Toxic Carbon Dioxide

Carbon dioxide forms the basis of all life on earth, but in Europe it is considered a toxin.

“The European Union approved on Monday a deal that will lead to the phaseout of sales of new fossil fuel cars by 2035, with a final green light by energy ministers due on Tuesday.

The 27-nation bloc joins more than a dozen other nations which have set deadlines for ending sales of new cars with internal combustion engines (ICE) which emit toxic gasses that are a major driver of climate change.”

The countries phasing out internal combustion engines

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Perhaps She Should Wear A Cup?

New York woman suffers testicle injury.

Transgender woman posts sobbing selfie in bathroom after claiming TSA agent punched her testicles | Daily Mail Online

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Bad Luck For Democrat Senators

The odds of Senators Fetterman, Lujan and van Hollen all getting a stroke the same year are more than twenty-thousand to one.

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The New Normal

Two of the youngest Democrat senators – John Fetterman (53) and Ben Ray Lujan (50) – suffered strokes last year. Both were vaccine advocates. What are the odds of that happening randomly?

6:30 PM · Apr 21, 2022

Senator Ben Ray Luján’s Stroke, and His Recovery for a Supreme Court Vote – The New York Times

Luján Stresses Importance of Boosting Vaccination Rates in Committee Hearing – Senator Ben Ray Luján

Chris van Hollen (64) of Maryland also had a stroke.

Sen. Van Hollen says he suffered stroke – POLITICO

Van Hollen, Murphy, Moran, Colleagues Urge Blinken to Help Americans Living Abroad Get Vaccinated Against COVID-19 | U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen of Maryland

The odds of all three of them suffering a stroke the same year are more than 20,000: 1

Journal of Stroke

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March 27, 1890 Tornado Outbreak

On March 27, 1890 tornadoes devastated Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Tennessee and Kentucky. Almost 100 people died in Kentucky. Bowling Green was largely destroyed and many towns along the path were wrecked.

Article from 29 Mar 1890, Page 1 – San Francisco Chronicle at

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2,491 Days Left For The Planet

Congressional climate expert AOC says the planet will burn up in 2,491 days due to global warming. In order to help document this, we took a hike west of Cheyenne, Wyoming this morning in -2F (-19C) wind chills.

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Blame The NRA

Democrats said they were going to do background checks to prevent sales of weapons to mentally ill people. It appears that didn’t happen.

“The Colorado Springs shooter identified as non binary. The Denver shooter identified as trans. The Aberdeen shooter identified as trans. The Nashville shooter identified as trans. “

4:16 PM · Mar 27, 2023

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Deep State Hollywood

Hollywood actors pushing Democrat party propaganda about the 2016 US election.

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Artificial Stupidity

A general misunderstanding of computers and their limitations is at the core of climate alarmism.

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Mel Gibson Exposing Corruption Circa 1987

Hollywood and the press have been trying to cancel Mel Gibson for decades.

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