The World’s Greatest Artist

A collection of minerals from Fine Minerals International, showing spectacular examples of God’s creation. A lot of these specimens would likely cost more than a million dollars to purchase.

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Seymour Hersh Discusses Ukraine

“I have access to a lot of people who see things. The stories I’ve been hearing about the war have been pretty dire. Right now it’s just a question of how many more of his own people Zelensky wants to kill. It’s going to be over.”

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“Record Breaking Heat” In Sydney

Last year was Sydney’s first year on record without any temperature readings 32C or above, so now an imaginary 32C is defined as record heat.

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Monbiot : We Must End Our Dependence On Farming

George Monbiot wants to destroy both the energy and the food supply which billions of people depend on for their day to day survival.

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“California’s Frigid February”

“California’s frigid February: Beach freeze warnings, record lows, ‘very treacherous’”

California’s frigid February: ‘Very treacherous’ – Los Angeles Times

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100% Consensus That Natural Immunity Is Dangerous

Less than three months into the US plandemic and long before any vaccine was supposed to have existed, the press said millions would die if they didn’t take the non-existent/untested injection.

“Infectious disease experts all agree that the “herd immunity” approach would be catastrophic—millions of Americans would die in the process.”

Anti-Vaxxers Have a Dangerous Theory Called “Natural Immunity.” Now It’s Going Mainstream – Mother Jones

Three years later …

“Immunity acquired from a Covid infection provides strong, lasting protection against the most severe outcomes of the illness, according to research published Thursday in The Lancet — protection, experts say, that’s on par with what’s provided through two doses of an mRNA vaccine.”

Natural immunity as protective as Covid vaccine against severe illness

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Biden Shatters The World Record

“President Biden did 36 push-ups, 11 pull-ups (not the type he wears) and ran a mile in just under 5 minutes according to the results of his physical fitness test.”

The world record for the mile in Biden’s age group is almost a minute slower, at 5:57, and that was set with two runners running half a mile each.

List of world records in masters athletics – Wikipedia

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“temporary six-months tour of duty”

On this date in 1962 the US government announced they were going easily defeat the Viet Cong with minimal loss of life, and that 4,000 soldiers would be deployed for six months.

“17 Feb 1962,

WASHINGTON (AP)—U.S.  officials say the guerrilla war in South Viet Nam. will be won ‘with a minimum amount of combat and loss of life by Americans.’

As this official optimism was being expressed here, there was a report in Saigon the United States is going to triple the length of service of some of its Army men in Viet Nam,

About three-fourths of the estimated ~4,000 U.S. servicemen there are assigned to a temporary six- months tour of duty, but an informant said this was being extended to a permanent 18-month tour for some key personnel, such as helicopter pilots.”

There was also severe flooding in Germany and Idaho.

17 Feb 1962, 1 – The Ogden Standard-Examiner at

h/t Don Penim

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More Record Cold

The forecast minimum temperature here in Cheyenne for next Thursday is -26F (-32C) which would beat the previous record for the date by fourteen degrees. It would also be the coldest temperature recorded here since 1990, and the fourteenth coldest ever recorded.  It would also be the coldest temperature ever recorded this late in winter.

Last year on February 23 it was a balmy -9F.

Ventusky – Wind, Rain and Temperature Maps



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Artificial Stupidity


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