Pattern Recognition

I posted this Thomas Sowell video on my YouTube channel and the comment thread had a significant number of anti-Semitic comments.  Most of  my videos get close to 100% likes, this one only got 86% likes.

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Your Tax Dollars At Work

The US is headed for historic cold this Christmas, with brutal cold in Montana, Wyoming, the Dakotas, Minnesota and parts of Idaho and Wisconsin.

10-Day Temperature Outlook for the Conterminous U.S.

This is pretty close to what the Farmers Almanac predicted in August.

Extended Winter Forecast for 2022-2023 – Farmers’ Almanac

And nothing like what NOAA predicted in August.

Climate Prediction Center – Seasonal Outlook

NOAA apparently was too busy tampering with data and producing global warming propaganda to focus on doing an accurate forecast.

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Your Tax Dollars At Work

“A genuine expert can always foretell a thing that is 500 years away easier than he can a thing that’s only 500 seconds off.”

– Mark Twain

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Left-Wing Mathematics

These people are allowed to vote.

3:25 AM · Dec 11, 2022

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New York Times Reinventing The Past

When the New York Times isn’t busy covering up crimes committed by the Democratic Party, another favorite activity of theirs is trying to rewrite history.

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Projections Of The Left

5:25 AM · Dec 9, 2022

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UK Net Zero

Wind is currently producing 2% of UK electricity.

Wind power production as a percentage

Wind speed near London is 1 mph.

Ventusky – Wind, Rain and Temperature Maps

Boris Johnson Aims UK Electricity to be 100% Green Power by 2035 | Earth.Org

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“Vaccine Deniers”

9:07 AM · Dec 11, 2022

The COVID-19 death rate in the US was more than 50% higher than Sweden, where there were no lockdowns or mask mandates. Most schools and restaurants stayed open.

COVID-19 Data Explorer – Our World in Data

“If you look at the data, the countries that did very little have a lower death rate than the U.S.,” Rand Paul, a doctor, said. “It’s important that we the people not simply acquiesce to authoritarian mandates on our behavior without first making the nanny state prove their hypothesis.”

Fauci spars with Rand Paul over Covid-19 response – POLITICO

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Rapid Climate Change

“The woke mind virus is either defeated or nothing else matters”
– Elon Musk

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Covering Up The Cover-Up

First the press covered up the Hunter Biden laptop story. Now they are covering up the cover-up of the Hunter Biden laptop story.

8:07 AM · Dec 10, 2022

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