Ritual Sacrifice

Superstitious people have always believed bad weather is the fault of humans, and that sacrifice is needed to prevent it. Nothing has changed.

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Washington Post Mathematics

A yearly subscription costs more per month than a monthly subscription.

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Oprah Endorses Fetterman

Oprah Winfrey endorsed non-functional John Fetterman based on “wisdom” and “discernment.”

Oprah endorses Fetterman over Dr. Oz in Pennsylvania Senate race : NPR

John Fetterman could remain hospitalized for 2 more weeks: report

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The Greta Effect

“More Swedes are staying on the ground because of “flight-shame””

“GRETA THUNBERG is currently afloat somewhere on the Atlantic Ocean. The 16-year-old Swedish climate-change activist is sailing from Britain to New York, where she will attend the UN’s Climate Action Summit. With cramped quarters, no toilet and the potential for rough seas, the two-week voyage will be uncomfortable. Ms Thunberg has described the experience as “camping on a rollercoaster”. By air, the journey would take just eight hours. But because of the greenhouse-gas emissions associated with air travel, she refuses to fly.”

The Greta effect | The Economist

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Climate Journalism

An MSNBC journalist blocked me for explaining what was wrong with her argument.

8:30 PM · Mar 22, 2023

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NOAA 1974 – Global Cooling Causes Droughts

This document was deleted from the NOAA website sometime in the last two years.

“According to British meteorologist Hubert Lamb, the average growing season in England is already two weeks shorter than it was before 1950. Since the late 1950°s, Iceland’s hay crop yield has dropped about 25 percent, while pack ice in waters around Iceland and Greenland ports is becoming the hazard to navigation it was during the 17th and 18th centuries.

At lower latitudes, as in the Sahel, the amount of prec available during certain phases of the growing season is critical to food production. The kind of climatic variation now in progress includes changes in the tracks of precipitation-producing storms through major grain-producing regions.

In India, for example, before the global warming trend of 1890-1940, severe drought struck about once every four years. With the warming, however, and more abundant monsoon rains, drought came only once every 18 years or so, greatly increasing India’s grain production. Some climatologists think that if the current cooling trend continues, drought will occur more frequently

India—indeed, through much of Asia, the world’s hungriest continent.

Archaeologists have related the decline of a number of ancient civilizations to climatic changes that brought recurrent drought to previously fertile crop land.”

NOAA Magazine October 1974

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“Not Fake”

Mark Serreze of the National Snow and Ice Data Center says NOAA temperature graphs aren’t fake.

6:02 PM · Mar 21, 2023

8:00 PM · Mar 22, 2023

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The Nord Stream Cover Up

“The latest Seymour Hersh story reveals the incompetent Nordstream cover-up attempt by Biden and Scholz.”

5:37 PM · Mar 22, 2023

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European Dust Storm Of March, 1901

Wayback Machine

16 Mar 1901, Page 1 – Washington Sentinel at Newspapers.com

The second hottest July in the US occurred in 1901.

2 Jul 1901, Page 1 – The St Louis Republic at Newspapers.com


The 1901 heatwave killed thousands of people in New York.

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Louisville, Colorado To Ban Gas Stations

Louisville, Colorado is planning on banning new gas stations in order to save their children from global warming.

A Colorado city is looking to restrict new gas stations. Here’s why

I used to commute by bicycle from Boulder to Louisville, and saw maybe a half dozen other people who did. Most of the other 20,000 residents travel by automobile. If you pass by any of the schools in Louisville in the morning or afternoon, you see parents lined up in their vehicles to drop off and pick up their children.

Six years ago I watched a nest of Cooper’s Hawk’s chicks hatch and grow up along the bike trail in Louisville.

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