A New Religious Holiday

Time Magazine wants to make Earth Day a religious holiday, and says New York had their warmest January on record.

The Case For Making Earth Day a Religious Holiday | Time

George Washington’s first month in office, January 1790, was likely much warmer.

A Meteorological Account of the Weather in Philadelphia: From January 1 … – Charles Peirce – Google Books

And a drought from 1790-1796 drought killed more than 600,000 people in India.

Himalyan Ice Cores Reveal Climate Warming, Catastrophic Drought

27 Jun 1902 – Drought. – Trove

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RFK Jr. Wants Science Criminalized

RFK Jr. wants anyone who tells the truth about climate to be jailed.

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Climate Experts March In London

The leading minds of the climate cult marching in the streets of London.

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April 24, 1908 Tornado Outbreak

On April 24, 1908 tornadoes in Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee killed hundreds of people.

25 Apr 1908, 1 – St. Louis Globe-Democrat at Newspapers.com

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“Coldest winter ever in Wyoming”

“Coldest winter ever in Wyoming. Wildlife freezing to death.”

5:36 AM · Apr 22, 2023

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CNN Climate Town Hall September 5, 2019

Democrats and CNN trying to out-crazy each other about climate.

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“Scientists Warn”

Winter without snow is coming, scientists warn”

“the Mountain West will be nearly snowless for years at a time if worldwide greenhouse gas emissions are not rapidly reduced”

Winter without snow is coming, scientists warn | Grist

Kirye investigated this along the Colorado/New Mexico border last week.

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Crash Dummy Gender Equality

Democrats are unable to define what a female is, but they want female crash dummies to achieve social justice.

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Biden Brags About Election Interference

Joe Biden bragging about “fifty former intelligence officers” lying about Hunter’s laptop, as the NBC moderator does everything she can to interfere with the debate.

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TikTok Censoring Factual Information About Climate

Starting today, TikTok is censoring anyone who disputes the official lies about climate.

“On April 21, we will begin to ramp up enforcement of a new climate change misinformation policy which removes climate change misinformation that undermines well-established scientific consensus, such as content denying the existence of climate change or the factors that contribute to it. As we do for all misinformation policies, we will work with independent fact-checking partners when applying this policy to help assess the accuracy of content.”

Earth Day 2023: Driving sustainability awareness with our TikTok community | TikTok Newsroom

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