“What’s Wrong With The Science?”

An interesting X-Files episode, presented as fiction at the time.

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No Accountability

From 2012 :

“from today’s Australian newspaper.  I’d like to revisit this thread in 2020 and see how we’re going.”

“people like Professor Pickering should sign a deal that says if their predictions are totally wrong (like by 2020 in her case), they have to say sorry to everyone and quit their jobs”

Here we go again (global warming) | BOARDWORLD Forums | Australia’s Premier Boardsports Community

End of Australian snow in sight – Griffith News

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100 Times Faster

“Greenland’s Glaciers Might Be Melting 100 Times As Fast As Previously Thought

A computer model has been created by researchers at the Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin that determines the rate at which Greenland’s glacier fronts are melting.”

Greenland’s Glaciers Might Be Melting 100 Times As Fast As Previously Thought – UT News

Greenland’s largest glacier is growing for the first time since at least 1850.

Jakobshavn Glacier Grows for Third Straight Year – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

“Observations of the Alpine glaciers during a series of years have supplied proof that these great ice streams have long been in prove of recession. Similar evidence with regard to the Greenland glaciers has not been collected over & wile area, though Dr, M. C. Engell, of Copenhagen, who visited the Jakobshavn glacier last summer, has made a collection of facts which seems to show conclusively that the glaciers of Greenland are also receding.


Scientific American: Supplement – Google Books

Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin 14, 14-25


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The End Of Snow In The UK

The press announced the end of snow in Britain in the year 2000.

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past – Environment – The Independent

Global warming forces sale of Scottish winter sports resorts | UK news | The Guardian

Then they announced the end of snow in Britain in 2020.

Climate change: Snowy UK winters could become thing of the past – BBC News

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The End Of Snow In Australia

Ten years ago the press announced the end of snow in Australia by the year 2020.

“ENVIRONMENTAL researchers say the end of Australia’s ski culture is in sight, despite Victoria and NSW experiencing one of their best snow seasons in almost a decade.

People were still shredding up powder last weekend at some of Australia’s top ski resorts, but Griffith associate professor Catherine Pickering says snow is rapidly disappearing because of global warming and by 2020 Australia may not have any left.”


Five years ago the press announced the end of snow in Australia

Snowy retreat: Climate change puts Australia’s ski industry on a downhill slope

In 2020, Australian Geographic announced the end of snow.

The end of snow – Australian Geographic

This year there was “almost too much snow.”

‘There’s almost too much snow’: Snowfall breaks 44-year record on Queen’s Birthday long weekend


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Biden The Nuclear Physicist

The Biden White House has solved the nuclear fusion problem.

Fusion energy breakthrough unveiled by Biden administration – The Washington Post

They had to do it, because their top nuclear official got arrested.

Non-binary Biden nuclear official Sam Brinton fired after luggage theft charges

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“Eliminate Carbon By 2030”

(10) NHSClimateEmergency (@NhsClimate) / Twitter

In 1967, Mr. Spock, Captain Kirk and two guys wearing red shirts discovered silicon based life.  All devoted Star Trek fans know what happens to crew members wearing red shirts who beam down off the ship.

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Joe Biden’s Patience Wearing Thin

Joe Biden threatening Americans who refused to get injected.

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“Snow-Starved Oslo”

The 1952 Winter Olympics almost had to be cancelled because of a lack of snow.

“Sixth Winter Olympics Open in Snow-Starved Oslo Today

More than 300 soldiers working day and night have brought the giant slalom course into good shape by shoveling in snow from every nearby gully”

14 Feb 1952, 73 – The Los Angeles Times at Newspapers.com

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The Tolerant And Inclusive Left

“Norwegian actress Tonje Gjevjon faces up to 3 years in prison for saying men cannot be lesbians”

Tonje Gjevjon faces up to 3 years in prison for saying men cannot be lesbians

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