Making Data Illegal

The Biden administration wants to make any data which doesn’t support their agenda illegal.

“Data and Datasets: Automated system outcomes can be skewed by unrepresentative or imbalanced datasets, datasets that incorporate historical bias, or datasets that contain other types of errors. Automated systems also can correlate data with protected classes, which can lead to discriminatory outcomes.”


The Declaration of Independence says “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal” but Democrats reject that idea. They believe some groups are not equal and thus need to be protected.

“Automated systems also can correlate data with protected classes, which can lead to discriminatory outcomes.”

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“drought-plagued American West”

The Associated Press says the western US is drought plagued and Anchorage is burning.

Wildfires in Anchorage? Climate change sparks disaster fears | The Hill

Anchorage has all-time record snowpack for this late in the season.

Anchorage sets new record for amount of snow on the ground in April – Alaska Public Media

Streamflows in the western US are far above normal, due to historic amounts of snow.

USGS | National Water Dashboard

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Michael Mann Discusses Science

Michael Mann has become very wealthy by helping create and push the climate scam, and has determined that the GOP is the single greatest enemy of the planet because some Republicans have opposed him.

10:26 AM · Apr 25, 2023

12:51 PM · Apr 26, 2023

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The Western Taliban

Latvia is destroying a monument to Russian poet Pushkin, because it offends them.  Previously they banned the Russian language.  My first wife was an ethnic Russian who grew up in Riga and faced hatred and discrimination every day of her childhood.

(11) Linda Ozola – ??Puškina dienas Kronvalda park? ir skait?tas. P?c… | Facebook

The western left imagines they are open minded, loving and tolerant – while hating, silencing and censoring everyone with a different belief system.

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“paranoid schizophrenic employed by Koch Industries”

I posted a video of the Chama River just above the Rio Grande confluence, which I filmed yesterday. Here are the responses.

“paranoid schizophrenic employed by Koch Industries to disseminate lies”

8:49 AM · Apr 24, 2023

The river is flowing at 2, 340 cubic feet per second, which is above average for the date.

USGS | National Water Dashboard

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April 25, 1929 Tornado Outbreak

On April 25, 1929 tornadoes killed dozens of people in Georgia and South Carolina

26 Apr 1929, Page 1 – The Greenville News at

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Boulder Buys A Toy Truck

“Boulder Buys First Electric Fire Engine”

Boulder Buys First Electric Fire Engine | City of Boulder

“Sorry, you have to wait eight hours for the truck to recharge”

Finding Joy Through Climate Action | City of Boulder

h/t Russell Cook

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Destroyer Of Worlds

We are told that anyone who drives a car is now a destroyer of the world.

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Twenty-Five Years Of The Hockey Stick

On Earth Day 1993, Michael Mann erased the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age

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Doctor Has Difficulty Reading

It says right on the box that masks don’t work against COVID. It is unfortunate that the doctor doesn’t pay attention to the products she is pushing.

4:10 AM · Apr 23, 2023

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