Climate Confidence Con

Climate Central is spreading wildly fraudulent information in an effort to get frightened people to send them money.

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Biden IQ Test

If you don’t believe Biden has lowered gas prices, apparently you have a low IQ.

Updated Aug 5

Gas Station Price Charts – Local & National Historical Average Trends –

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Liz Cheney’s 2024 Election Chances

“There’s a bigger chance of finally finding those WMD’s in Iraq that Dick Cheney lied about, than there is of Liz Cheney being elected President in 2024”
–Donald Trump Jr.
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Collapse Of The Arctic Melting Scam

Arctic sea ice extent is up 31 percent over the last decade, Greenland’s surface is gaining ice, and the press continues pushing the same disinformation about a “melting Arctic.”

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The Place No One Knew

The real story of why Lake Powell is drying up.

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Climate Prophets

Shifting U.S. Cities | Climate Central

The closest active USHCN station to Grand Rapids is at Alma which recorded it’s hottest temperature of 108F on July 14, 1936. Alma hasn’t been over 100F since 2001.

Alma has recorded 1,751 days over 90F since 1887, 74% of which occurred before 1980.

Summer afternoon temperatures have also plummeted in Indiana and Tennessee.

Temperatures at Bloomington, Indiana also peaked on July 14, 1936 and the frequency of hot days has plummeted.

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Greens Invent Wind Powered Ship

In order to save the world from bad weather, green engineers have come up with a new idea – ships powered by wind coupled with another means of propulsion.

World’s Largest Clean Energy Cargo Ship Combines Sailing With Electric Propulsion – autoevolution

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Liz Cheney Defines “Real Men”

Kevin Costner

2:37 PM · Aug 1, 2022

1:02 PM · Jun 26, 2020

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“the biggest step forward on climate in our history”

4:31 PM · Aug 16, 2022

Fourteen years ago Obama healed the planet and slowed the rise of the seas.

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Alec Baldwin Compares Liz Cheney To A Russian Dissident

Alec Baldwin has a lot in common with the Cheney family. Like Dick Cheney he mishandles guns and shoots people for no reason.

Alec Baldwin compares Liz Cheney to an American Navalny | The Hill

And also like Dick Cheney, Alec Baldwin tried to cover up what what he had done.

Vice and the real story behind Dick Cheney shooting accident scene

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