YouTube Clown Show (Part 2)

YouTube contaminates most of my videos with United Nations junk science propaganda about fossil fuels.

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YouTube Clown Show

YouTube has a new algorithm which guarantees most comments won’t be seen by the majority of viewers.

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1920 – When Scientific American Reported Actual Science

“STANDING redwood trees are almost immune from forest fires and this fact necessitates a distinction between the redwood and pine forests in California in any consideration of light burning, a test of which is advocated by the California Forest Protective Association and other private associations and lumbermen for the sake of clearing the forest floor of debris and thus preventing big destructive fires. In the redwood forests slashings and underbrush occasionally cause fires hot enough to burn to the tops of redwood trees, destroying their branches and foliage but in nearly every case they put out new foliage the next season. This immunity of redwoods to fire is due partly to the climate of the redwood region and partly to the absence of resin in the wood and its thick non-combustible bark. The primary pine region extends from the Oregon line south through the Sierra Nevada :Mountains following closely the line of winter snows and being 2,000 to 3,000 feet above sea level. The timber is in open, park-like stands anll in early days the forest floor was kept clear from brush anll litter by the light burning practised by the Indians and the occasional fires caused by lightning. The trees passed through several centuries of these fires to make splendid timber. In these days of close fire prevention and control a rank growth of underbrush has sprung up in California pine forests and there is much debris in places. This causes hot fires which are hard to control and often burn mature trees. Fire tends to prevent fire as is shown by the small timber losses of 1912 and subsequent years, following 1910, in which year forest fires were the most disastrous known for years in California. Since 1915 the loss each year has been greater than the season before. increasing from less than 2 per cent of the 1910 loss in ]915 to over 60 per cent in 1919, thus showing that the underbrush is accumulating.”


“Fertilizing the air with carbon dioxide to promote plant growth

ONE of the principal constituents making up the body of a plant is carbon, representing about one-half of its organic substance. The opinion that this carbon is derived from the soil has long been abandoned, modern investigation having shown atmospheric carbonic acid to be absorbed by means 0’f the chlorophyll 0r green matter of the leaves and decomposed into its elements, the carbon, in conjunction with the root sap and atmospheric m0isture, being worked into organic compounds. Whereas atmospheric air at present is relatively poor in carb0nic acid, of which it contains only about .03 per cent, at an early period in the development of our planet, when this was covered with the luxuriant forests our coal deposits are derived from, it comprised incomparably greater quantities of this gas. This fact suggested the idea of heightening the fertility of the soil by increasing its carbonic acid content and thus producing conditions resembling those of antediluvian ages.”


November 1920 – Scientific American

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The Holy Grail Of Batteries

“Breakthrough in next generation of storage batteries could transform the US electrical grid within five to 10 years, says research agency, Arpa-E

A US government agency says it has attained the “holy grail” of energy – the next-generation system of battery storage, that has has been hotly pursued by the likes of Bill Gates and Elon Musk.

Thu 3 Mar 2016”

US agency reaches ‘holy grail’ of battery storage sought by Elon Musk and Gates | Energy storage | The Guardian

On September 6, wind and solar were producing 6% of US electricity, while natural gas and coal were producing 66%.

Real-time Operating Grid – U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

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St. Vincent Destroyed By 1780 And 1898 Hurricanes

The New York Times


Results in the Island of St. Vincent Worse Than Reported.

|Distress of the People Described as « Exceeding That Caused by the Great Famine in India.

KINGSTON, Jamaica, Nov. 2.—The results of calm investigation have proved conclusively that so far from being exaggerated the first reports of the destruction wrought by the cyclone at St. Vincent were rather short of the actual facts. The island was literally swept absolutely bare of vegetation, the experience of 1780 being repeated, but the full extent of the devastation was not at first realized, owing to the difficulty of communication through the destruction of the roads and the coastal shipping.

TimesMachine: November 13, 1898 –

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The War On Women And Children (Part 2)

Child labor in the Congo produces the cobalt which allows rich western progressives to virtue signal about climate.

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Ad Hoc Climate Blame

Academics understand they can get their fifteen minutes of fame and lots of funding by making up fake stories blaming everything on “climate change.”

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The War On Women And Children

Tens of millions of women in Africa die every year because they lack access to natural gas and electric ovens. They cook using dung or wood and suffer severe respiratory illnesses. Joe Biden’s climate advisor was in Africa this week and told them not to use natural gas.

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White Supremacists In America

The wealthy residents of Martha’s Vineyard say they have no room for poor immigrants on their island. (This apparently doesn’t apply to the immigrants who come in for the day to clean their homes and take care of their children.)

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US White Supremacists

The white supremacists of the Marth’s Vineyard sanctuary community called in the National Guard to evict 50 undocumented immigrants whom they promised housing to. The press calls these evictions “helping the immigrants.”


National Guard assisting migrants moved to Cape Cod – CBS Boston

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