Rapidly Shifting Scam

The press seems to be abandoning their California drought scam, and are now pushing the idea that global warming is going to make California flood.

““In a warmer climate, you might get more rain-on-snow at those higher elevations,” said hydrologist Keith Musselman, an assistant professor at the University of Colorado Boulder and the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research. “And that can cause rivers to rise and react in ways that we haven’t seen historically.”

California’s snowpack could be at risk from rain-on-snow. Here’s why

California’s worst flood occurred during January 1862, when warm rain melted all the snow in the mountains.

“One hundred and sixty years ago, the biggest flood in modern history wiped out California: 4,000 dead, one-third of all property destroyed, a quarter of the state’s 800,000 cattle drowned or starved. California went so utterly bankrupt that its governor, Legislature and state employees didn’t draw a paycheck for 18 months. The newly installed telegraph system fizzled, just the tops of its poles visible under feet of water, and roads were impassable. Eggs cost $3 a dozen (that’s $79 adjusted for inflation, if you thought today’s supply chain issues were bad).

The catastrophe began with a snowstorm in the Sierra. In early December 1861, upwards of 15 feet of snow fell in California’s eastern mountains. What followed, modern National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration researchers believe, was a series of atmospheric rivers. For 40 days, they kept coming, bringing warm rain and high winds. All of the fresh Sierra snow melted, turning frozen creeks into raging rivers as the water poured downstream.

The deadly 1862 flood that wiped out and reshaped California

Ahead of the 1960 Winter Olympics, rain washed away all the snow at Squaw Valley

09 Feb 1960, Page 1 – The Berkshire Eagle at Newspapers.com

This year California is experiencing record cold and snow.

Webcams | Palisades Tahoe

Operations Update: Resort Closed Tuesday After 3+ Feet of Snow in 24 Hours – Palisades Tahoe at Lake Tahoe

“Officially the snowiest Oct-Feb period since 1970 as recorded by the Central Sierra Snow Lab near Donner Summit, and likely the highest since 1952. It’s also the coldest winter recorded so far for Tahoe City since 1952”

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1791 – No Rain For The Entire Year In Southern California

“The record was kept by the Fathers. at San Luis Rey Mission in San Diego county, between the years of 1786 and 1832. During this period there were seven dry years, one being without rain the whole year, The inference is that the intervening years between the dates given in the table were fairly good. The record follows: ‘ ‘

1786—Coplous rainfall.

178f—Rainfall insufficient. Crops short. ,

1791—Extremely dry, No rain the whole year.

1794—Rainfall insufficient. Crops short.

1795—Very dry.

1819—Short in rain and crops.

1827—Short in rain and crops.

1832—Short in rain and crops.

02 Mar 1906, 30 – The Los Angeles Times at Newspapers.com

h/t Don Penim

“The rainfall for the season of 1862~63 did not exceed four inches, and that of 1863-64 was even less. In the fall of 1863 a few showers fell, but not enough to start the grass. No more fell until March. The cattle were dying of starvation. Herds of gaunt, skeleton-like forms, moved slowly over the plains in search of food. Here and there, singly or in small groups, poor brutes, too weak to move on, stood motionless with drooping leads slowly dying of starvation. It was a pitiful sight. In the long stretch of arid plain between San Gabriel and the Santa Ana there was one oasis of luxuriant green. It was the vineyards of the Anaheim colonists kept green by irrigation. The colony lands were surrounded by a close willow-hedge, and the streets closed by gates. The starving cattle, frenzied by the sight of something green, would gather around the inclosure and make desperate attempts to break through. A mounted guard patrolled the outside of the barricade day and night to protect the vineyards from incursion by the starving herds. The loss of cattle was fearful. The plains were strewn with their carcasses. In marshy places and around the cienegas, where there was a vestige of green, the ground was covered with their skeletons, and the traveler for years afterward was often startled by coming suddenly on a veritable Golgotha—a place of skulls—the long horns standing out in defiant attitude, as if protecting the fleshless bones. It is said that 30,000 head of cattle died on the Stearns Ranchos alone. The great drought of 1863-64 put an end to cattle raising as the distinctive industry of Southern California.”


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Momentous Victory For Marriage Equality

Ten weeks ago the press and Biden administration were celebrating marriage equality for College Park, Maryland mayor Patrick Wojahn. Today he was arrested for child pornography.

College Park mayor and husband celebrate ‘momentous’ victory in marriage equality at the White House – WTOP News

College Park mayor arrested on child pornography charges, community reacts – WTOP News

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Record Cold And Snow Caused By Heat

Experts say the record cold and snow in the west is caused an overheated atmosphere.

“But increasingly extreme weather is expected as global temperatures rise. “Heat produces moisture, moisture produces storms, and heat and moisture bind to produce even more severe storms,” Feldkircher said.”

‘It’s like once-in-a-generation’: Former NOAA chief scientist puts recent West Coast snowfalls in historical context

“Officially the snowiest Oct-Feb period since 1970 as recorded by the Central Sierra Snow Lab near Donner Summit, and likely the highest since 1952. It’s also the coldest winter recorded so far for Tahoe City since 1952”

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“The Greatest Perpetrator Of Misinformation”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr – Medical science experts from Harvard, Johns Hopkins, and Stanford testifying before Congress:
“The greatest perpetrator of misinformation during the pandemic has been the United States government.”

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Energy Efficiency

Solar produces less than 3% of US electricity, and its advocates are bragging that this requires 40% of the US energy workforce.

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Zelensky Declares War For The US

The US no longer needs a constitution or Congress, because we now have Zelensky sending US citizens off to war.

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Sunny Spain

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California Carbon

Despite record levels of snow and reservoir storage, the press and US government continue to insist that California is experiencing a drought.

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Drought To Last Until 2030

National Geographic and academia engaged in their usual false prophecies, junk science and ongoing efforts to misinform the public.

“A new study in Nature Climate Change shows that Earth’s warming climate has made the western drought about 40 percent more severe, making it the region’s driest stretch since A.D. 800. And there’s a very strong chance the drought will continue through 2030.”

The drought in the western U.S. could last until 2030

Yosemite snow totals smash 54-year-old record

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