“a radical change in climatic conditions”

From the New York Times one hundred years ago.

“The Arctic seems to be warming up. Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers who sail the seas about Spitzbergen and the Eastern Arctic, all point to a radical change in climatic conditions, and hitherto unheard of temperatures in that part of the earth. Old glaciers have disappeared and land once covered with field ice is bare.

“Many old landmarks are so changed as to be unrecognizable. Where formerly great masses of ice were found, there are now often moraines, accumulations of earth and stones. At many points where glaciers formerly extended far into the sea they have entirely disappeared. “

TimesMachine: February 25, 1923 – NYTimes.com

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New York Times Says Global Warming Causes Floods In California

The New York Times describes the record flood of 1862 (without mentioning it) and says the burning of fossil fuels made it more likely.

“As humans burn fossil fuels and heat up the planet, we have already increased the chances each year that California will experience a monthlong, statewide megastorm of this severity to roughly 1 in 50, according to a new study published Friday. (The hypothetical storm visualized here is based on computer modeling from this study.)

In the coming decades, if global average temperatures climb by another 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit, or 1 degree Celsius — and current trends suggest they might — then the likelihood of such storms will go up further, to nearly 1 in 30.”

The Coming California Megastorm – The New York Times

The deadly 1862 flood that wiped out and reshaped California

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“No End In Sight”

A few weeks ago the press said there was no end in sight to the California drought. Now California has record snowpack.

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CNN Cites 100 Experts

At the start of winter, CNN invoked their standard combination of fake science and fake experts to push their disinformation campaign.

“The stark reality of climate change in California is clear: record-high temperatures, an unrelenting drought, and unprecedented wildfires. The evidence continues to mount of the impacts of climate change on the health, safety, and well-being of the state’s residents,” authors of the report wrote.

The extensive report documents the causes and impacts of climate change by studying 41 scientifically measured indicators provided by more than 100 experts from state and federal agencies, research institutions, academia and includes input from 40 Native American tribes.”

California’s climate crisis is intensifying quickly and taking a heavy toll on residents, new data reveals | CNN

Now they say Los Angeles is under a blizzard warning.

California winter weather: Parts of metro Los Angeles are still under a historic blizzard warning as heavy snow and rain pummel region | CNN

The beach at Santa Cruz was covered with snow yesterday.

In 1936, the biggest threat facing Santa Cruz was forest fires.

“Forest Fires, Occurrent In Santa Cruz Mountains For Century, Seen As Greatest Peril To Future Prosperity”

“Data compiled by state forestry department show county visited by flames almost yearly since big fire of 1868 which ran over forested summits from Water- shed of the Pescadero to peaks of the Gavilans.”

05 Dec 1936, Page 7 – Santa Cruz Evening News at Newspapers.com

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Blizzard Warning For Los Angeles

A few weeks ago CNN reported unrelenting heat and drought for California.  Now they say LA is flooded and having a blizzard.

California winter weather: Parts of metro Los Angeles are still under a historic blizzard warning as heavy snow and rain pummel region | CNN

California’s climate crisis is intensifying quickly and taking a heavy toll on residents, new data reveals | CNN

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Record Snowpack In Southern California

Snowpack in Southern California is at a record high for the date.


A few weeks ago the press said the burning of fossil fuels made the drought “20 times worse” with no relief in sight.

“Climate change made drought 20 times worse this year, and there’s no relief in sight”

Climate change made drought 20 times worse this year, and there’s no relief in sight – The Verge

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Election Fraud And Racketeering In Maricopa County

Today’s hearing at the Arizona State Legislature.

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Saving The Whales

Green energy wiping out raptors and whales.

“A dozen New Jersey mayors penned a letter to federal and state officials this week, urging them to implement an immediate moratorium on offshore wind development following the latest in a string of whale deaths.”

12 NJ mayors raise alarm on offshore wind after ‘unprecedented’ number of whale deaths | Fox News

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California Global Warming Crisis

“SAN DIEGO — The National Weather Service in San Diego issued a blizzard warning on Thursday for its first time ever.”

San Diego National Weather Service issues Blizzard Warning in San Bernardino County Mountains

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“Get the latest information from the CDC about COVID-19”

I posted this Monbiot rant about ending farming, and the geniuses at YouTube put a COVID-19 warning on it.

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