China Shutting Down EV Charging Stations

China doesn’t have enough electricity to recharge electric vehicles.

China Shuts Down EV Chargers to Conserve Power During Heat Wave

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Climate Commitments

The UN held their first climate convention thirty years ago.  Since then the rate of growth of atmospheric CO2 has increased 340%.

“The Kyoto Protocol was an international treaty which extended the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that commits state parties to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, based on the scientific consensus that global warming is occurring and that human-made CO? emissions are driving it.”

Global Monitoring Laboratory – Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases

Global primary energy consumption by source

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Erasing The Holocene Warm Period

Michael Mann continues his efforts to erase earth’s history.

12:39 PM · Dec 20, 2021

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Biden Laptop Coverup

The Wall Street Journal discusses how intelligence agencies, the FBI, the press and social media worked together to interfere with the 2020 election and overthrow the President of The United States.

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Green German Demokratic Republic

Germany has committed to stop buying oil from Russia, and their strategy seems to be to steal it instead.

Germany takes control of Russian-owned refinery amid energy crisis | Reuters

Bloomberg describes international piracy as “energy independence” and glorifies the “full muscle of of German state.”

Germany seizing things was a popular news story in 1939 as well.

31 Dec 1939, 13 – Dayton Daily News at

“National Post (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) – 26 Feb 2009, Thu


Strong growth in Germany’s renew- able energy sector along with in- creased state spending for environment protection could help shorten the country’s worst post-war recession, the German government said on Tuesday. Deputy environment minister Astrid Klug said there were now 250,000 jobs in Germany’s renewable energies sector and an overall total of 1.8 million in environmental protection. The number of jobs in renewables will triple by 2020 and hit 900,000 by 2030. “In- vestments in climate protection can help us get out of this crisis faster,” Klug told a news conference. “Climate protection is a real job motor for Germany.”

26 Feb 2009, 20 – National Post at

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Biden Economic Boom

“If you asked me a year ago, ‘What is the worst scenario for financial markets?’ I think things are now worse than anything we could have imagined,” said Nicolai Tangen, the head of Norway’s sovereign wealth fund”

Stocks Slide in One of Wall Street’s Worst Weeks This Year – The New York Times

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United Nations Climate Commitments

In 1989 the United Nations said we had ten years to stop global warming unless we stabilized atmospheric CO2. They began a process which has now thrown the world into chaos.

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The FBI Defending America

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Scientific Expertise In The Press

On March 25, 2020 experts at The Atlantic said COVID-19 was going to kill almost one American every second for the next six months because President Trump refused to lock the country down.

“By the end of the summer, the pandemic will have directly killed 2.2 million Americans”

By the end of the summer, the pandemic will have directly killed 2.2 million Americans,

They were off by a factor of ten, and the vast majority of deaths have occurred since Biden and “vaccines” arrived.

United States COVID – Coronavirus Statistics – Worldometer

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Life In The Disinformation Age

One hundred years ago Scientific American knew that increasing the amount of CO2 in atmosphere would make the planet more habitable for humans. But now they have a different agenda.

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