The World’s Largest Industry (Part 3)

Earth was much warmer 5,000 years ago, but reality doesn’t suit the needs of globalists – so the warmth of the past is being erased.

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Lies, Damned Lies And Climate Statistics

A big part of the effort by government and the press to misinform the public about energy and climate, is the use of fake and/or meaningless weather statistics.

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CO2 Causes COVID-19

Majority of Queensland classrooms record higher carbon dioxide levels increasing COVID-19 risk, study shows – ABC News

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“truth and community”

Apparently Facebook censorship and fake fact checking isn’t enough to make some people happy.

“try BeReal. This is a social media app that wants to cut out all of the filters, fakery, and misinformation that you find elsewhere. Social media should not be a force for evil but one of truth and community”

7 Alternatives to Each Major App We Almost All Use (That Are Much Better) | by Tosny | Sep, 2022 | Medium

Facebook fact-checkers determined that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation, and also have determined that earth’s climate didn’t used to change.

(20+) CO2 Coalition – Posts | Facebook

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Australia Melting

Experts predict Australia will be ice-free within six months, unless you purchase an electric vehicle.

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2682 Days Left For The Planet

According to Congressional climate expert Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the planet will be destroyed by global warming in 2,682 days.

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Shrimp On The Barbie September 17, 2022

Global warming hitting both Australia and Austria hard today.

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Perplexing Biden Behavior

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis discusses what Joe Biden actually seems to care about.

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History Repeats

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John Kerry Making Up Statistics

The Biden administration is completely unbounded by facts, science, veracity or any relationship to the truth.

“We’re seeing impacts in every country in the world: the worst drought in Chinese history has left the Yangtze River, the longest in Asia, nearly dry in places. We’ve seen unprecedented floods in Pakistan, and heatwaves in the United States. Temperatures 100 — 100! — degrees above normal in Antarctica. And every year we now lose ten million of our fellow human beings globally to extreme heat and air pollution.”

Remarks of Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) – U.S. Embassy in Senegal

“During 1972 record rains in parts of the U.S., Pakistan and Japan caused some of the worst flooding in centuries.

Telltale signs are everywhere —from the unexpected persistence and thickness of pack ice in the waters around Iceland to the southward migration of a warmth-loving creature like the armadillo from the Midwest. Since the 1940s the mean global temperature has dropped about 2.7° F.”

TIME Magazine Archive Article — Another Ice Age? — Jun. 24, 1974

500,000 STARVING IN CHINA’S DROUGHT- The New York Times

The worldwide drought and record heat of 1876-1878 killed fifty million people.

A freak 1870s climate event caused drought across three continents | New Scientist

Late Victorian Holocausts: El Niño Famines and the Making of the Third World , Davis, Mike –

SNAFU!: The Southern India famine of 1876–78

North China famine, 1876-79 |

12 Jul 1878 – INDIA. – Trove

It has been clear since the 1980s that the 1877-78 El Niño was intense. “Now we have a lot more data,” says Singh. “This event was the strongest El Niño that has occurred since the 1850s.” Sea surface temperatures remained high for 16 months. That makes it bigger than the huge El Niños of 1997-98 and 2015-16. A nexus of impacts But that’s not all. In 1877 a second climate cycle, the Indian Ocean Dipole, was active – meaning the western Indian Ocean was warmer than the east. This typically weakens India’s monsoons. “It was the strongest Indian Ocean Dipole on record,” says Singh. The Atlantic Ocean was also unusually warm from 1877 to 1879. “Following the El Niño, it peaked to the most extreme temperatures on record,” says Singh.

A freak 1870s climate event caused drought across three continents | New Scientist

This came at the peak of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation.

Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs

New South Wales’ all-time record temperature of 127F occurred on January 17, 1877.


There was no winter in Minnesota that year.


19 Mar 1878, Page 2 – Star Tribune at

Australia had record heat.

14 Jan 1878 – Great Heat in the Interior. – Trove

China had a famine which killed nearly ten million people.

15 Jun 1931, Page 6 – Montana Butte Standard at


And there was universal drought.

28 Jan 1878 – UNIVERSAL DROUGHT. – Trove

29 Jan 1878, Page 7 – The Sydney Morning Herald at

31 Jan 1878, Page 7 – The Sydney Morning Herald at

24 Jan 1878, Page 7 – The Sydney Morning Herald at

02 Mar 1878, 6 – Daily News at

07 Jun 1878, Page 7 – The Sydney Morning Herald at

12 Jun 1877, 4 – Express and Standard at

02 Feb 1878 – YARRAWONGA. – Trove

20 Dec 1878 – Deadly Heat. – Trove

14 Sep 1878 – Great Heat at St. Louis. – Trove

23 Feb 1878 – BRISBANE. – Trove


11 Jan 1878 – THE EXCESSIVE HEAT. – Trove

This didn’t suit the agenda of climate alarmists, so Michael Mann is now trying to erase the AMO.

The Rise and Fall of the “Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation” | MICHAEL E. MANN

NASA has also erased 1878.

As of the year 2000, NASA showed no net warming from 1870 to 1979, with 1878 being the warmest year.

But they now hide data before 1880, and show about 0.7C warming prior to 1980

This animation shows how they have altered the data

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