Climate Scam Goes South

There is more Arctic sea ice now than there was fifteen years ago when Al Gore won the Nobel Prize and predicted all the ice would be gone in seven years. So climate alarmists have turned their attention south to Antarctica.

There has been no trend in Antarctic sea ice or temperature for at 44 years.

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In 1976, at the peak of the ice age scare, there was almost no sea ice around Antarctica.

National Geographic Magazine Archive

Dr. Diann Rodgers-Healey lives near Sydney where they just had the first year on record to not reach 90F (32C) (due to cool Antarctic air) and she supports fighting a proxy war against Russia in the Ukraine.

(87) Dr Diann Rodgers-Healey (@ACLWDiannRH) / Twitter

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Another Climate Scam Bites The Dust

Pika on the left, climate scientist Andrew Dessler on the right.

Eighteen years ago experts said Pikas were doomed because of global warming.

31 Dec 2004, 27 – Longview Daily News at

Here is a study from 2011 predicting extinction for Pikas.

“The rules of the extinction game have changed,” said Erik Beever, a research ecologist at the U.S. Geologic Survey’s Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center in Montana and lead author of the peer-reviewed paper, which will soon be published in the print edition of the journal Global Change Biology.”

Climate Change Spells Extinction for a Mountain Species, Research Shows | Reuters

One year earlier in 2010 it was reported that Pikas were thriving,

“Pikas Prove Flexible Amid Warming
The mountain-dwelling pika, which many predicted might be one of climate change’s first casualties, is thriving in the Sierra Nevada.

Pikas Prove Flexible Amid Warming : Discovery News

Now they admit they were wrong, but plan to shift their scam to other species.

“Although climate change is a serious threat to the survival of many species on Earth, according to a new, extensive review by Arizona State University Emeritus Professor Andrew Smith, published in the October 2020 issue of the Journal of Mammalogy, the American pika is currently adapting remarkably well.

Good News: Pikas Now Predicted to Persist

h/t Steve Milloy

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Greenland Gravity Fakery

Glacier Girl was found in southeast Greenland under hundreds of feet of ice in a region which gravity anomaly maps claim is rapidly losing ice.

Glacier Girl: History | P-38 Assn

Mass and Height Change: Polar Portal

Over the past year, southeast Greenland (and almost all of the lower elevations) gained huge amounts of excess ice.

Surface Conditions: Polar Portal

Surface Conditions: Polar Portal

In 1939, all of the glaciers in Eastern Greenland were nearing “catastrophic collapse.”

Cedar Rapids Gazette, Dec 11, 1939, p. 25

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“United States Drying Up”

In 1977 it was reported that the United States was drying up. The drought was blamed on global cooling and expanding Arctic sea ice.

24 Jul 1977, Page 5 – Beckley Post-Herald The Raleigh Register at

“The current drought affecting Montana and other western states is the result of a world climatic cooling and drying trend, Sen. Bob Brown, R-Whitefish said this week.

Brown, Sen. John Manley, D- Drummond, and Rep. Joe Kanduch, D-Anaconda, were briefed on the drought by Dr, Pierre St. Amand at a recent meeting in San Francisco, Calif., of state legislators representing Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon and California.

St. Amand, director of Earth and Planetary Science Studies for the U. S. Navy Department, is widely regarded as one of the world’s leading experts in the field of weather modification, Brown said.

Enlarging of polar ice masses and the worldwide drying trend is evidence of a global cooling process, St. Amand told the lawmakers.

History shows that the earth has gone through cooling and warming cycles over time and that man can take steps to deal with the current situation in an intelligent manner, St. Amand said.”

09 Jun 1977, Page 1 – The Daily Inter Lake at

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Coolest Year On Record In Sydney

No temperatures over 90F.

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“Almost Snowless Insbruck” 1964

There was almost no snow at Insbruck, Austria for the 1964 Winter Olympics, so truckers and soldiers to haul snow there to cover the slopes.

26 Jan 1964, 48 – The Fresno Bee at

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Worst Drought In 1,200 Years

Last week the Biden administration said California is having the worst drought in 1,200 years.

US Pledges $85 Million to Fight Worst Drought in 1,200 Years – Bloomberg

This week the press says California is flooding.

Western US battles rain and flooding as ‘atmospheric river’ storm hits | US news | The Guardian

Accumulated Precipitation (GFS 10-day Forecast)

Thirteen inches of precipitation forecast for the Sierra Nevada over the next week.

Ventusky – Wind, Rain and Temperature Maps

On December 30, 1956 fires in Southern California were a “major disaster” and Budapest didn’t have enough coal to fight the communists.

30 Dec 1956, 1 – The Baltimore Sun at

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Rainiest Day In San Francisco History

With lots more rain in the forecast, by 1pm it was already the second rainiest day in San Francisco history.


The ski lifts at Alpine Meadows are shut down due to too much snow.

Webcams | Palisades Tahoe

“The most severe drought in 1,200 years is prompting the Biden administration to invest $84.7 million to help US western states bolster dwindling water supplies.”

December 22, 2022

US Pledges $85 Million to Fight Worst Drought in 1,200 Years – Bloomberg

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Olympics In Danger

The 1932, 1952, 1960 and 1964 winter Olympics almost had to be cancelled due to warm weather and a lack of snow, whereas recent Winter Olympics have been among the coldest on record.

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Fauci Fan Club

“The walls in Dr. Anthony S. Fauci’s home office are adorned with portraits of him, drawn and painted by some of his many fans. The most striking one is by the singer Joan Baez. The two of them, he said, “have become pretty good friends over the years.”

Anthony Fauci Prepares for Retirement After Half a Century in Government – The New York Times

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