Wuhan Lujan’s War On Science

“We are witnessing the aridification of the West in real time. The nation-leading work my administration has done and continues to do to reduce emissions, mitigate the effects of climate change, and develop a 50-year water plan is more important than ever.”

12:30 PM · Jul 25, 2022

Rio Grande streamflow is above normal in Albuquerque with above normal rainfall in the forecast for the rest of the month.

USGS | National Water Dashboard

10-Day Precipitation Outlook for the Conterminous U.S.

Two years ago Scientific American praised her “science-based” approach to COVID, right before cases skyrocketed.

How New Mexico Controlled the Spread of COVID-19 – Scientific American

Since then, COVID-19 cases in New Mexico have increased by a factor of ten, and the governor has locked the state down again.

How New Mexico Controlled the Spread of COVID-19 – Scientific American

New Mexico has one of the highest vaccination rates in the US and the sixth highest COVID-19 death rate. Here in Wyoming we have the second lowest vaccination rate and did much better than New Mexico.

More Than 12.4 Billion Shots Given: Covid-19 Vaccine Tracker

United States COVID – Coronavirus Statistics – Worldometer

Have we flattened the curve in New Mexico? – Johns Hopkins

Have we flattened the curve in Wyoming? – Johns Hopkins

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President Cheney

“Cheney faces daunting prospects in her effort to fend off the Trump-backed Harriet Hageman, increasingly looking at a life beyond Capitol Hill that could include a possible presidential campaign.”

Cheney and Murkowski: Trump critics facing divergent futures | AP News

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Stopping The Spread

Masks worked so well that now almost everybody has been exposed.

CDC relaxes COVID-19 guidelines on quarantines, social distancing

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Media War On Science

“For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled.”

– Richard Feynman

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Tacloban Typhoons

Washington Evening Journal, Nov 30, 1912, p. 1

29 Nov 1912, Page 1 – The Oregon Daily Journal at Newspapers.com

29 Nov 1912, 1 – Lincoln Journal Star at Newspapers.com

30 Nov 1912 – DEADLY TYPHOON. – Trove

TimesMachine: November 29, 1912 – NYTimes.com

29 Nov 1897, Page 1 – Daily News-Democrat at Newspapers.com


TimesMachine: November 28, 1897 – NYTimes.com

Lubbock Morning Avalanche, Dec 27, 1947, p. 1

Tipton County Tribune, Oct 28, 1988, p. 1

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Boris Building Back Better

“Britain’s energy crisis will push millions into destitution this winter unless the government hands out more cash to help struggling households pay fuel bills, Rishi Sunak, the trailing candidate in the contest to become Britain’s next leader, said.”

More cash needed to save Britons from destitution in energy crisis – PM contender Sunak

“In the UK, through our net zero strategy, we’re pioneering a green industrial revolution, with public investment leveraging billions of pounds of private funding into whole new industries from offshore wind to carbon capture and storage allowing us in the UK to level up our whole country with thousands of new green jobs. And by partnering with developing and emerging economies to invest in climate-smart infrastructure, and meeting our $100 billion climate finance commitment”

PM remarks at COP26 Build Back Better meetings: 2 November 2021 – GOV.UK

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Superstition Based Science

In 1846, climate analysis was based on superstition – and it still is in the year 2022.

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The Press Vs. Science

The press says the Great Salt Lake is shrinking due to the burning of fossil fuels.

Scientists say that isn’t true.

Utah’s Great Salt Lake has lost half its water, thanks to thirsty humans | Science | AAAS

“February 1, 1900

Great Salt Lake Shrinking.

The reason why the Great Salt Lake in Utah is growing smaller, according to Prof. J. E. Talmage, is that the volume of water from its four tributary rivers is being more or less diverted by irrigation. Prof. J. E. Talmage says the water of the lake is growing each year more acrid as it shrinks in size, and he thinks that in another 100 years it will be replaced by a glittering bed of dry salt.—San Francisco Chronicle.

Turner County Herald, Feb 1, 1900, p. 6 | NewspaperArchive®

“January 3, 1936


Great Salt Lake is. still shrinking. This is largely due to the fact that farms and cities are using more and more of the water from the streams that previously fed it. As a matter of fact, Great Salt Lake has been shrinking for many centuries. It was once a great inland sea known as Lake Bonneville. At that time it covered some 19,000 square miles of central Utah or an area equal to twice that of Lake Erie. Traces of shoreline have been found at 17 distinct levels, the highest being 1,000 feet above the present level.”

Quanah Tribune Chief, Jan 3, 1936, p. 12

06 Aug 1902, 1 – The Idaho Statesman at Newspapers.com

29 Sep 1951 – “HERALD” SATURDAY MAGAZINE Glaciers, Icebergs Meit As World Gets Warmer – Trove

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Progress With Electric Cars

In 1900, electric cars had problems with range, recharge time, cost, battery life and a lack of recharge stations along the road.


“the machine may stop in ten instead of twenty miles, as had been counted on. Again, if the power gives out between stations, it is impossible to replenish. At the present time, charging stations are few and far be- tween. In the near future, there will undoubtedly be more of them, but at present they are scarce. Another bad point in the system is the fact that it takes from two to three hours to charge a machine properly. The battery must gradually absorb the fluid electricity. It cannot be forced upon it, any more than a man can be forced to eat a square meal in two seconds. It takes time, and sometimes time !s precious. Furthermore, the deterioration of a battery is much  more rapid than the deterioration of any other system of machines.

In this case, the inventor will have many hard knots to untie. First, he must construct a stowage battery, which will carry a larger supply of the fluid. Second, the battery must not deteriorate so rapidly. Third, some attachment must be devised for re- charging more rapidly. This might be done if all stations were supplied with some quick charging device, or if the manufacturers would agree upon a standard battery which could be interchanged at the station for one already charged.”

Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 28, 1900, p. 20

In 1900, 38% of American cars were electric, and now it is less than 1%.

38% Of American Cars Were Electric In 1900 – CleanTechnica

The New York Times says electric vehicles are selling at a record pace of 5.6%.

Electric Car Sales Climb Sharply Despite Shortages – The New York Times

“The storage battery is, in my opinion, a catchpenny, a sensation, a mechanism for swindling the public by stock companies. The storage battery is one of those peculiar things which appeals to the imagination, and no more perfect thing could be desired by stock swindlers than that very selfsame thing. … Just as soon as a man gets working on the secondary battery it brings out his latent capacity for lying.”

  • Thomas Edison in The Electrician (London) Feb. 17, 1883, p. 329,

The Electrical Journal – Google Books


Edison’s New Storage Battery is Cause of Revolution.


Removes Last Objection to Electric Car Used by Advocates of Gas.

In the perfection of his new storage battery, Thomas A, Edison has inaugurated a new era in electric locomotion. The successful efforts of the electrical wizard will revolutionize the commercial adaption of vehicles propelled by their own power. The new batteries supply a long felt want In the electrical world and remove all objections to the electric automobile.”

09 May 1910, 4 – Des Moines Tribune at Newspapers.com

TimesMachine: January 20, 1911 – NYTimes.com

TimesMachine: November 12, 1911 – NYTimes.com

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Carbon Is Racist

The same weather as 1912 and 1897 is now proof of racist climate change.

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