Angry Climate Deniers

Green energy advocates have created a huge energy mess, and they are quite predictably trying to blame their own disaster on the people who were warning them not to do it.

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Top White House Officials

These people are in charge of health and nuclear safety in the US.

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Meteorologists Document Climate Change

The earth has turned red hot over the past five years.

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Don’t Be A Conspiracy Theorist

“SARS-CoV-2 is an American-created recombinant bat vaccine, or its precursor virus. It was created by an EcoHealth Alliance program at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), as suggested by the reporting surrounding the lab leak hypothesis. The details of this program have been concealed since the pandemic began. These details can be found in the EcoHealth Alliance proposal response to the DARPA! PREEMPT“! program Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) HROO118S0017, dated March 2018’* – a document not yet publicly disclosed.

The contents of the proposed program are extremely detailed. Peter Daszak lays out step-by-step what the organization intends to do by phase and by location. The primary scientists involved, their roles, and their institutions are indicated. The funding plan for the WIV work is its own document. The reasons why nonpharmaceutical interventions like masks and medical countermeasures like the mRNA vaccines do not work well can be extrapolated from the details. The reasons why the early treatment protocols work as curatives are apparent.”


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Michael Mann’s Latest Hockey Stick

Besides Michael Mann forgetting the semicolon on the third line. the National Climate Assessment says the exact opposite.

“the number of record lows has been declining since the late-1970s”

Temperature Changes in the United States – Climate Science Special Report

The frequency of hot afternoons in the US has declined.

The frequency of cold nights has declined.

The average daily temperature range has declined.

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“a very lucrative investment”

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Harvard Hockey Stick

Pretty soon everyone at Harvard will be in the top 1% of their class.

Grade Inflation: What Goes Up Must Come Down | Opinion | The Harvard Crimson

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Climate Impact Labels On Fast Food

Study shows climate impact labels on food sold in fast food restaurants can change buying habits

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Following The Science

“New Twitter policy is to follow the science, which necessarily includes reasoned questioning of the science”

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“a very lucrative investment”

“Twitter may become a very lucrative investment because as a free speech alternative opposed to deep state controlled propaganda media why would anyone use anything else?”

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