Fauci 2019 Discussing Development Of New Vaccine Types

In 2019 Fauci said it would take at least a decade to prove that a new vaccine type was safe and effective.

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Extreme Weather Of 1790

A drought from 1790-1796 drought killed more than 600,000 people in India.

Himalyan Ice Cores Reveal Climate Warming, Catastrophic Drought

January 1790 was the warmest on record in Philadelphia.


A Meteorological Account of the Weather in Philadelphia: From January 1 … – Charles Peirce – Google Books

27 Jun 1902 – Drought. – Trove

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“no room for doubt about climate change”

The New York Times quotes an Australian who says the switch from dry to wet is proof of “climate change.”

“The accumulation of scientific data leaves no room for doubt about climate change.

Your Climate Actions in 2023 – The New York Times

Australia has been having alternating droughts and floods almost continuously since at least 1780.

04 Jan 1876 – DRY WEATHER. – Trove

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Carbon Dioxide Causes Domestic Violence

From Umoja, Kenya to India, climate change has led to domestic violence – The Washington Post

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World Economics Forum Discusses mRNA

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Worst Drought In 1,200 Years

The press says California is flooding while simultaneously having the worst drought In 1,200 years

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Worst Drought In 1,200 Years

The press says California is flooding and having the worst drought in 1,200 years.

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Paul Ehrlich Says He Was Right

“The oceans will be as dead as Lake Erie in less than a decade.”

“America will be subject to water rationing by 1974 and food rationing by 1980.”

6 Oct 1970, Page 3 – Redlands Daily Facts at Newspapers.com

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Must Be Climate Change

England and Wales are having record numbers of excess deaths. The Sky News presenter can’t figure out what is causing it.

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Saint Bill

The Guardian says Bill Gates is a saint.

Saint Bill | Rory Carroll | The Guardian

Bill Gates has given The Guardian $13 million.

Documents show Bill Gates has given $319 million to media outlets to promote his global agenda | Katehon think tank. Geopolitics & Tradition

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