Energy Policy At The White House

Sam Brinton is one of the top energy experts in the Biden administration.  He stole  a woman’s luggage from the baggage carousel at the airport and then lied to the police about it.

5:26 PM · Jun 29, 2022

Controversial energy official charged with stealing woman’s luggage at MSP  – Alpha News

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Liberal Thinking

Joseph refers to himself as plural, describes Republicans as land without feelings, and argues it is OK to discriminate against and censor people who are in the minority. He apparently believes that Democrats in Los Angeles and New York should be allowed to force their beliefs on the rest of the country.

3:37 AM · Nov 29, 2022

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Heatwave, Drought And Famine Of 1921

“They struggle on and on in agony until their sufferings become unbearable and they fall by the way, victims of the greatest catastrophe the world has ever seen.”

“ 30,000,000 in Russia Famine Zone having eaten cats, rats and dogs’ are now fleeing from their homes in a desperate search for some place where there is some Food.”

“ Bark is being stripped off the Trees for Food.”

04 Aug 1921, 7 – The Daily Telegraph at

Switzerland’s Lake Morat dried up.

04 Sep 1921, 61 – New York Herald at

This is what Lake Morat looks like now.

25 Jun 1921, Page 2 – The Indianapolis News at

There was a large solar storm on May 15 of that year.

The Great Storm of May 1921: An Exemplar of a Dangerous Space Weather Event – Hapgood – 2019 – Space Weather – Wiley Online Library


(PDF) The 1859 space weather event revisited: Limits of extreme activity

15 May 1921, 7 – Austin American-Statesman at

15 May 1921, 1 – Chattanooga Daily Times at

15 May 1921, 55 – The San Francisco Examiner at

The San Francisco Examiner  devoted three pages to an explanation of how the drought was linked to behavior of the planets and the sun.



RUSSIA’S SUFFERING. But it is in Russia, along the fertile wheat fields of the Volga, which used to feed not only Russia and neighboring countries, but the whole of Europe, that we see the worst famine. The vast valley of the Volga, from Samara to Penn, is reduced to a state of desolation—with from twenty to forty million lives .endangered by famine, and millions, of men, women and children migrating, in various directions, in the hope of finding food. The water from springs and wells is utterly exhausted, and the country dried up and cracked open to a great depth, owing to the absence of rain for six months, from March to September. No such drought and famine has ever before afflicted Russia; and the governments of Europe and America are exerting themselves to succor millions of destitute and starving Russians.”


20 Nov 1921, 51 – The San Francisco Examiner at

Prior to data tampering by NOAA and NASA, 1921 was the second hottest year in the US.

03 Oct 1921, 6 – New York Herald at

NASA 1999

NASA 2019

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“GSA Position Statement”

The Geological Society of America bases their position about global warming on a set of fake statistics like “decreasing northern hemisphere snow.”

Geological Society of America

Snow cover is at a record high.

Global Cryosphere Watch

Rutgers University Climate Lab :: Global Snow Lab

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Green Germany

“I sometimes wonder if our leaders are very smart and just putting us on, or very stupid and mean it.”

? Mark Twain

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Jeff Bezos Wants You Eating Insects

Eating insects can be good for you – The Washington Post

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Mass Child Abuse

The political left is using children for cannon fodder in their war to retain power.

4:00 AM · Feb 5, 2022

70 Per Cent of Children Aged 7-12 Now Afraid of Climate Change – Survey

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Green Germany

“The export-oriented German economy is suffering particularly from the high energy prices. Industry representatives fear that numerous companies will migrate. Politicians must take countermeasures – otherwise Germany would move “unchecked towards a dangerous turning point”.

Unternehmen in Energiekrise: „Kann der K. o. für den Standort Deutschland sein“ – WELT

This comes one year after the German government announced the end of fossil fuels.

26th United Nations Climate Change Conference: End of the fossil fuel era | Press release | BMUV

China is ramping up their coal usage as “rich nations” shut coal down.

Annual CO? emissions

12:15 PM · Nov 6, 2012

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“Increased emergency cardiovascular events among under-40 population in Israel during vaccine rollout”

“the findings raise concerns regarding vaccine-induced undetected severe cardiovascular side-effects and underscore the already established causal relationship between vaccines and myocarditis”

Increased emergency cardiovascular events among under-40 population in Israel during vaccine rollout and third COVID-19 wave | Scientific Reports

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Profiting From Fear

Al Gore’s Antarctic ice core graph showed the exact opposite of what he claimed. He scammed billions of schoolchildren and got rich.

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