“The Science”

Western liberal governments are once again using what they call “the science” as justification to spread fear, suspicion, hatred and division. The same playbook they have always used.

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Justin Trudeau Discusses Science

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Climate Cancel Culture

The UN hasn’t made much progress in their climate scam. They are frustrated and blame their failure on people like me.

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Pfizer And WEF Announce Their Plans For Drug Compliance

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Four Boosters And Eight Free Tests

A vaccine so effective that you have to keep getting tested after multiple injections.

“Got my FOURTH booster today! Oh, and CVS gave us EIGHT free tests for getting boosted”

Kathy Griffin on Instagram: “Got my FOURTH booster today! Oh, and CVS gave us EIGHT free tests for getting boosted. #?????????????”

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COP Cancel Culture

The United Nations says anyone who interferes with their scam to take over the world’s energy supply is evil.


NASA 1999

And this is NASA’s current graph, which now shows a strong warming trend during that period.

NASA 2019

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Almost The Size Of London

“An iceberg nearly the size of Greater London has broken off the Brunt Ice Shelf in Antarctica”

Here is the same story from 1911, except it was Liverpool instead of London.


a huge mass 500 feet high  … a floating city of ice as large as Liverpool …. The berg, which was visible for some hours, is supposed to be the detached portion of a permanent Antarctic Icefield.”

05 Jan 1911 – A GIANT ICEBERG. – Trove

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Safe And Effective

The press says masks and vaccines protect people from the virus.

92% of Beijing population could be infected with Covid by January-end: Study  – World News

A man lies dead in the street: the image that captures the Wuhan coronavirus crisis | Coronavirus | The Guardian

Ninety percent of people in China are “fully vaccinated” and 90 percent of Beijing residents are predicted to get COVID.

China Coronavirus Full Vaccination Rate

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“E-cars are a danger for ship passengers”

“A Norwegian shipping company bans electric cars on its ferries. According to a risk analysis, the risk of fire from such vehicles is too great. An ocean liner had recently sunk because of it.

OSLO. The listed Norwegian shipping company Havila has banned electric, hybrid and hydrogen cars from its ferries. After a risk analysis, it was concluded that the risk to the safety of the shipping fleet was too great. If a car catches fire, the fire can no longer be extinguished.”

Brandgefahr: Erste Reederei verbietet E-Autos auf Fähren

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Jacinda’s Plan To Keep New Zealand Safe

A smiling Jacinda wanted to keep vaccinated New Zealanders safe by segregating vaccinated and unvaccinated. A similar model to that previously used in South Africa based on race.

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