Evidence Free Investigation

A coup against the President of the United States sponsored by Liz Cheney –  based on zero evidence.

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“Why haven’t you called for backup?”

” Call for Help, Why haven’t you called for backup? Why are you letting this happen?”

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Life In The Real World

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California Permanent Drought

The press warned us about fossil fuels.

Meanwhile, back in the real world ….

Tahoe snow crushing homes as storm may bring more damage

California snowpack could soon grow to highest level ever. Here’s why

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Mitt Romney’s Contribution To Science

Besides all of his other malfeasance, Mitt Romney unleashed Gina McCarthy on the world while he was governor of Massachusetts.

McCarthy tells tech to crack down on climate misinformation – Protocol

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“They Can’t Be That Stupid”

Seymour Hersh says “they can’t be that stupid. I am going to go read the New York Times now

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When Will We See The Sun Again?

Our seemingly endless Siberian winter of 2022-2023 in Wyoming continues.

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“Dangerous To Our Democracy”

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“We will not be needing your services”

“Believe me, Mr. Garland, your corruption is legendary,” said President Zelensky during their short meeting. “But Ukraine is already corrupt to the core. We’re pros at corruption, so we have this pretty well covered. We will not be needing your services, thank you very much.”

Ukraine Asks Merrick Garland To Leave As They Already Have Enough Corrupt Government Officials | Babylon Bee

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The Anti-War Left

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