“How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline”

Sabotaging pipelines seems to be a favorite activity of this administration.

How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline

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“482 domestic crickets”

“”Cricket soy sauce” using about 482 crickets per bottle is finally completed. Manufactured by Masuzuka Miso (Noda Miso Shoten), a 92-year-old brewery in Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture (4th generation, Yoshinari Noda). From November 1st, sales will start in limited quantities”

“Cricket soy sauce” made by fermenting crickets is finally completed, and insect food “ANTCICADA” is developed. Sales start from November 1st. ?Join Earth Co., Ltd. press release

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“Are off-shore wind farms causing unprecedented whale deaths?”

Are off-shore wind farms causing unprecedented whale deaths? | Fox News Video

Endangered Whales Seen at Risk From New England Offshore Wind Farms – Bloomberg

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Latest From The World’s Leading Climate Expert

Michael Mann attacking yet another person he is afraid to debate.

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Battling Snowstorms In Hawaii To Stop Global Warming

Saving the planet from “heat-trapping gases” with a yellow balloon.

“Battling Lava and Snowstorms to Keep a Climate Project Alive”

Battling Lava and Snowstorms to Keep a Climate Project Alive – The New York Times

The New York Times is a great read if you think of it as comedy.

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Denied Basic Dignities

Joe Biden forced pregnant women to get injected or lose their job. Now he says he worried about their basic dignities in the workplace.

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53% Ukrainian Casualties

According to Mossad, 53% of the Ukrainian Army is dead or injured.

Claim: Ukrainian and Russian casualties according to MOSSAD

“former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett – Claims WESTERN LEADERS BLOCKED UKRAINE / RUSSIA PEACE DEAL – A deal HE NEGOTIATED at Zelensky’s request in March – Apparently because the West wanted to CONTINUE TO STRIKE Russia”

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Exactly What They Predicted

Nine years ago experts said record high sea ice in Antarctica was due to global warming and was exactly what they predicted.

“Antarctic ice floes extended further than ever recorded this southern winter, confounding the world’s most-trusted climate models.

the increasing sea ice was well understood by scientists. “In some ways it’s a bit counterintuitive for people trying to understand how global warming is affecting our polar regions, but in fact it’s actually completely in line with how climate scientists expect Antarctica and the Southern Ocean to respond. Particularly in respect to increased winds and increased melt water,” said Williams.”

Why is Antarctic sea ice at record levels despite global warming? | Sea ice | The Guardian

Now they say record low Antarctic sea ice is due to global warming and is exactly what they expected.

There has been no trend in Antarctic sea ice or temperature over the last 40 years.

OSI-420 | osisaf-hl.met.no

RSS_TS_channel_TLT_Southern Polar_Land_and_Sea_v03_3.png (440×240)

There was almost no sea ice around Antarctica in January 1976, near the peak of the ice age scare.

National Geographic Magazine Archive

March 1, 1975 | Science News

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1924 Winter Olympics Had Almost No Snow


CHAMONIX, France, Jan. 25.— “With the skating rink and snow slides almost wrecked by thaws, ‘opening of the Olympic games here tomorrow seems dubious. The skating rink is soft and sloppy and slides for the bobsled and ski contests have melted down almost to mud. Athletes of the nineteen nations entered in the winter sports have had practically no preparatory work and are willing to accept a postponement for better weather.

Officials of the French Olympic committee have had carloads of snow hauled down from the mountains to cover up the bare spots in the slide and while it has been made fairly good for practice, it hardly can be used for real competition.”

25 Jan 1924, 15 – Stockton Evening and Sunday Record at Newspapers.com

“The Yonkers Herald – 28 Jan 1928, Sat – Page 15

St. Moritz, Switzerland (AP).—For, once in its career of Winter gaiety St. Moritz has too much snow.

Shovellers and pushers employed , in other years to carry snow to the ski jumps and the slides have been , busy this season clearing it away from the skating rink, the bob-sleigh run and the race track, to. prepare them for the beginning of the Olym-pic Winter sports in February. ,

“Too much snow!” is a complaint that never rose before in the history. of Alpine Winter diversion. At the , Chamonix Olympic events in 1924 a general thaw set in a week before the opening and not enough ice was left on the skating rink to shake a cocktail.”

28 Jan 1928, 15 – The Yonkers Herald at Newspapers.com

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Imaginary Climate History

Another example of how the press and academia erase and rewrite history to create a completely fake story.

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