGE IN NEW ORLEANS it’s never happened before ?????????????????

  43. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    1952 this one is amazing, PORTS WILL BE SWAMPED with rising sea levels LOL!!!!!!!!!

  44. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    All the stories in the 1950s are EXACTLY the same as today it’s amazing!!!

  45. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    What ended one of the last big warmings

  46. Ivan says:

    How they did meteorological science around 110 years ago. Hard to believe how far we have regressed in that time.

    “The result was the early driving of the tropical waters far to the north and an early spring, followed by a cold spell, due to the southerly movement of the Arctic ice ; then a hot summer after the ice had melted. The Arctic ice broke up very early that year, and going to Spitzbergen in May and June of that year we had to encounter a phenomenally heavy pack in the Norwegian Sea. But by the end of summer that had all gone, the Arctic Ocean north of Europe was comparatively ice free; and Northern Europe had a warmer summer than usual. In 1897 the reduced amount of Arctic ice broke up early and came south giving England a cold spell in spring. After that, as the North Atlantic was free of ice, we had a phenomenally hot, dry summer. That English drought was the result of the position of the Atlantic anticyclone 12 to l8 months before.”

    Amazing! All this variability and not a single reference to CO2!

  47. Ivan says:

    Breaking News!
    The mystery of polar bears floating on ice-bergs explained!
    75 years before the IPCC AR4 launch.

    -Jan 1932

  48. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    1934 we see 600 Icebergs attacking ships the warming must be really out of control!!!


  49. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    1893 – Oh no, the Glacier is Receding. Must be the CO2 in the air? The Muir glacier has once extended much further into the bay, and is now receding every year, while the sources of the ice supply are failing.


  50. glacierman says:

    Captain Hooper – 1891 – Speaks of the winter as being mild and the ice rapidly melting and being very light inside and outside the arctic circle leading to a very open season.


  51. glacierman says:

    From Wellington Independant 1873 – talks of open water in the Arctic documented back to 1596.


  52. glacierman says:

    The New Equator 1881 – based on Earth’s axis change – growing heat of summers, drying up of streams, increased hurricanes, yellow fever, and earth quakes.


  53. glacierman says:

    Polar Bears in Distress in 1882. Why won’t the American Society for the Cruelty of Animals save the polar bears floating on the icebergs? Man, they have been worried about these polar bears for a long time.


  54. glacierman says:

    1873 – People then understood that ice flows and chunks of ice as large as 100 square miles flowing to warmer areas and melting was natural. Either that or they didn’t understand how to convince people that it was their fault and they should pay higher taxes and energy rates to prevent it from happening.


  55. glacierman says:



  56. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    6000 years ago it was much much warmer today, glaciers were much further retreated, whats the problem anyway with warmer why must temperature always stay the same, we can’t control it anyway especially with a crappy tax


    The Climatic Optimum was OPTIMUM!!!! and it was only 6000 years ago, not long ago!!

  57. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    The Medieval Warm Period was a time of warm weather between about AD 800–1300, during the European Medieval period. Archaeological evidence supports studies of the Norse sagas whuich describe the settlement of Greenland in the 9th century AD of land now quite unsuitable for cultivation. For example, excavations at one settlement site have shown the presence of birch trees during the early Viking period. The same period records the discovery of an area called Vinland, probably in North America, which may also have been warmer than at present, judging by the alleged presence of grape vines.

  58. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    Greenland used to be called “Vinland” the “Land of Wine”!!!!


    The sagas describe three separate areas discovered during this exploration: Helluland, which means “land of the flat stones”; Markland, “the land of forests”, definitely of interest to settlers in Greenland where there were few trees; and Vinland, “the land of wine” (or as suggested by modern linguists “the land of meadows”), found somewhere south of Markland. It was in Vinland that the settlement described in the sagas was founded.

  59. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    It seemed to them the land was so good that livestock would need no fodder during the winter. The temperature never dropped below freezing, and the grass only withered very slightly

  60. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    Nova Scotia, at a latitude just 150 miles north of that of modern New York. If he is right, it would almost certainly have been the first European colony in mainland North America.

    Up till now most historians have believed that Vinland was located 500 miles further north at the bleak northern tip of Newfoundland – or around the estuary of the Saint Lawrence.

  61. History, March 2011 says:

    Neocon States of America To Attack Yet Another Muslim Country


  62. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    2001 Scientists say we can turn into jelly at any time

  63. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    The Holocene Climate Optimum was a warm period during roughly the interval 9,000 to 5,000 years B.P.. This event has also been known by many other names, including: Hypsithermal, Altithermal, Climatic Optimum, Holocene Optimum, Holocene Thermal Maximum, and Holocene Megathermal.

    This warm period was followed by a gradual decline until about 2,000 years ago.

    * For other temperature fluctuations see: Temperature record
    * For other past climate fluctuation see: Paleoclimatology
    * For the pollen zone and Blytt-Sernander period associated with the climate optimum, see: Atlantic (period)

    Global effects

    The Holocene Climate Optimum warm event consisted of increases of up to 4 °C near the North Pole (in one study, winter warming of 3 to 9 °C and summer of 2 to 6 °C in northern central Siberia). Northwestern Europe experienced warming, while there was cooling in the south. The average temperature change appears to have declined rapidly with latitude so that essentially no change in mean temperature is reported at low and mid latitudes. Tropical reefs tend to show temperature increases of less than 1 °C; the tropical ocean surface at the Great Barrier Reef ~5350 years ago was 1°C warmer and enriched in 18O by 0.5 per mil relative to modern seawater. In terms of the global average, temperatures were probably colder than present day (depending on estimates of latitude dependence and seasonality in response patterns). While temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere were warmer than average during the summers, the tropics and areas of the Southern Hemisphere were colder than average which comprised an average global temperature still overall lower than present day temperatures.

  64. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    Shouldn’t we aim to get to same temperature as 6000 years ago, it was the optimum?

  65. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    5500 years ago the Sahara suddenly went from a green lake filled area to a desert. Climate change? CO2 remained the same


  66. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    Unstoppable 1500 year climate cycle

  67. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    Oldest thermometers don’t show anything special?

  68. Ivan says:

    Interesting, that reference to world-wide drought – wasn’t 1934 supposed to be a U.S.-only phenomenon?

    The following article presents an interesting analysis of the “Great Drought” – and guess what – CO2 doesn’t get a metion. Clearly they were a lot saner back then.
    “Probing the secrets of the Great Drought”

    Here are a selection of the headlines during the “world-wide drought”. (There are dozens for USA and England).
    January – England
    January – South Africa
    March – New Zealand
    May – USA
    May – South Australia
    May – USA & Canada
    May – Europe
    May – Russia
    May – “The World”
    June – “The World” – still
    “The disaster has been felt from the Mississippi to the Volga, and from the Jugoslavian valleys to the West Canadian prairies.”
    June – Europe – Does any of this sound familiar?
    “Reports from Belgrade relate that three months’ drought and terrific heat have caused a revival of ancient pagan rainmaking rites in many parts of south-eastern Europe.”
    June – Germany
    June – London’s worst drought in 180 years
    June- Bulgaria
    July – China
    July – South-west Japan
    August – Victoria

    …amongst others.

  69. Ivan says:

    ‘ The Montpelier (Vt.) correspondent of the Boston Journal writes that the “aspect of affairs at the unfortunate village of West Hartford is desolate in the extreme. I am told that yesterday only two owners of residences in that recently pleasant village were occupying them. All others, driven from their homes by the ravages of the recent flood, have sought shelter elsewhere. ”
    ~11 May 1867

  70. Ivan says:

    A succession of violent gales, beginning on Sunday, October 19, continued during the greater part of last week, strewing on the coast of the British Islands with wrecks, and causing a vast destruction of life and property. From the mass of reports of stranded and foundered vessels we take some of the most important :- ”
    ~16 Dec 1862

  71. Ivan says:

    THE months of January, February, and March of the present year, have been marked by perhaps more than ordinary atmospheric disturbances, which have resulted in the destruction of several human lives and the loss of much property. The tempestuous character, of February in particular, was very remarkable along the whole extent of our coast. Apart from the severe character of the weather in February, no one can read attentively the accounts of it in the daily papers, without remarking also its gradual march over the area of the colonies. First ot all we read of terrific storms and floods in the Wide Bay district, in the northern colony of Queensland ; second in point of time, we are apprised of “Tremendous Floods in the Condamine;” third, of “Great Floods in the Clarence and Maclean;” fourth, of floods in the Hunter and Hawkesbury ; fifth, of heavy rains and floods in the Braidwood district ; and, last, of heavy weather in Bass’ Straits. The succession of these phenomena is at least remarkable, but when we bring together the various newspaper accounts, and the meteorological observations of different degrees of accuracy, we shall be struck with the fact that all the gales, heavy rains, and floods are parts of one grand phenomenon progressing from north to south, and not the results of mere disconnected local atmospheric influences. Having, at the expense of some trouble, accumulated much information from widely-scattered sources, respecting the gales in question, I am inclined to think that they constitute a progressive cyclone of immense extent. It is well known that in the Atlantic, along the eastern coast of North America, there exist, distinct in degree though not in kind, from the ordinary hurricanes of the tropics, revolving winds blowing over a vast area, and rising in force in some parts of their circuits only to an ordinary gale. Such, also, are the cyclones or revolving eddies, which occasionally sweep over the British Isles during the months of October and November. Winds of the same character doubtless exist in the extra-tropical regions of the Southern Hemisphere. Mr. Piddington, in his second edition of the Sailors’ Horn Book, page 121, says, repecting the strong north-easterly, easterly, and south easterly gales which often detain ships off the Cape of Good Hope, bound to India and Australia, that they are probably the southern quadrants of great cyclones tossing to the eeastward ; and his opinion is confirmed by the obervations of Captain Erskine, of H.M.S. Havannah. It is probable that revolving winds of vast extent occassionally sweep over the continent of New Holland, but hitherto sufficient means have not been available to enable us to trace out their progress. The object of the paper is to show that the February gales probably belong to this type of winds.”
    ~11 June 1863

  72. Ivan says:

    I thought more frequent droughts were supposed to be in our future, not our past:
    The following diagram published in connection with the series of articles on the “Pastoral Industry,” by our Special Commissioner illustrates the losses of stock from the year 1888, and the average rainfall for the corresponding periods. For the past twenty-three years severe droughts have occurred every three or four years—namely, 1883 to 1886, 1888 to 1889, 1893, and the present drought from 1897 to 1901, giving altogether twelve years of bad seasons, and eleven good in that period.”
    ~21 Sept 1901

  73. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    And between 1150 and 1300, the Inca around Cusco began to capitalize on a major warming trend in the Andes.

    As temperatures climbed, Inca farmers moved up the slopes by 800 to 1,000 feet, building tiers of agricultural terraces, irrigating their fields, and reaping record corn harvests. “These surpluses,” says Alex Chepstow-Lusty, a paleoecologist at the French Institute for Andean Studies in Lima who has been studying the region’s ancient climate, allowed the Inca to “free up many people for other roles, whether building roads or maintaining a large army.”


  74. Ivan says:

    Settled Science Department.
    100 years ago, 97% of scientists believed that Piltdown Man was authentic.

    London – Thursday.
    The Royal Geological Society to-day discussed a remarkable skull, that was discovered at Piltdown, in Sussex. Alongside it were found mastodon teeth, and prehistoric flints. The general opinion was that the skull dated from before the cavemen, and was possibly of the Pliocene period. It resembles the head of a chimpanzee. The jaw is heavy and it has an ape-like forehead so slanting as to scarcely leave any brow. The skull is regarded as an evidence of the primitive source
    whence surviving man has arisen.”
    ~21 December 1912

    Interesting that back then they still insisted on evidence. Clearly this is well before the Age of Stupid.

  75. Ivan says:

    Settled Science Department – Part II.
    60 years ago, 97% of scientists believed that the “Great Auk” was authentic.

    ‘Great Auk’ Hoax Caused Blushes.
    Americas ‘great auk mystery,’ which has been the sensation of the US bird world for nearly two years, is a mystery no more. It has turned out to be nothing but a big-toed sand lark— and America’s top bird experts are blushing. The ‘great auk’ sensation started when an early morning stroller found its amazing tracks on Mantoloking Beach, New Jersey, 21 months ago. The prints were enormous —18 inches long, 9 inches across and web-shaped. Schoolchildren came in classes to see them. News papers took photographs. Professors made plaster casts. Ornithologists thought it might be a throw back to an extinct species. Weather washed the prints away, but within a few days there were more. Bird-watchers camped overnight on the beach. Nobody got a glimpse of it, but whenever things got dull in Mantoloking, the bird came back. At the week-end, a retired insurance broker, Jim Turner, couldn’t keep the joke to himself, any longer. He announced :— ‘One professor said it was the genus Diomedea albatrus, but it was only the genus James J. Turner, jun.” Then he dipped in a cupboard and hauled out the two giant bird’s claws he made by gluing stones, cork, brass, linoleum and plywood to the soles of an old pair of shoes.”
    ~14 December 1953

    This explains a lot!

  76. Ivan says:

    Settled Science Department – Part III.
    180 years ago, 97% of scientists believed that there was life on the moon.

    When readers of the New York “Sun” picked up their papers on August 25 1835, they were astonished to find in it a long and detailed account of the men who lived in the moon. Perhaps, in the ordinary way, an account of life on the moon, seen through a telescope so powerful that even the details of the flowers growing on the mountains were given, would have been treated with suspicion. But these observations, the paper said, had been made by the famous astronomer, Sir John Herschel, through a new telescope. Moreover, the “Sun” did not claim that it was the first paper to publish the account, but said it was taken from the Edinburgh ” Journal of Science,” writes David G. Johnson in an exchange.
    The story was swallowed not only by the public, but also by scientists, and astronomers whose telescopes were not powerful enough to reveal these fascinating details of the moon, consoled themselves by commenting on the importance of the discoveries !
    Sir John Herschel was then the most famous astronomer in the world, and the fact that the account was backed by a French astronomer named Nicollet made it accepted everywhere. At last, Sir John Herschel, who first heard of his supposed discoveries on his return to England from Africa, exposed the whole thing as a hoax.”
    ~ 8 November 1937

    This also explains a lot!

  77. Ivan says:

    Settled Science Department – Part IV.
    105 years ago, 97% of scientists believed that diamonds could be made artifically.

    Great Scientific Hoaxes.-No. 2
    The Diamond Maker”
    ~8 July 1937

  78. Ivan says:

    Settled Science Department – Part V.
    120 years ago, 97% of scientists believed that motors could be powered by water.

    1000 Horse-Power From a Tumblerful of Water
    Public Tricked By An Amazing Motor.
    ~15 July 1937

  79. Ivan says:

    Settled Science Department – Part VI.
    Caitlin is not the first. It was all done 100 years ago.

    Great Scientific Hoaxes.-No. 4
    Dr. Cook And The North Pole
    Fake Claim Brought Triumph And Dishonour.
    ~22 July 1937

  80. Ivan says:

    Settled Science Department – Part VI.
    230 years ago, 97% of scientists believed that base metals could be turned into gold..

    DESIRE to discover a means of changing base metals into gold has been responsible for some strange chapters in history, and the full story of the alchemists could not be contained in many massive volumes.
    His name was James Price…He was no charlatan, being a distinguished chemist and a Fellow of the Royal Society. However, in May 1782, he began a series of experiments which had a very unfortunate ending. He came to the conclusion that he had discovered a formula for turning mercury and other inferior metals into gold. He honestly thought this, and for a considerable time hesitated even to tell his closest friends about his great discovery. However, after many experiments, he came to the conclusion that he had made no error, that his discovery was genuine, and he let his secret out.”
    ~5 October 1933

  81. Ivan says:

    Settled Science Department – Part VII.
    3,200 years ago, 97% of scientists believed in “Greeks Bearing Gifts”. Sceptics ignored – with disastrous results.

    “Still seeking to gain entrance into Troy, clever Odysseus (some say with the aid of Athena) ordered a large wooden horse to be built. Its insides were to be hollow so that soldiers could hide within it.

    Once the statue had been built by the artist Epeius, a number of the Greek warriors, along with Odysseus, climbed inside. The rest of the Greek fleet sailed away, so as to deceive the Trojans.

    One man, Sinon, was left behind. When the Trojans came to marvel at the huge creation, Sinon pretended to be angry with the Greeks, stating that they had deserted him. He assured the Trojans that the wooden horse was safe and would bring luck to the Trojans.

    Only two people, Laocoon and Cassandra [the sceptics], spoke out against the horse, but they were ignored. The Trojans celebrated what they thought was their victory, and dragged the wooden horse into Troy.

    That night, after most of Troy was asleep or in a drunken stupor, Sinon let the Greek warriors out from the horse, and they slaughtered the Trojans.


  82. Ivan says:

    Settled Science Department – Part VIII.
    95 years ago, 97% of scientists believed that bombs could be detonated by “death rays”.

    Explosions by Wireless. Experts Pronounce Fraud.
    It is remarked that he experimented only with bombs which he made himself, and which never exploded unless immersed in water.”
    ~21 July 1914

    Sound like anyone we know?

  83. Ivan says:

    Settled Science Department – Part IX. (Fool me once – fool me twice)
    90 years ago, 97% of scientists believed that ships could be detonated by “death rays”.

    The Mysterious Ray.
    The existence of ether waves and the connection between the X- ray, wireless waves, and light rays, had just become more or less generally accepted to the scientific world… The result was that Wingard had only to utter the words “Death Ray” to have at once an attentive audience.”
    ~1 July 1937

  84. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    Remember Holdren said there would be so much Ice on Antarctica, that the ice would fall of it and cause a tidal wave that would hit us LOL

  85. Ivan says:

    1840’s Climate Consensus: Insects force climate!
    ~15 May 1847

  86. Ivan says:

    Climate sense from 1870. This was before the Age of Stupid:

    THREE consecutive years of drought, while they have stimulated the inventive resources of practical agriculturists, have had the natural effect of calling forth a plentiful crop of speculation from weather prophets and projectors, and half-instructed meteorologists, and all the philosophic tribe of Laputa in general, to whom the periodical press now affords such fatal facilities. We have often noticed that in the tabular statements of those compilers of weather records who write to the Times, useful and welcome as their communications are, every season is sure to be “extraordinary,” almost every month one of the driest or wettest, or windiest, coldest or hottest, ever known.”
    ~10 January 1870

  87. Ivan says:

    1900?s Climate Consensus: Eucalyptus trees force climate!

    Among scientists there is some variety of opinion concerning the effect of the eucalyptus upon climate. Dr. McClatchie sums up the controversy by stating that when the nature and habits of the trees are considered it is entirely reasonable to believe that they have an effect in benefiting the atmosphere in the region of their growth.”
    ~26 December 1903

  88. Ivan says:

    1910?s Climate Consensus: Adaptation isn’t necessary!

    Strange as it seems, the heat of the tropical deserts and the icy cold of an Arctic winter seem to have hardly any effect upon length of life, and an extended series of investigations—which has been recently concluded—shows a most amazing agreement throughout the whole world. In spite of the difference in race, in food, in habits of life, the savage in the South Sea Islands has almost exactly as long a life as the African pigmy, or the giant Fuegians. What is more in spite of all the skill and science of modern civilisation, the average duration of human life is not a whit longer in the United states than it is in a tropical jungle or a blizzard-swept tundra.”
    ~7 January 1914

  89. Ivan says:

    Breaking News: WARMCOLD has its origins in 1929.

    The reason for the excessive cold recently prevailing all over Europe, is that the Gulf Stream was last year unusually warm and intense. That is a statement by Dr. J. W. Sandstroem, a well-known Swedish scientist, who will this summer undertake an expedition to the edge of the Polar ice belt in Berent’s Sea, near Spitzbergen and to the Gulf Stream arctic centres.”
    ~27 July 1929

  90. Ivan says:

    Tim Flannery’s predecessor accurately predicts rise of Global Warming Religion in 1930s:

    Nor is the position likely to improve. Rather may it become more acute as time passes, until the whole of inland Australia assumes an actual desert aspect year in and year out, compelling settlers to abandon their holdings and seek relief for their growing crops and fodder.

    This, in brief, is the actual position to be faced. As a hopeful and faith-believing people, we may in despair or in dire distress offer up prayers for rain, we may even burn incense or sacrifice something precious on the altar of our belief, as the pagans of old did, and as the Hottentots and other primitive peoples do still.”
    ~8 September 1936

  91. Tory says:

    Great video:
    Are we running out of resources?

  92. Tory says:

    1946: 300 sq mile oasis in Antarctica

  93. omnologos says:

    Can we please (a) post the right links and (b) stick to this thread’s theme, namely, historical references? thanks

  94. Sparks says:

    The April Fool’s Day Database;
    A catalog of April Fool’s Day hoaxes, pranks, and related events throughout history, categorized by year and theme.

    category Climate

    Mannequins for Climate Justice (2009)
    The Sheep Albedo Hypothesis (2007) source; RealClimate.org
    Day Lost to Stronger Trade Winds (2004) source; Nature.com
    Sky Becoming Less Blue (2001) source; The British Mail on Sunday
    Earth’s Axis Should Be Shifted (1986) source; The British Department of Energy placed a full-page advertisement in the Times and Guardian newspapers
    Hong Kong Powdered Water (1982) source; The South China Morning Post
    Athens Pollution Alert (1982) source; Greece’s state-controlled National Radio Network
    The British Weather Machine (1981) source; The Guardian
    April Doesn’t Fool When It Comes To Rain!” (1960) Advertisement for Alligator Raincoats.


  95. Aunty Ism says:

    When Giant Hippos Roamed in Britain:

    The hippos, six tonnes in weight and half as big again as their present-day relatives, roamed English swamplands with temperatures not unlike the African savannah, scientists say.

    Their bones have been found alongside those of horses, hyenas, deer, primitive mammoths, rodents and plants giving what London’s Natural History Museum says is an unprecedented insight into an unknown “warm” period 500,000-780,000 years ago. (end snip)

    Stone Age Settlement Found Under English Channel
    The site, just off the Isle of Wight, dates back 8,000 years, not long before melting glaciers filled in the Channel and likely drove the settlement’s last occupants north to higher ground. (end snip)

    Climate change happens. We must be light on our feet and be able to adapt.

  96. Ivan says:

    Great Frost of 1709
    The Great Frost (as it was known in England) or Le Grand Hiver (as it was known in France) was an extraordinarily cold winter in Europe in late 1708 and early 1709,[1] and was found to be the coldest European winter during the past 500 years.[2] The severe cold occurred during the time of low sun spot activity known as the Maunder Minimum.

  97. Sparks says:

    Scandinavia – record minimum temperatures!
    # Temperature and wind chill graph Jan 25-26, 1999
    # Temperature and wind chill graph Jan 1999
    # Eno update (27 January, 1999)
    # Finland lowest temperature record broken (27 Jan, 1999)
    # New record once again in Finland !

    The Times Newspaper Jan 29, 1999

    A SEVERE cold snap has hit much of Scandinavia, gripping Norway, Sweden and Finland in some of the lowest temperatures recorded here this century. Schools were closed, shops and post offices abandoned, streets deserted and electricity frequently cut off as people struggled to keep warm. In northern Norway near the Russian border the temperature fell to minus 56C (minus 69F) in one village – the lowest for 100 years. In the Finnish town of Pokka, where the temperature was minus 51C, even hardy sledge dogs were allowed to sleep inside. Power cuts left many homes without heat for up to five hours. “We wondered how to spend the night, but then we remembered the sauna in the basement is wood heated,” said one resident. In Karasjok, high in the Arctic Circle, temperatures fell to minus 51.2C – just fractionally short of the all-time record of minus 51.4C endured in 1886. Television reporters demonstrated how cold it was by throwing cups of warm water into the air where it became a cloud of ice crystals before reaching the ground. A plane bound for Oslo from Alta in the North was left frozen to the runway. Mobile telephone networks collapsed. Most people stayed in good spirits and marvelled at each record. The severe cold weather has been blamed on winds blowing in from Siberia. Forecasters say the cold will persist over the next few days. Moscow: Parts of Russia have experienced their coldest weather this century, the Russian Weather Service said. Temperatures below minus 40C in Archangel paralysed drawbridges over the North Dvina River, keeping some ships out of harbour.(Reuters

    SOURCE: http://atschool.eduweb.co.uk/radgeog/MetNetEur/analysis99/enochill.html

  98. Tory says:

    U.S. Shifts to Seek Removal of Yemen’s Leader, an Ally

    This is the NWO at work. When their puppet looks in trouble, they turn on him, so that they’ll be able to control the situation and install a new puppet.

  99. glacierman says:

    Polar Bear dies of heat exhaustion in 1922. I thought it didn’t get hot before CO2 went above 350 ppm.


  100. glacierman says:

    1905 – “LINERS SIGHT A BERG WITH BEAR AS SKIPPER; His Plight Is Sad, for Ice Is Drifting South. SOON MUST BE BLUE WATER”


    Must be evil deniers using their time machine to plant news stories that are obviously impossible. Everyone knows the climate was completely stabe before CO2 caused it to collapse.

  101. Tory says:

    Whitening clouds by spraying them with seawater

  102. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    50 year sudden drop in temperature around 550BC cuased end of bronze age 😛

  103. glacierman says:

    1938 – Ocean levels rising at a rate of one inch every 12 years. Pacific atols in trouble.

    It’s like dejavu all over again.


  104. glacierman says:

    1903 – Boston sinking at a rate of 1 foot per hundred years.

    Is sea level rising, or the ground sinking? Is Boston under water yet?


  105. glacierman says:

    1903 – Pacific Islands – Society Islands and Tuamotu – hit by tidal wave and hurricane. People clung to cocoanut trees for safety from the wave. CO2 was below 300 ppm.


  106. glacierman says:

    1932 – Experts have conclusive evidence that England is sinking to sea level at a rate of 9 inches per hundred years. The bank of England is displaying “disturbing behavior”, having sunk 6 inches since 1868.

    I guess since the discovery that demonizing CO2 can lead to enhanced research funds, this is now blamed on melting ice caps.


  107. glacierman says:

    1901 – The rise of the north shore coast, or the sinking of sea level was confirmed by measuring the depth of the water at the mouth of the Elbe. I went from 16 feet deep to 18 feet deep since 1895 – six years.


    They seem to have been suffering from the same problem modern day climatologist suffer from – everything was in perfectly static harmony before we began measuring it! Ever heard of sedimentation? Errosion? No? Must be a change in sea level then!


  108. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    Coral survives, several massive warming and cooling periods, 2000 years old

  109. glacierman says:

    England 1931 – complaining about the climate changing because the summers were cold. Frost in June, snowball fights in August, but the experts concluded it was all part of normal climate conditions that hadn’t changed in 600 years.


  110. glacierman says:

    1926 – Advanced students of the weather were figuring out that climate was not static and unchanging as previously thought, but was actually in a continuous state of change. Too bad they didn’t know about CO2, then they could have gotten really cushy government jobs making everyone feel guilty about breathing.


  111. glacierman says:

    Australia 1893 – The climate of Australia is one of sudden and violent changes. I thought that was only caused by SUVs and BBQ grills. Must have been horse farts back then.


  112. glacierman says:

    1939 – It was really warm then. Climatologists had detected a change in the climate not known in geologic time.


  113. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    Why was it even warmer a few thousand years ago, does geological time not exist now?

  114. Ivan says:

    It’s 1911 in Southern California — and humans are again causing climate change.
    This time – it’s from radio waves and electricity lines.

    “Wireless Changing Climate
    That the far-famed climate of Southern California is undergoing a change that will ultimately cause a complete reversal of form is the belief of
    climate experts who have been making a study of conditions on the Pacific Coast. These experts declare the change is being caused by jolts of electric currents loose in the atmosphere. This theory was recently expressed by Sir Oliver Lodge, the famous English scientist. In this theory he is joined by such men as Professor Douglass, of the University of Arizona, and Dr. William J. S. Lockyear, the famous English astronomer. Following that statement several Government Weather Bureau sharps have been detailed to look into the matter. According to the theory advanced by Sir Oliver, the uncounted currents of electricity passing through the air from hundreds of wireless stations all along the Pacific Coast, as well as the influence of the electricity that leaks into the air from the thousands of wires used for domestic and industrial purposes on the coast, are slowly creating new atmospheric conditions.”
    ~5 Oct 1911

  115. Sparks says:

    November 3, 1955, the Connecticut Flood Recovery Committee’s final report declared, “Connecticut was the hardest hit victim of the worst flood in the history of the eastern United States.” 1 The state endured Nature’s fury in two major floods, one on August 19 and the second on October 16. Both were results of torrential rains.

    SOURCE: http://www.cslib.org/flood1955.htm

  116. glacierman says:

    March 1959 – Sub surfaces 10 times through open water or thin ice at north pole. Finally surfacing on March 17, 1959 at the location of the north pole in open water.

    This backs up story with picture of sub at north pole.


  117. glacierman says:

    1938 – Cracks and flowing ice endanger a soviet camping expedition in the arctic. When it happens to one of the royal family it is obviously AGW. I guess this was a false report because we all know that the arctic was a perfectly solid block of millenia-age ice before SUVs started melting the world.


  118. Ivan says:

    Frequent, violent storms were a regular feature in the days before Global Warming. How could this be so?

    Cairns has suffered cyclonic visitations in the past, but none so serious as the disaster of this week. The first record of a cyclone at Cairns dates back to March 8, 1878, when there was much property damage. There was a long term of freedom, the next cyclone being on January 5 1906, it causing much damage. On January 28, 1910, there were cyclonic storms in North Queensland and a heavy gale and tremendous seas were experienced at Cairns. The Bombala went aground. A cyclone at Port Douglas on March 16, 1911, also affected Cairns and Innisfail. At Cairns there was great havoc among the trees, while old wood and iron buildings were razed to the ground.

    On January 29-31, 1913, Cairns, Innisfail and Yarrabah suffered damage in a disturbance which struck the coast between Cooktown and Cardwell. The steamer Innamincka went aground on Alexandra Reef, near Port Douglas. Early in 1920 Cairns suffered much damnge in the terrible visitation which was accompanied by loss of life at Innisfail.”
    ~12 Feb 1927

    Truly amazing.

  119. Sparks says:

    Flood Legends & Folklore

    While reading up on historical floods I found this site full of Flood legends & folklore some very interesting References a lot of which rings familiar in the context of todays man made global climate change beliefs. (Note that both examples below are actually stories from 1989)


    “Three times (every 1200 years),

    the gods were distressed by the disturbance from human overpopulation. The gods dealt with the problem first by plague, then by famine. Both times, the god Enki advised men to bribe the god causing the problem.

    The third time, Enlil advised the gods to destroy all humans with a flood, but Enki had Atrahasis build an ark and so escape. Also on the boat were cattle, wild animals and birds, and Atrahasis’ family. When the storm came, Atrahasis sealed the door with bitumen and cut the boat’s rope. The storm god Adad raged, turning the day black. After the seven-day flood, the gods regretted their action. Atrahasis made an offering to them, at which the gods gathered like flies, and Enki established barren women and stillbirth to avoid the problem in the future.”

    Dalley, Stephanie. Myths From Mesopotamia, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1989.

    Yellowstone (Wyoming):

    “People came who hunted for sport, burned and cleared forests, and didn’t think of the animals as their brothers. The Great Spirit was sad and let the people’s smoke from their fires lie in the valleys. The people coughed and choked but continued their evil ways. The Great Spirit sent rains to extinguish the fires and destroy the people. The people moved to the hills as the waters rose. Spotted Bear, the medicine man, said they would be safe as long as they had buffalo, but there were no buffalo around. The young men went hunting for buffalo, revising their treatment of nature as they went. The waters rose, and people climbed to the mountains. Finally, two men came back with the hide of a white bull buffalo which had tried to climb to the mountains but had drowned in the floodwaters, though a cow and young buffalo survived. Spotted Bear announced that, since the people were no longer destroying the world, that buffalo would save those who were left. With help from other medicine men, he scraped and stretched the hide, stretching it over the whole village. Each day the wet hide stretched farther, until it covered all of Yellowstone Valley. Rain no longer fell in the valley, and people and animals moved back there. The hide began to sag, but Spotted Bear raised the west end to catch the West Wind, which made the skin a dome over the valley. The Great Spirit, seeing that people were living at peace with the earth, stopped the rain. The sun shone on the hide, shrinking it until all that was left was a rainbow arch.”

    Edmonds, Margot & Ella E. Clark. Voices of the Winds, Facts on File, Inc., New York, 1989.

    SOURCE http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/flood-myths.html

  120. glacierman says:

    1966 – Heat wave over western 2/3 of nation for more than three weeks. Death toll at 106, severe storms, tornados….and all when CO2 was below 350 ppm.


  121. glacierman says:

    1,000 INJURED; NEW TORNADO RIPS ALABAMA Arkansas Area Like War Scene

    Chicago Daily Tribune (1923-1963) – Chicago, Ill.
    Date: Mar 23, 1952
    Start Page: 1
    Pages: 3
    Section: Part 1
    Text Word Count: 1523

    Abstract (Document Summary)
    A new flurry of tornadoes struck the south today as a widespread area from deep in Dixie northward to Missouri counted 207 persons killed by storms and flood waters.


  122. glacierman says:

    Palm Sunday Storms Kill 163 in U. S.

    Chicago Daily Tribune (1923-1963) – Chicago, Ill.
    Date: Mar 28, 1960
    Start Page: 10
    Pages: 1
    Section: Part 1
    Text Word Count: 398

    Abstract (Document Summary)
    Monday is the 40th anniversary of the tragic Palm Sunday of 1920 when four tornadoes hit the Chicago area, killing 32 persons, injuring hundreds, and causing millions of dollars worth of property damage.


  123. glacierman says:

    Ehrlich 1970 – Collapse of Civilization within 10 years and a new ice age. This guy is a lot of fun.


  124. glacierman says:

    So warm in Greenland that Magnolia trees used to grow there. I guess they were not aware of how much grant money could be secured in 1948 by claiming the world was in a death spriral.


  125. glacierman says:

    1913 – Arrheinus predicts a mass exodus to Siberia and Greenland as CO2 acts like a “glass roof on a greenhouse” raising the temperature of the Earth 8 to 9 degrees centigrade with an increase of 2.5 times. Greenland would have a good climate for farming.

    I think someone’s assumptions, or calculations, or both were wrong!


  126. glacierman says:

    1921 article talking about Greenland summers when huge lakes form and rivers flow on the ice and glaciers discharge 50 – 100 feet per day. Today’s climatologists would surrely recognize this as a death spiral.


  127. glacierman says:

    1960 Article references temperatures in the Arctic reaching 80 – 100 degrees F in the summer.

    Sereze would be jumping off a bridge…..or telling us we should jump off a bridge.


  128. glacierman says:

    1919 – They thought Steel Mills may spring up in Spizbergen – a new Pittsburg – becuase it has coal, iron ore and the climate is milder than Winnipeg. That mild climate is now referred to as the death throws of a warming planet.


  129. glacierman says:

    1922 – Arctic waters too warm for seals. With 90 years of increasing CO2, they should boil immiately upon entrance into the Arctic Ocean.


  130. glacierman says:

    1907 – Warmer in the Arctic than in Britian? Warmer in Northern Greenland than northern France? Must have been an article planted as part of a disinformation campaign by the Koch Brothers.


  131. glacierman says:

    1935 – Warm water passage through the Arctic discovered by Soviet expedition. It was only 650 feet wide, but hey, they found it.


  132. glacierman says:

    1959 – Discovered – It is twice as hot high above the Arctic as it is above warmer parts of the planet – the Van Allen Radiation Belts.


  133. glacierman says:

    1959 – It is discovered that lemmings produce a substance in the blood during unusually warm periods that cause massive die outs – a sort of population control mechanism.

    How did they develop this considering it was never warm in the Arctic until the proliferation of SUVs in the 1970s?


  134. glacierman says:

    1955 – Arctic climate getting warmer. Ice shelf near Ellesmere breaking up. The Arctic Institute of North America was sounding the alarm that the ice shelf was not holding its’ own.


  135. GregO says:

    I’ve mentioned before how I used to live north of Los Angeles and there were some very wet, cold, flood-prone years back then. Check this out from 1978 – and he has solar panels to boot!


  136. Tory says:

    Writes Glenn Greenwald:
    Benjamin Ferencz is a 92-year-old naturalized U.S. citizen, American combat soldier during World War II, and a prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials, where he prosecuted numerous Nazi war criminals, including some responsible for the deaths of upward of 100,000 innocent people. He gave a fascinating (and shockingly articulate) 13-minute interview yesterday to the CBC in Canada about the bin Laden killing, the Nuremberg principles, and the U.S. role in the world. Without endorsing everything he said, I hope as many people as possible will listen to it.

  137. glacierman says:

    1919 – West Texas drought. Farmers saved by the blessing of oil. Lucky for them it was before Global Weirding or they wouldn’t have been able to make a living.


  138. glacierman says:

    1886 – “unprecedented drought” in west Texas. CO2 to blame.


  139. glacierman says:

    1918 – West Texas drought broken by three soaking rains. Today that would be called extreme weather caused by Global Weirding. Not a lot in the middle even when CO2 was well below 350 ppm.


  140. glacierman says:

    1934 – another drought in west Texas. Not a lot in the middle it would appear.


  141. glacierman says:

    1939 – West Texas Flood. What was the weather like there before CO2 caused it to be affected by Global Weirding?


  142. glacierman says:

    1936 – West Texas Flood destroys 1500 homes. Man these things seemed to have happened kinda regularly.


  143. glacierman says:

    1949 – Five inches of rain brings an “unprecedented” flood to Lubbock, Texas.


  144. glacierman says:

    1897 – West Texas drought “unequaled”. Fires seemed to spontaneaously combust. I wonder if it ended with a heavy rainfall.


  145. glacierman says:

    1930 – Crops that were suffering from drought were destroyed by a flood when the drought was broken by heavy downpour. What was the weather like in Texas before the climate started to change?


  146. Tory says:

    A couple overpopulation figures.

    You could stand the entire human population of 6.9 billion inside the city of Los Angeles.
    (Area of LA=13,900,000,000sq ft ) / (person = 2sq ft) = 6,950,000,000

    If every family had a 1/4 acre of land, they could all fit within the state of Western Australia, which has an area of 2.5 billion 1/4 acres.

  147. glacierman says:

    May 1967 – Cold and storms damage much of the country. West Texas hit with massive hail.


  148. glacierman says:

    1967 – Three month drought with temps up to 107 degrees F hits West Texas. I wonder if it ended in a flooding rainstorm?


  149. glacierman says:

    March 1967 – Wow, the stability is unprecedented! Drought in Colorado, Snow storms in Texas, tornados in Arkansas. Oh how these days are missed.


  150. glacierman says:

    1890 – Climate changing? No ice in Arctic, Hudson Bay nearly ice free. They were scared but didn’t know that in a few years they could blame in on cars.


  151. glacierman says:

    1934 – Disintegrating ice shelf endangers Byrds men. If only they knew about the powers of CO2, they may have been better prepared.


  152. Tory says:

    They died because we are ruled by sociopaths

  153. glacierman says:

    1914 – South Pole on Mars is building, while the ice at the North Pole is melting.

    Sounds kinda familiar.


  154. glacierman says:

    1950 – Members of the AMS said the temperatures in Boston and Washington DC had gone up 3 – 4 degrees F in the past 100 years. They were worried, but I am not sure if they knew what UHI effect was.


  155. Paul H says:

    I have been doing some analysis on daily rainfall records in El Paso to see if Katherine Heyhoe’s claims about more extreme events can be borne out. I have chosen El Paso purely at random.

    The data is from the USHCN website and my analysis goes back to 1950 when daily records become available.

    My methodology is to count the number of days of rainfall per decade with a distribution between

    1.5″ – 2″
    1″ – 1.5″

    This provides the following distribution :-

    Number of Days

    1950’s 1960’s 1970’s 1980’s 1990’s 2000’s Average

    >2″ 0 0 1 2 0 2 0.8

    >1.5″ – 2″ 5 5 5 2 1 2 3.3

    >1″ – 1.5″ 4 4 4 8 13 11 7.3

    The conclusions I would draw from this are :-

    1) There has been no statistically significant increase in extreme precipitation ( i.e over 2″) since 1970 ( unless you can count one extra event in the last decade as “significant”). Taking the 90’s + 00’s together there is no trend at all.

    2) There were no >2″ days during the 1950’s + 1960’s. However these were decades of below normal rainfall and the lack of extreme events should therefore be regarded as “unusual”. Daily data from Seminole is available back to the 1930’s and bears out this interpretation ( 9 days of >2″ in the 30’s compared to 4 in the 50’s).

    3) There has been a reduction in the number of days between 1.5″ + 2″ but an increase in incidence of 1″ – 1.5″. This seems to be evidence of less extreme rainfall events rather than more extreme ones.

    Any thoughts?

    The USHCN graphs are attached.









  156. glacierman says:

    Cess – 1974 – Climate Change Feedback Mechanisms. Concludes global energy balance is very insensitive lapse rate changes. Water vapor and albedo from cloud cover are the main drivers.

    Seems to have gotten this one in before the Hockey Team destroyed climate science, also.


  157. glacierman says:

    Oort 1969 – Estimate of Atmospheric Energy Cycle
    This is pre – post-normal science so it has lots of equations and numbers, and no calls for action.


  158. glacierman says:

    1975 – Budd – Antarctic temp anomolies caused by ocean currents:

    “It is apparent that over the period of observations of the last 15 years no major trends in temperature have occurred. However large anomalies of I or 2 deg in magnitude extending over large distances around the continent occur from year to year. The movement and change of these anomalies suggests that they are related to sea surface temperatures and thus ocean surface currents, which have a tendency to westerly movement of the order of 0.5 knots (0. 3 m s – I) around the ice-edge region (Goodell and others, 197 1).”

    Someone let Steig know there is not a CO2 bubble hanging over the Antarctic Peninsula.,23&as_ylo=1850&as_yhi=1975

  159. glacierman says:

    1953 – follow up on above – more than 100 killed near Waco, TX by tornados:


  160. glacierman says:

    1965 – 250 killed, 5000 injured across five midwest states by tornados.


  161. glacierman says:

    1932 – 329 killed, 2,500 injured, 7,000 homeless in Alabama and Florida by tornados.


  162. glacierman says:

    1953 – again – 358 killed by more than 130 tornados in Texas, Oklahoma, and Alabama.


  163. glacierman says:

    1953 – Tornado expert proposes a $300 million dollar warning system to give early warning of approaching tornados. Strange considering that dangerous storms are caused by CO2 above 350 ppm and this was during a time of climate stability (before global wierding). Maybe he could see the future:


  164. glacierman says:

    1942 – Kansas – Tornado warning system proposed during a time of climate stability:


  165. glacierman says:

    1953 – Tornado warning system in place although climate scientists say not to expect any wierd storms until CO2 exceeds 350 ppm.


  166. glacierman says:

    1958 – Tornados that strike 11 states are called: Typical, but Unusual in Scope by a weather bureau spokesman. He didn’t know blaming it on CO2 would enhance his agency’s budget.


  167. glacierman says:

    1949 – Tornado warning system being planned for Iowa because damaging tornados are caused by global warming which began in the 1970s.


  168. glacierman says:

    1939 – Reference to meadows and flowering plants at northern end of Greenland.


  169. glacierman says:

    1947 – President of the British Glaciological Society was worried that melting ice caps would destroy the ports of the world, but blamed it on natural processes. He stated that it was known that the world was getting warmer. If only he had a GCM he could have really scared the hell out of everyone.


  170. glacierman says:

    1931 – Shortage of ice bergs from Greenland reported – believed to be because the warm Gulf Stream expands further north every year. In post-normal science this would be evidence of man’s destruction of Earth.


  171. glacierman says:

    1934 – article discussing exploring arctic looking for an open routee. States explores wintering on Wrangel Island and Franz Josef Land observed open water to the north in winter.


  172. glacierman says:

    1926 – US Weather Bureau worried about radical changes in the climatic conditions in the Arctic, including unheard of high temperatures. Never before has so little ice been observed.


  173. glacierman says:

    April 1928 – Flight from Point Barrow Alaska to Green Harbor, Svalbard. A lot of open water was observed during the 2,200 mile flight.


  174. glacierman says:

    1923 – Where glaciers formerly extended far into the sea around Spitzbergen, they have completely disapeared.


  175. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    1904 too much open water, can’t make it to the pole LOL

  176. Josik says:

    Temperature at Svalbard dropped by 20°C from year 1000 to year 1850. Todays average winter temperature is about -14°C. That means we still miss about 9°C to reach the same level as 1000 years ago….


  177. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2007/12/071212-AP-arctic-melt.html in 2007 National Geographic said no ice in 2012, should we sell tours to the gullible?

  178. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    Solar Cycle 24 NASA prediction pic

  179. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:
  180. glacierman says:

    1950 – Arctic melting down. The permanently frozen subsoil and subarctic are melting.


  181. glacierman says:

    1947 – Air and water are “distinctly warmer” than they were in 1900.


  182. glacierman says:

    1931 – Antarctica lacking in cold and summers having butterflies and flowers. Expedition actually sought out more cold and ice.


  183. glacierman says:

    1922 – Arctic Ocean becoming too warm for seals. Ice bergs getting scarce. Well known glaciers completely disappeared.


  184. glacierman says:

    1938 – North Pole warming. Water temperatures rise each year with corresponding ice loss.


  185. glacierman says:

    1938 – Climate warming as deduced by the Soviets. Cod being caught off Spitzbergen.


  186. glacierman says:

    May 1967 – Science mission haulted by open water present within one mile of the North Pole.


  187. glacierman says:

    1958 – Article talks about the Arctic Ocean being free of ice during last ice age and the source of moisture that formed the continental glaciers. North America originated in Hudson Bay area. This article was obviously written before science lost credibility. Climatologists think arctic pack ice is what remains from last ice age.


  188. glacierman says:

    1965 – Ice breaker rescues 20 men on a floating ice island off Iceland. Ice started in Alaska and floated through Arctic into N. Atlantic. Obviously a planted article because all climatologists know that the Arctic was frozed solid before CO2 went above 350 ppm.


  189. glacierman says:

    1955 – Ice shelf off Ellesmere Island just melting away – will be gone in 80 years.


  190. glacierman says:

    1956 – Arctic warming at 10 – 12 degrees per century. Temps in eastern US rising at 2 to 3 degrees F per century. Arctic Ice Cap to melt.


  191. glacierman says:

    1957 – Heat wave in norther Europe causes floods and simultaneously water shortages and drought. They knew about droughtflood long before it was used as evidence of AGW.


  192. glacierman says:

    1931 – Solar Heat primarily responsible for losses of life on Arctic expeditions. Many leads of open water up to the N. Pole.


  193. glacierman says:

    1961 – World to slightly cool for next four years, but no real reversal of the long-term – 60-year warming trend.


  194. glacierman says:

    1956 – Earth warming a couple degrees F per century. Arctic regions melting away.


  195. glacierman says:

    1946 – Russian scientists determine that the northern hemisphere has been warming for the past 27 years.


  196. glacierman says:

    1923 – Arctic is warming up, other areas are colder. Less ice than ever before in Greenland Sea.


  197. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    By comparing data from 19th Century Satellites we know Greenland is melting more

  198. Eric Barnes says:

    I love the ability of the press to ignore the elephant in the room.

  199. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    More evidence that today is the coldest in 10,000 years, the Sea is now 4-5 miles from the city of Ephesus!!!


  200. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:
  201. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    Great site

    First the volcano vs temperature chart


    Secondly the moving of the dates you can pull up old charts which show the climate changing the same as today!!!

  202. Sparks says:

    History, 100 years ago today, In the US 652 deaths in a week reported during heatwave 9th July 1911 despite a lower composition of Co2 in the atmosphere.

    Source: The book “Chronicle of the 20th century” p154.

    History, (100 years ago today next month Aug 9th 1911) “London: Hottest day in the capital for 70 years – 97 degrees Fahrenheit in the shade.”

    “Aug 28. The recent record-breaking heatwave with temperatures of up to 97 degrees has set Britain’s death soaring. With a mortality rate for all ages of 19 per 1,000, London is now the second most unhealthy city in the world.
    It is children who are most at risk. During the last week of July, 382 children up to the age of two died in the city. In the week just ended, the figure rocketed to 855.
    Questions are now being asked as to whether the authorities have done all they could to counter the distressing loss of life.”

    Source: The book “Chronicle of the 20th century” p155.

    Image of the book: http://www.brixpicks.com/uploads/media/2009/03_23-03_29/chronicle20th.jpg

  203. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    1957 Ice free!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at the video!!!

  204. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    http://regmedia.co.uk/2009/11/16/sven_northernhemi.jpg Check out this graph of the past, the connection is stronger then CO2!!!!


  205. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    Didn’t Napoleon have some problems with the Ice?

  206. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    Hannibal around 200BC took 24 elephants over the alps, try it today and see what happens 😉

  207. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:
  208. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    Nice flag. Maybe it can be brought back when eugenics starts again as well the next stage of the current moment?

  209. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    Eugenics had the support of all the major bodies


    These efforts had the support of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Medical Association, and the National Research Council. It was said that if Jesus were alive, he would have supported this effort.

  210. glacierman says:

    1944 – Schooner sails NW passage in 86 days along most northerly route. “The northwest passage is suitable for summer traffic by wooden vessels” according to Staff Seargant Henry Larson.


  211. glacierman says:

    1957 – Heat wave hits north pole. Russians sunbathing in swim trunks. Thunderstorm and heavy rain.


  212. glacierman says:

    1952 – Ice fields in East Africa are in full retreat, just like the Arctic and Antarctica.


  213. glacierman says:

    1950 – Ships are reaching Spitzbergen 9 months of the year when just 30 years earlier they could only reach it 3 months a year.


  214. glacierman says:

    1959 – Experts say the arctic ice pack is slowing melting – 40 pecent thinner and 12 percent smaller than at the turn of the century and will most likely completely melt away in summer months in the next few decades.


  215. glacierman says:

    1958 – Obviously a quote from a scientist, Dr. Ewing, that was before post-normal scientists started trolling the halls of acedeme:

    “The glaciers that once blanketed a large portion of the Earth did not, as is popularly believed, gradually spread out from the poles”.


  216. Paul H says:


    Did my post on 1971 appear at your end? It says it is posted but does not appear here.


  217. Paul H says:


    This is the essay I have been trying to post. I have left off the URL reference links at moment as these may have been stopping the thing going through. I will try and get them across separately.


    Is our climate becoming more extreme?

    There has been much discussion recently about “Climate Disruption” or “Global Weirding”. John Holdren has talked about “increases in floods, wildfires, droughts, heat waves and hurricanes” while Rajendra Pachauri says “Based on observation, we know that there will be more floods, more drought, more heat waves and more extreme precipitation events. These things are happening”.

    Al Gore of course is quick to blame any extreme weather event on climate change. Even reputable climate scientists such as Katharine Hayhoe talk about Global Weirding:-

    “Heavy rains, deep snowfalls, monster floods and killing droughts are signs of a new normal of extreme U.S. weather events fueled by climate change” scientists and government planners said on Wednesday.

    “It’s a new normal and I really do think that global weirding is the best way to describe what we’re seeing,” climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe of Texas Tech University told reporters.”

    But are we really seeing more extreme weather nowadays?

    Our memory of events from years ago tends to blur into the mists of time. Furthermore the global nature of today’s news media often brings to our attention stories which we would not have even known about if they had happened decades ago. I have therefore put together the following record of extreme weather events from 1971, which I hope will provide a certain amount of perspective when looking at what is happening today. Why 1971? Quite simply it is 40 years ago, a nice round number, and of course, before the gradual rise in global temperatures began a few years later.


    In the US there were several notable droughts in 1971:-

    * Florida – The worst drought on record resulted in 400,000 acres of the Everglades burned by fires. (1)
    * Texas – Worst drought since the 1950’s. (2)
    * Maryland – The 1958-71 drought produced the largest recorded annual departures from average stream discharge. (3)
    * California – The summer of 1971 was “extra hot and long. Rainfall did not completely wet the (tree) root zones the winter of 1971-72 (sic)”. The same report in 1978 stated “the rate of development (of dieback of tree limbs) has been accentuated in recent years”. (4)
    * Hawaii – The drought on Maui was described as the worst in 22 years. (5)
    * North Carolina – The Air Force Bombing Range Fire destroyed 29300 acres of forest. (6)
    * Minnesota – The Little Sioux Fire destroyed 14000 acres following “a period of abnormally dry weather”. (7)
    * In total there were 108398 wildfires in the US in 1971 affecting 4.2 million acres. ( Figures for 2010 were 71971 fires and 3.4 million acres). (7a)

    In the rest of the world there many more:-

    * Australia – In Victoria what was described as a severe drought began that would last to 1973. (8)
    * Ethiopia – 1971 saw the start of a 2 year drought that would claim 300,000 lives. (9)
    * Kenya – 150,000 people were affected in what was described in 2006 as even worse than the 2005 drought, itself one of the worst on record. (10)
    * Sahel – Mali, Chad, Nigeria and Burkina were in the middle of a drought that lasted from 1967-88 and which was described in Nigeria as the worst since 1913. (11)
    * Okinawa – Experienced the worst drought in history. (12)
    * China – Much of Northern China was in the grip of what in Beijing was on record as the worst drought ever (before or since). (13)
    * Afghanistan – This was the worst in the country’s history. (14)
    * Iraq – This severe drought led to the mercury poisoning tragedy. Iran was also affected. No drought there has been as bad since. (15)
    * India – The 1971-72 drought affected many states and ranked as the 5th worst since records began in 1876. (16)
    * Argentina – The 1971 drought was worse than anything since. (17)


    * North Vietnam – The Red River flood was an absolutely terrible disaster leaving 100,000 dead. It was listed by NOAA as one of the century’s top weather events and described as a 250 year event. (18)
    * India – Orissa was hit by a cyclone which left 10,800 dead. (19). Also, in Central India the Bundelkhand district was hit by floods (which were followed in 1972 by droughts). (20)
    * Malaysia – 32 people were killed and 180,000 affected in the Kuala Lumpur floods in the worst floods since 1926. (21)
    * Australia – In January the Canberra flood claimed 7 lives followed a month later by floods in Victoria which were called a 100 year event. In Queensland every month from January to May saw major floods and significant flooding returned in December. (22) (23) (24)
    * New Zealand – The New Plymouth area was hit by their worst ever flood after 11.4 inches of rain fell in 24 hours.(25)
    * Brazil – 130 dead in Rio de Janeiro floods. (26)
    * Quebec – Heavy rainfall caused a massive landslide at the village of Saint-Jean-Vianney, leaving 31 dead. (27)
    * Spain – 19 died in floods in Barcelona after 308mm of rain in 24 hours. (28)
    * USA – Alaska suffered a major flood, only exceeded by the 1986 flood in the last 50 years. (29)
    * USA – In February significant flooding occurred in Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois and Wisconsin.(30)
    * USA – In March Southeastern States were affected with Georgia recording record levels in some areas. (30)
    * USA – May and June brought significant flooding to Utah, Idaho, Nebraska and Wyoming. The discharge from the Bear River in Utah was considered a 75 year event. (30)
    * USA – Significant flooding hit Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia in June and July. (30)
    * USA – In August Baltimore was struck by one of the most damaging thunderstorms in 50 years and 14 died from the resulting floods. (30)
    * USA – Widespread flooding followed Tropical Storm Doria up the coast from North Carolina to Maine in August. Some streams in New Jersey and Pennsylvania registered record floods. (30)
    * USA – Extended flooding occurred in September and October affecting Texas, Louisiana and Oklahoma. (30)
    * USA – More significant flooding hits Oklahoma and Arkansas in December. (30)


    * The Atlantic hurricane season was a “fairly active” one with several notable storms.(31)
    * The strongest was Edith, a Category 5, which killed dozens in Nicaragua before turning north and hitting Louisiana. (31)
    * Ginger is on record as the longest lasting Atlantic hurricane ever, or at least until the 1899 San Ciriaco hurricane was retroactively discovered to be longer. (31)
    * An unnamed storm in August attained hurricane status further north than any other North Atlantic tropical cyclone. (31)
    * Canada was unusually on the receiving end of the tail ends of 2 hurricanes, Beth and Doria which both caused huge amounts of damage from flooding. Both were listed by Natural Resources Canada among the 18 major hurricanes of the 20thC. (32)
    * In the Pacific the hurricane season was above average with 18 named storms, 6 of which made landfall. This latter number is still the record for a season. (33)
    * The typhoon season was also a busy one with 24 typhoons of which 6 were super typhoons. This compares to 7 typhoons including 2 super typhoons in 2010. The season had an extremely active start with a record number of storms before August. (34)
    * Typhoon Rose left 130 dead in Hong Kong plus many more at sea. It was described by the Hong Kong Observatory as “one of the most intense and violent” to have affected Hong Kong. (34)
    * Cyclone Althea hit Queensland as a Category 4 cyclone in December. Damage was extensive but would have been worse if it had not arrived at low tide. (35)
    * The tornado season in the USA was also above average with 58 F3+ tornadoes ( compared to 39 in 2010). (36)
    * The worst tornado outbreak occurred in the Mississippi Valley during 2 days in February. 19 tornadoes were spawned claiming 123 lives across 3 states. (37)


    * The highest ever UK January temperature was recorded in Gwynedd at 65F. (38)
    * In Canada the snowfall record for one season was set on Mount Copeland in British Columbia in the winter of 1971/72. (39)
    * In the same winter Mount Baker in Washington broke the US record when 1122 inches fell. (40)
    * Montreal’s “snowstorm of the century” left 17 dead with 70mph winds producing second storey drifts. (41)
    * Texas and Oklahoma were hit by a giant blizzard which set the state record snow depth in Oklahoma of 36 inches. The National Weather Service in Amarillo lists this blizzard as one of the top 20 weather events in the Panhandle. (42) (43)
    * Columbia suffered its worst winter in years resulting in economic losses of $150 million. To make matters worse heavy rains caused the two biggest rivers, the Magdalena and Cuca, to flood vast regions in the Central and Western parts of the country. (44)
    * Most of the USA was colder than normal. 1971 nationally was the 36th coldest in the 20thC. (45)

    Which year saw the more extreme weather, 1971 or 2010? Who can say. How can anyone compare the severity of, say, a hurricane with that of a drought? Or a flood with blizzard? Katharine Hayhoe complains that our weather is becoming unpredictable but surely it has ever been so. Perhaps we should really start worrying when we stop getting extreme weather events.

    Paul Homewood

  218. glacierman says:

    1938 – Pacific Islands threatened by sea-level rise caused by melting polar ice caps.


  219. glacierman says:

    1950 – Expedition to stugy why Earth is warming and if glacial retreat is global.


  220. glacierman says:

    1931 – Article discusses Peary’s book in which he states that it took him several years to find enough solid ice to reach the north pole, and that he was continually delayed by open leads of water caused by melting ice pack.


    I thought Arctic Ice only melted after CO2 went above 350 ppm.

  221. glacierman says:

    1907 – Heat record in the Arctic. Warmest places in Europe are now in the Arctic Circle.


  222. glacierman says:

    1936 – Weather balloons determine that a layer of warm Arctic Air remains in the atmosphere during winter.


  223. glacierman says:

    1946 – The real reason for the decline in Polar Bears…….it was Betty Grable all along.


  224. glacierman says:

    1873 – Great excess of heat made great expanses of open water in the Arctic.


  225. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    Oh no, the martians are coming, the sea will rise, the global warming is coming. I’m sure if they put that we have to pay a tax to stop Martians coming people would believe…


  226. glacierman says:

    1936 – Drought destroys an area the size of Pennsylvania, Mass., and Conneticut combined.


  227. glacierman says:

    1936 – Heat Kills 57 – Drought damage, forest fires, no relief in sight.

    It sure was nice when the climate was stable.


  228. glacierman says:

    1944 – many die from heat. Chicago had 11 days in August above 90 degrees. Crop damage, etc.


  229. glacierman says:

    1944 – heavy rains come just in time to save Kansas’ corn crop from drought. Heavy rain destroys Kansas’ bumper wheat crop……….which must have been thriving in the drought conditions.


  230. glacierman says:

    1936 – Showers end a heat wave that killed more than 1800 in Michigan Minnesota, Wisconsin after 15 straight days near 100 degrees.


  231. glacierman says:

    1944 – Severe Heat wave in Alaska kills more than 10. Heat prostrations cases in Alaska.


  232. glacierman says:

    1926 – Florida like climate in Alaska explained…….it is weather patterns.


  233. glacierman says:

    1911 – August – No ice along Siberia or Alaska – Arctic Heat Wave.


  234. glacierman says:

    1931 – no snow at Christmas time. People mow their lawns in Chicago (grass was till growing?), pansies and daisies continued to grow, had to use cotton instead of snow in Alaska.


  235. glacierman says:

    1943 – Russians using ice breakers to open shipping channels in Arctic. Funny how they are still doing the same thing. You would think with all that CO2 induced melting, ice breakers wouldn’t be needed today.


  236. glacierman says:

    1934 – A huge industrial area is being built in Siberia. Ships bring materials by Arctic Passage.


  237. glacierman says:

    1933 – Carolina Hurricane kills 10.

  238. glacierman says:

    1893 – hurricane is S. Carolina kills at least 500.


  239. Republican says:

    The United States Political field has gone to crap over the past few decades due to special interests. We need to rise up for our future and take back our nation from Big Pharma, Big Tobbacco, Big Insurance and really just big corporations. It is time for our elections to stop being purchased.

  240. Michael says:

    Ronaldo 2 Messi 2. Too bad Barce didn’t pot a third!

  241. tckev says:

    Great resource about the early beginnings of global warming, greenhouse gases and the misinterpretation of the science, written by Timothy Casey B.Sc.(Hons.)and is at http://geologist-1011.com/
    It deserves to be more widely read
    To quote –
    As a Scientist…

    I am not particularly partial to any ideas that are not directly supported by material evidence. History has taught us that scientists have never been clairvoiyant and those venturing beyond the implicit limitations of material evidence are rarely, if ever, correct in their speculations. The theory of luminiferous aether presents us with an object lesson. With early Renaissance proponents, such as Rene Descartes, and later formalisation by Robert Hooke, luminiferous aether gained enormous support in spite of the early experiments that called the theory into question (Whittaker, 1910). Even when totally refuted by the Michelson-Morley experiment in 1887, many career scientists remained in denial, in spite of the emerging quantum theory. Svante Arrhenius was one such scientist, and refining Tyndall’s idea of aethereal heat transfer (Tyndall, 1861, p. 285) with a backradiation warming mechanism, Arrhenius (1896, p.255) devised the “Greenhouse Effect”. Like many career scientists, even two decades after the Michelson-Morley experiment demolished the idea of aether, Arrhenius (1906, p. 154, 225) continued to glibly propagate the idea, as if it had never been challenged. Investigation of the science, or lack thereof, behind the “Greenhouse Effect” exposes it as another career proposition just like luminiferous aether, with yet another refutation (Wood, 1909) that is studiously ignored. The lesson we learn from the history of science is that scientific-sounding speculations have little, if anything, to do with science. This is why I allow neither my career nor my ambitions to encroach on any scientific research in which I am engaged. Moreover, my approach to science ensures that, from me, you will always get a straight answer about what has been found, instead of arm-waving about what may or may not be found.

    • sonsinger says:

      Of course you are right. The history of science has shown this again and again.

      If anything should raise the suspicions of the average reader, the statement “97% of the world’s scientists agree” should be it. Since when was any body of knowledge worthy of being called “scientific” verified by a vote of anybody?

  242. tckev says:

    1933: the day the ‘Great, black blizzard’ reached Kendall Co
    and the dust storms

  243. siliggy says:

    126.5 degrees F claimed to be from an official Australian Stevenson screen 1941?

  244. sabretoothed says:

    “It will without doubt have come to your Lordship’s knowledge that a considerable change of climate, inexplicable at present to us, must have taken place in the Circumpolar Regions, by which the severity of the cold that has for centuries past enclosed the seas in the high northern latitudes in an impenetrable barrier of ice has been during the last two years, greatly abated.
    (This) affords ample proof that new sources of warmth have been opened and give us leave to hope that the Arctic Seas may at this time be more accessible than they have been for centuries past, and that discoveries may now be made in them not only interesting to the advancement of science but also to the future intercourse of mankind and the commerce of distant nations.”
    President of the Royal Society, London, to the Admiralty, 20th November, 1817 [13] http://www.john-daly.com/polar/arctic.htm

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