Same Arizona Fraud – Different Election

Which sport would allow one of the participants to also be referee and scorekeeper?

After watching Maricopa County Democrats steal the 2018 senate election, I never expected to see see an honest election in that state again.

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The Core Of The Democratic Party

“Democrats will spend this evening nervously cheering for a spate of former CIA operatives to win their races”

12:19 PM · Nov 8, 2022

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All Weather Is Now Climate

Climate alarmists blame every weather even on climate change, while parroting their mantra “weather is not climate.”

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All Weather Is Now Climate

“Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley called for a massive overhaul of international development loans and a 10 percent tax on fossil fuel companies, which she said made “$200 billion in profits in the last three months.” “I don’t need to repeat the horror and the devastation wrecked upon this Earth over the course of the last 12 months since we met in Glasgow,” Mottley said. “Whether the apocalyptic floods in Pakistan or the heat waves from Europe to China or indeed in the last few days in my own region, the devastation caused in Belize by Tropical Storm Lisa or the torrential floods a few days ago in St. Lucia.”

Al Gore urges world leaders, says ‘it is not time for moral cowardice’ – Sharm El-Sheikh – COP27 – Ahram Online

Barbados has been destroyed several times by some of the strongest hurricanes on record.

“Retired meteorologist, Deighton Best, said the hurricane which struck on August 10, 1831 was perhaps the most powerful ever to hit Barbados. “I would rate the winds at 200 miles per hour”

Can Barbados be Hit.pdf

“It passed over the ill fated island of Barbados on the night of the 10th inst. and in eight hours left it desolate, covered with ruins and dead bodies

Private letters estimate the number of lives lost at between four and five thousand”

Macon Telegraph, Sep 17, 1831, p. 7 | NewspaperArchive

30 Dec 1780, 2 – Jackson’s Oxford Journal at

TimesMachine: November 13, 1898 –

On May 19, 1780 the sky was black as night in New England due to massive wildfires in Canada.

Forest Fires – Google Books

The New England Dark Day, May 19, 1780 – New England Historical Society

CSIRO PUBLISHING | International Journal of Wildland Fire

That year also brought the deadliest Atlantic Hurricane and the third deadliest Pacific typhoon.

The Deadliest Atlantic Tropical Cyclones, 1492-1996   

Mother Nature’s Fury: 10 Devastating Historical Hurricanes, 1502-1780

Template:Deadliest typhoons – Wikipedia

East Pakistan (Bangladesh) was hit by the deadliest storm on record in 1970 near the peak of the global cooling scare.

Daytona Beach Sunday News-Journal – Google News Archive Search

World’s deadliest tropical cyclone was 50 years ago | World Meteorological Organization

“The highest storm surge in the past century from a Bay of Bengal cyclone occurred during the Great Bhola Cyclone of 1970, when a storm surge of 34.8 feet (10.6 meters) roared inland during one of the highest high tides of the year (Karim and Mimura, 2008; Shrestha, 1998). The death toll from the cyclone was the highest in human history, estimated at 300,000 – 550,000.”

World storm surge records : Weather Underground


U.S. and Soviet Press Studies of a Colder Arctic – The New York Times

14 Nov 1970, Page 1 – The Charleston Daily Mail at

he Red Cross described 1927 as the worst year in history, with 111 disasters – including 29 tornadoes, 24 floods, 9 hurricanes and 23 fires.

25 Nov 1927, Page 7 – The News-Review at

St. Louis was destroyed by a tornado.

The Pittsburgh Press – Google News Archive Search

November flooding wiped out more than 1,000 bridges in Vermont, and drowned the Lieutenant Governor.

01 Oct 1927 – CITY DEVASTATED. – Trove

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The Imaginary Energy Transition

“Energy transition” is the buzz phrase at COP27. Like everything they are talking about, it is misinformation and fake news.

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1983 : CIA Disinformation Campaign

“We will know our disinformation program is complete, when everything the American public believes is false.”

– William Casey CIA Director 1981

“I am, as an ex-CIA agent, opposed to the disinformation activities in which I was involved. I admit that I was involved, and I think it served no useful purpose. Propagandizing the American public or Congress is not the CIA’s job.”

—Frank Snepp 1983

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Seizing Control Of Public Policy

“The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present — and is gravely to be regarded. Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.”

– President Eisenhower January 17, 1961

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We Are From The US Government And We Are Here To Help

The US government stands ready to fight to the last Ukrainian.

Kyiv prepares for a winter with no heat, water or power – POLITICO

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1979 – United Nations Pushing Global Cooling

“Drought, floods, the failure of monsoons and the run of hard winters are all evidence, they say, that the world has come to the end of a spell of even-tempered weather which began in about 1910 and lasted until about 1960. This period has even been called “a little tropical age” by one of the more quotable of climatologists, Professor Reid Bryson.

What follows the tropics could be harder to live with — weather more typical of the 19th century or even of the “little Ice Age” which lasted between 1430 and 1850”

“One paper to be presented at the Geneva conference, by Lawrence Gates of Oregon State University, declares that “the carbon dioxide climate problem appears destined to become the major environmental crisis in the future, and its resolution will be a prime factor in the world’s future energy strategy”.

But the main paper on the subject takes a more cautious line. “Few, if any, scientists believe the carbon dioxide problem in itself justifies a curb, today, in the usage of fossil fuels or deforestation,”

The Age – Google News Archive Search

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Biden : “No More Drilling”

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